Sunspot, NM WTF is happening

IDK I can see the gov stepping in fast if some shit broke and was a threat/hazard to the public. They're legally liable for that shit, they could get sued if anyone got sick or hurt or whatever. Gotta cover your ass and get /everyone/ out of any potential harm - ESPECIALLY if you're the government because lawyers would literally cream themselves and kill each other over getting a case like that. There is sooo much money in suing the gov it's not even funny.
I can see why the Feds would shut down a nuclear plant site "for safety reasons" but shut down a telescope " for safety reasons?"

Only if it was to topple over. What are the G-men covering up?

Someone else was saying the telescope used mercury bearings which could explain it.
no comment, but this video from the sun observatory supposedly picked up an un identified object crossing the sun.

Solar Observatory shutdown: Huge 'UFO captured on sun feed' before FBI closure

Holy shit......could it really be Planet X, i.e Nibiru?

I have no idea, but it isnt the moon, that is for sure since it is moving the opposite direction.

Anything that huge that this telescope found, some other would likely have found as well and as far as I know this is the only one that got shut down. I don't personally think it's a cover up kind of deal. Though I would buy the AF base was doing some sekret testing theory.
IDK I can see the gov stepping in fast if some shit broke and was a threat/hazard to the public. They're legally liable for that shit, they could get sued if anyone got sick or hurt or whatever. Gotta cover your ass and get /everyone/ out of any potential harm - ESPECIALLY if you're the government because lawyers would literally cream themselves and kill each other over getting a case like that. There is sooo much money in suing the gov it's not even funny.
I can see why the Feds would shut down a nuclear plant site "for safety reasons" but shut down a telescope " for safety reasons?"

Only if it was to topple over. What are the G-men covering up?

Someone else was saying the telescope used mercury bearings which could explain it.
Yes, and they might keep it secret, as well, since mercury can be used for nefarious purposes so you don't want to advertise a leak. But that would have required Hazmat suits, which no one was wearing, according to the local sheriff.
IDK I can see the gov stepping in fast if some shit broke and was a threat/hazard to the public. They're legally liable for that shit, they could get sued if anyone got sick or hurt or whatever. Gotta cover your ass and get /everyone/ out of any potential harm - ESPECIALLY if you're the government because lawyers would literally cream themselves and kill each other over getting a case like that. There is sooo much money in suing the gov it's not even funny.
I can see why the Feds would shut down a nuclear plant site "for safety reasons" but shut down a telescope " for safety reasons?"

Only if it was to topple over. What are the G-men covering up?

Someone else was saying the telescope used mercury bearings which could explain it.
Yes, and they might keep it secret, as well, since mercury can be used for nefarious purposes so you don't want to advertise a leak. But that would have required Hazmat suits, which no one was wearing, according to the local sheriff.

I don't think it requires full on hazmat suits to enter the building where there's a mercury leak (just to actually clean it up) so I'm not sure the general public would have noticed/known. As long as you don't get it on your skin, and take proper care of the sponges/mops/rags/towels used to clean it up it's not such a big deal.
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!
Did you know that Germans are unable to pronounce "squirrel"?
That would be news to me! Never been over there, but it is on my bucketlist!

The Sheriff was asked to leave and has not returned

The entire town was evacuated

This video delves into FBI Protocol when an observatory finds something out of the norm. The closure of the observatory is a textbook example of FBI response to an anomalous observation. The video does NOT get into WHAT they saw -- if anything, just how the FBI functions in the event of such an occurance

I have no doubt the FBI will let us know the whole story
My theory is that the Russians were using the observatory to spy on the local military activities, and the FBI caught them. Trump won't let them announce it because he doesn't want to upset Putie.
My theory is that the Russians were using the observatory to spy on the local military activities, and the FBI caught them. Trump won't let them announce it because he doesn't want to upset Putie.

More like China since the Clinton crime cabal was so free with opening the patent office......for a fee,of course
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

They mailed a package to the observatory? Yeah. Maybe.

Another theory is that the observatory captured an image of "something" and they were put in immediate lockdown before they could disseminate it.
Because there is no internet, phone, fax, FedEx, UPS there & evreything must go via the USPS?
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

They mailed a package to the observatory? Yeah. Maybe.

Another theory is that the observatory captured an image of "something" and they were put in immediate lockdown before they could disseminate it.
Because there is no internet, phone, fax, FedEx, UPS there & evreything must go via the USPS?

Yeah. Someone used a fax to spy on White Sands.
My theory is that the Russians were using the observatory to spy on the local military activities, and the FBI caught them. Trump won't let them announce it because he doesn't want to upset Putie.

More like China since the Clinton crime cabal was so free with opening the patent office......for a fee,of course
DiFi as well. She probably recommended a Chinese national for a position at the Sunspot Observatory. Her Kavanaugh Letter was a well timed distraction
"They" are hiding the build up to a more devastating Carrington event.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

The electrical grid hasn't been upgraded nor has there been much effort to place protections in place in case of a Carrington like event or an EMP attack. It should give us all pause for thought and have a plan should an event like that happen.
Big ass candles, gas, and batteries lol. Worst comes to worst I know how to snare squirrels and stuff like that, my dad didn't raise a total fool lol.

Fuck that!!! Ya screw some rat traps on Oak or any other nut bearing tree and you can fill a freezer. Or your belly since freezers wont be working.
Lace it with peanut butter works every time.
Based on what's happening with the earth's tilt/contrast with moon perspective, increased volcanics, and the exponential increase in earthquakes since 2008, they more than likely saw what was perturbing the earth and quickly jumped in their helicopters to shut it all down.

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