Sunspot, NM WTF is happening

The electrical grid hasn't been upgraded nor has there been much effort to place protections in place in case of a Carrington like event or an EMP attack. It should give us all pause for thought and have a plan should an event like that happen.
Big ass candles, gas, and batteries lol. Worst comes to worst I know how to snare squirrels and stuff like that, my dad didn't raise a total fool lol.

Fuck that!!! Ya screw some rat traps on Oak or any other nut bearing tree and you can fill a freezer. Or your belly since freezers wont be working.
Lots of strategies to use your surroundings to your advantage if you have to, including the poor squirrels lol.

Shiiiit....I eat squirrels now!!! Chicken fried with white gravy!!!!
If there is no power for a long time and you are desperate for food squirrel chili slow cooked on the wood stove would probably be one of the better concoctions you eat lol.

This friend of mine that I have been doing work for the past seven months is the ultimate prepper that could easily live off of the grid for years. He and his wife grow their own vegetables and fruit and "cans" what they grow. He makes his own maple syrup. All "organic", of course. They raise chickens and cows. He is the epitome of the song "A Country Boy Can Survive" because he can skin a buck and he can run a trotline". He had some raccoons that were sneaking into the barn and raiding the cow and chicken feed. He set traps and caught one AND since he has really good heart, he painted it's tail and drove it out ten miles from his farm and let it loose. He painted the tail to see if it returned and if he didn't take it out far enough...

Well, he caught more and decided that "depopulating" the critters was the best bet after a few of his chickens were he shot a few after he caught them but one really fat one he decided to skin and save the meat. This guy is SOOO "old school" and I tell him he is the last of a dying breed. He can hunt with a bow and is a great shot with a rifle. He is a master mechanic, master electrician, a bad ass carpenter, he is adding "blacksmith" to his list of skills. He has three old tractors that he maintains. He cuts his own hay and bales it.... ALL the while running a mailing equipment rebuild company where he takes old mailing equipment and upgrades it to re-sell AND services it. I have seen him work 12 to 14 hour days and then does the "farm thing". I haven't seen a single thing that he cannot repair. He is also extremely "well read". I am in awe of the guy. He is 6'4 and freakishly strong but has such a gentle nature. I have seen him manhandle tractor tires that are as tall as I am in the heat of Summer like it's nothing. We will be working on a machine and dealing with an electronics issue and the barn cat (Taylor) will come over and lay her paws on his knees and while we are looking at the schematics, he will give Taylor attention. When he has company and if kids are involved? He stops down and gives them priority. He will give them rides on the tractor and he and his wife will put them on their horses and walk them around. Church every Sunday morning without fail.

I have decided to take a job back in Texas that has offered me a ridiculous amount of money but it was such a tough decision because I have learned so much from this guy. When I told him I was going back to Texas, he said "I can't replace ya, but I understand...gotta do what is best for you". When the feces eventually hits the oscillating blades (and it will) I will regret the decision but Texas is home for me. I consider myself very blessed for having come across Derrick.....old school tough with a work ethic and skills that are second to none.
I read this snip on Coast...

"The Drive, which notes that the National Solar Observatory "enjoys a wide and largely unobstructed view of both the U.S. Air Force's Holloman Air Force Base and the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range." As such, they posit that perhaps the situation at the site involves espionage in the form of some kind of technology surreptitiously installed on one of the antennas as the observatory and aimed at those sensitive installations which sit in an adjacent valley. This, they say, would explain why the local sheriff saw FBI agents examining high altitude areas of the facility.

Meanwhile, another opinion which may have merit is that the closure could be related to a large vat of liquid mercury which sits below a massive solar telescope at the site and is used in the operation of the device. Reasons why the considerable amount of liquid metal could have caught the attention of authorities is that there might have been some kind of spill of the material or even an attempt to harness it as a weapon. However, since the sheriff did not report seeing anyone wearing protective gear, it would seem to suggest that an ongoing environmental hazard is not involved in the issue''
IDK I can see the gov stepping in fast if some shit broke and was a threat/hazard to the public. They're legally liable for that shit, they could get sued if anyone got sick or hurt or whatever. Gotta cover your ass and get /everyone/ out of any potential harm - ESPECIALLY if you're the government because lawyers would literally cream themselves and kill each other over getting a case like that. There is sooo much money in suing the gov it's not even funny.
I can see why the Feds would shut down a nuclear plant site "for safety reasons" but shut down a telescope " for safety reasons?"

Only if it was to topple over. What are the G-men covering up?
"They" are hiding the build up to a more devastating Carrington event.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

The electrical grid hasn't been upgraded nor has there been much effort to place protections in place in case of a Carrington like event or an EMP attack. It should give us all pause for thought and have a plan should an event like that happen.
Big ass candles, gas, and batteries lol. Worst comes to worst I know how to snare squirrels and stuff like that, my dad didn't raise a total fool lol.

Fuck that!!! Ya screw some rat traps on Oak or any other nut bearing tree and you can fill a freezer. Or your belly since freezers wont be working.
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!
"They" are hiding the build up to a more devastating Carrington event.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

The electrical grid hasn't been upgraded nor has there been much effort to place protections in place in case of a Carrington like event or an EMP attack. It should give us all pause for thought and have a plan should an event like that happen.
Big ass candles, gas, and batteries lol. Worst comes to worst I know how to snare squirrels and stuff like that, my dad didn't raise a total fool lol.

Fuck that!!! Ya screw some rat traps on Oak or any other nut bearing tree and you can fill a freezer. Or your belly since freezers wont be working.
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!
his is finally n google news where they have closed the area indefinately! Still give no reason, great spin doctors here! Seems as though theya trying to get us to ask questions!
"They" are hiding the build up to a more devastating Carrington event.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

The electrical grid hasn't been upgraded nor has there been much effort to place protections in place in case of a Carrington like event or an EMP attack. It should give us all pause for thought and have a plan should an event like that happen.
Big ass candles, gas, and batteries lol. Worst comes to worst I know how to snare squirrels and stuff like that, my dad didn't raise a total fool lol.

Fuck that!!! Ya screw some rat traps on Oak or any other nut bearing tree and you can fill a freezer. Or your belly since freezers wont be working.
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!

What exactly are you catching thats better eating than squirrel off a creek bank?
I mean rabbits are tasty but other than that....
"They" are hiding the build up to a more devastating Carrington event.

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia

The electrical grid hasn't been upgraded nor has there been much effort to place protections in place in case of a Carrington like event or an EMP attack. It should give us all pause for thought and have a plan should an event like that happen.
Big ass candles, gas, and batteries lol. Worst comes to worst I know how to snare squirrels and stuff like that, my dad didn't raise a total fool lol.

Fuck that!!! Ya screw some rat traps on Oak or any other nut bearing tree and you can fill a freezer. Or your belly since freezers wont be working.
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!

What exactly are you catching thats better eating than squirrel off a creek bank?
I mean rabbits are tasty but other than that....
Where I live Creek banks are typicaly for the fir. Trails for food. It depends where I am hunting! I know alot of people who trap musk rat to eat! I am not one of them! I will typicaly get mink,weasle,muskrat,coon, and fox. Orriginally I was mainly after mink it use to be a good pay check. Rabbit I trap mainly on trails!
I wonder if Feinstein recommend that they hire a Chinese national
The last time I walked through the engineering building at OSU a good percentage of the students there were of Asian decent. We likely have some people of at least Asian blood in most labs in the US.This is what you get when you take all of the cool stuff out of chemestry sets and do not allow interesting labs in high school We have a generation of American students not very interested in the sciences. This is some thing we have to fix in a hurry. Also we need professers that teach these subject's to be able to speak better english! My first day of college physics I could only understand one sentance the proff said. This was an issue and pissed me off pretty good!
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!
Did you know that Germans are unable to pronounce "squirrel"?
That is a great stratagy if all ya want are squirl! Not my favorite eating! Most my traps get set on trails and creek banks. I am not fond of squirl, they are not hard to hunt. Hell I have gotten one with a rock mre than once. I gotta be pretty hungry to go after squirl!
Did you know that Germans are unable to pronounce "squirrel"?
That would be news to me! Never been over there, but it is on my bucketlist!

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