Sunspot, NM WTF is happening

^^ Clouds & dust apparently, JS. Also location, location, location. Also, not light interference as I'd originally thought.

Also, related, I founded this on Wikipedia:

The origins of Sunspot as a Solar Observatory date back to the sudden increased interest of solar physics to the US military during the Second World War. In 1940, the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) was established in 1940 in Climax, Colorado, by Walter Orr Roberts and Donald Menzel. It was associated with both Harvard College Observatory and the University of Colorado and was incorporated in 1946. At the time it was the world's highest permanent observatory for astronomy, at an elevation of over 11,000 feet, and was designed purely for studying the Sun. Roberts worked with the Bureau of Standards, "forecasting radio conditions on the basis of solar observations".[1] Such studies of the upper atmosphere were critical for predicting conditions for radio communication, guided missiles, and supersonic aircraft and, as a result, solar observations "became essential to the war effort". Suddenly the field of solar astronomy became an appealing goal for both astronomers and the military.[2][3]

The Sacramento Peak Observatory was conceived as a complementary telescope to the existing facilities in Climax, as Roberts had realized that "there were long periods of cloudiness, especially during the winter, when it was not possible to make observations",[3] and hence a second dedicated solar observatory should be established. The practical applications for solar research, as discovered by the military during World War II, regarding the impact solar activity had on radio communication spurred the US Congress to provide for a military-funded observatory. It became an important mission of the USAF to establish a solar observatory and "after the war, when the Air Force recognized the need to organize its own long-range program of solar studies, it quite naturally turned for specialized assistance to the recently formed High Altitude Observatory (HAO)".[1] In September 1947, the USAF issued a contract to HAO and Harvard University to conduct a survey and thereby identify an appropriate site for a new solar observatory and to determine which instruments to install at the new site.

Any seasonal cloud cover at the new site needed to arrive in the opposite season to that at Climax, in order to then provide for year round coverage of the Sun. Similar to Climax, the atmosphere above the new site should be exceptionally free from haze and dust in order to permit for the best possible observing. Roberts and Menzel examined the White Sands Proving Ground (an area used as a research rocket firing range near Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, New Mexico). They "concluded that the section of the Sacramento Mountains in which Sacramento Peak is located would be especially promising for a solar research site. Further inquiries and inspection tended to confirm this initial reaction"[1]. Holloman Air Force Base could be used to supply the equipment and any supplies. Sacramento Peak was, at 9200 feet was also low enough to be more accessible to researchers than Climax at 11,000 feet and the thickly forested setting blocked interference from rising air currents up the mountain.

A small crew of 5 made the initial camp at the Sunspot site. This crew included Roberts, John "Jack" W. Evans (a student of Menzel's), and Rudy Cook (who had worked with Robert in Climax).[4] Cook's companions soon returned home, leaving Cook and his dog Rocky to man the site. By the end of 1947, Menzel and Roberts made the recommendation that Sacramento Peak be chosen as the solar research site for USAF. By April 1948, the Committee on Geophysical Sciences (then within the War Department's Research and Development Board) formally accepted this recommendation and a contract was written, mandating the Air Force to complete the observatory. The specifics of the contract called for "the preparation of detailed plans for an integrated solar research facility, which would combine observational, analytical, and data-reduction activities, all on a larger scale than at any comparable observatory; design, development, and fabrication of the required optical device; and concurrently, theoretical studies of solar structure and characteristics"
From a poster on another website, "The post office is attached to a house. Its the only privately owned building up there, the rest are owned by the people who own the telescope, and then given out to the employees and family. There are permanent homes, as well as trailers. There is also a workshop, and a few community buildings, as well as a small museum/visitor center. The way that property works there since its the National Forest is the buildings are owned, but the land it is on, is not. So if you were told to leave the area by the National Forest people, you'd have to take the buildings with you. I'm sure they have some sort of deal with the National Forest to have the telescope, since its literally built into the mountain. I do know that the house is owned by the people who run the post office.

The land was originally used by the military, and I do want to point out that there is an old landing strip not far from Sunspot, I used to hike to it regularly.

I'm really not sure to be honest with you. Its very weird. As someone who used to live there. Its an extremely small town with a population that is probably well under 40 people now. Most of the employees left to move to a new telescope when this one traded hands to NMSU with funding from the NSF. It was originally going to shut down entirely until they stepped in. The only people who were going to be left in Sunspot would be the Apache Point employees. Which is a nighttime observatory a little over a mile from Sunspot."
Well, that at least explains the post office closing. That was really confusing.
You got a link to the local "station" being in lockdown? Is that tv or radio or what?
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

POLEEEZE don't upset another of Frank's Conspiracy Theories, it is his forte and I hate to seem him disappointed.

To Frank: Are they green hermaphrodites from the planet not seen since its orbit is exactly 180 degrees from our orbit? Please tell us more, I am so intrigued.
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

POLEEEZE don't upset another of Frank's Conspiracy Theories, it is his forte and I hate to seem him disappointed.

To Frank: Are they green hermaphrodites from the planet not seen since its orbit is exactly 180 degrees from our orbit? Please tell us more, I am so intrigued.

The Solar Observatory was actually closed down by the FBI several days ago and there's not been a peep from or about the town since. That's reality.
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

POLEEEZE don't upset another of Frank's Conspiracy Theories, it is his forte and I hate to seem him disappointed.

To Frank: Are they green hermaphrodites from the planet not seen since its orbit is exactly 180 degrees from our orbit? Please tell us more, I am so intrigued.

The Solar Observatory was actually closed down by the FBI several days ago and there's not been a peep from or about the town since. That's reality.

Mea culpa, I thought is was another one of your fantasies. Maybe the Observatory was not observing the sun, maybe it was being used by Mueller and his team to spy on The Donald? All the dirt on him may have been kept in the post office, and is now being shredded.

Sorry, my inner Mindwars got the better of me.
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

POLEEEZE don't upset another of Frank's Conspiracy Theories, it is his forte and I hate to seem him disappointed.

To Frank: Are they green hermaphrodites from the planet not seen since its orbit is exactly 180 degrees from our orbit? Please tell us more, I am so intrigued.

The Solar Observatory was actually closed down by the FBI several days ago and there's not been a peep from or about the town since. That's reality.

Mea culpa, I thought is was another one of your fantasies. Maybe the Observatory was not observing the sun, maybe it was being used by Mueller and his team to spy on The Donald? All the dirt on him may have been kept in the post office, and is now being shredded.

Sorry, my inner Mindwars got the better of me.

No, really. Look at the OP. The FBI stepped in immediately, bypassed local police. Locals say that saw Blackhawk helicopters and the Observatory which is essentially the entire town, has been on lockdown since. Nothing on the local news.
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

POLEEEZE don't upset another of Frank's Conspiracy Theories, it is his forte and I hate to seem him disappointed.

To Frank: Are they green hermaphrodites from the planet not seen since its orbit is exactly 180 degrees from our orbit? Please tell us more, I am so intrigued.

The Solar Observatory was actually closed down by the FBI several days ago and there's not been a peep from or about the town since. That's reality.

Mea culpa, I thought is was another one of your fantasies. Maybe the Observatory was not observing the sun, maybe it was being used by Mueller and his team to spy on The Donald? All the dirt on him may have been kept in the post office, and is now being shredded.

Sorry, my inner Mindwars got the better of me.

No, really. Look at the OP. The FBI stepped in immediately, bypassed local police. Locals say that saw Blackhawk helicopters and the Observatory which is essentially the entire town, has been on lockdown since. Nothing on the local news.

Mea culpa too

I find it very difficult to take you seriously, seriously. I'll follow RR's one moment of lucidity, and trust but verify.

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IDK I can see the gov stepping in fast if some shit broke and was a threat/hazard to the public. They're legally liable for that shit, they could get sued if anyone got sick or hurt or whatever. Gotta cover your ass and get /everyone/ out of any potential harm - ESPECIALLY if you're the government because lawyers would literally cream themselves and kill each other over getting a case like that. There is sooo much money in suing the gov it's not even funny.
The solar observatory and post office in Sunspot NM are closed for "security reasons" Locals are being kept in the dark.

Must be another weather balloon crash

The FBI is investigating? Dafuq

National Solar Observatory, USPS office in Sunspot, NM evacuated for 'safety reasons'

Ok.. This is the kind of X-file that I can get into.

But I think i know what this is about. That mountain that the observatory is on has a great view of White Sands testing range. And from the road (try google earth) you can see a lot of the Air Force facility.

It's more likely to be about White Sands, than anything else. They are preparing a launch or a test that they don't want folks to see. Hence -- "the security issue". Also explains the evac of "some residents" and maybe the Post Office, tho I didn't check to see if the Post Office is on the mountain.

Something really techy and spooky is being tested this week there. OR there's a military payload going up with a nuclear power source. Which is something that they are VERY nervous about publicity over and want to control the area if they have a launch accident..
Google Maps

If the link works and you see the observatory complex, the Post Office and the evac residences are all along that road.

Zoom out and you see Holloman and White Sands to the WSW from the mountain range (you need to add satellite view to the map)

They are controlling access to any point where long range photography could be set up from that mountain access.

Either they've invited the "greys" for a beer fest or somethings' flying or launching from White Sands that they don't want to reveal.
Sorry I ruined the fun.. MAYBE.. I'll be waiting for big black cruisers to show up in my driveway tonight after cruising Google satellite maps for White Sands.. Sleep well.. Big Brother is in charge..


If you disappear can I have all your shit?

Just take good care of the dog, and cat and my personal flock of wild turkeys.
Sorry I ruined the fun.. MAYBE.. I'll be waiting for big black cruisers to show up in my driveway tonight after cruising Google satellite maps for White Sands.. Sleep well.. Big Brother is in charge..


If you disappear can I have all your shit?

Just take good care of the dog, and cat and my personal flock of wild turkeys.

I'm good with everything but the cat..
Although my mother would be thrilled to take it in.
It being a post office it could have something to do with a package bomb or poison sent through the mail.

They mailed a package to the observatory? Yeah. Maybe.

Another theory is that the observatory captured an image of "something" and they were put in immediate lockdown before they could disseminate it.
It's definitely ALIENS.

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