Sunnis Seek Place in New Iraqi Government


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Does this sound familiar?

"We made a big mistake when we didn't vote," said Sheik Hathal Younis Yahiya, 49, a representative from northern Nineveh. "Our votes were very important."

Oh and then:

As the Shiite majority prepared to take control of the country's first freely elected government, tribal chiefs representing Sunni Arabs in six provinces issued a list of demands — including participation in the government and drafting a new constitution — after previously refusing to acknowledge the vote's legitimacy.

And the excuse:

He said threats from insurgents — not sectarian differences — kept most Sunnis from voting.

Ok, I buy that for some sunnis, but let me refresh this guys memory, "All Sunnies Should Boycott the Elections"

I think he needs a wwhaaambulance... :boohoo:

oops, link: sore losers

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