'Sup, Mueller?! Something Wrong? 'Mueller Wants To Indefinitely Delay Russian Collusion Trial'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Mueller Rejects Speedy Trial Law To Delay Russian Collusion Trial
  • Special Counsel Robert Mueller requested his Russian collusion trial be delayed indefinitely

  • This is the second time Mueller has requested a delay

  • Mueller previously flooded the court with two terabytes of Russian social media

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked a federal judge Tuesday to reject the four-decade-old speedy trial law in the case against 13 Russians and three Russian companies and has asked for an indefinite delay to the Russian collusion trial."

Now why would a Special Counsel Lead with such a solid case, especially having evidence of a crime / of crimes, seek to violate a defendant's right to a speedy trial, requesting that they be able to delay the case 'indefinitely', holding this criminal indictment over the defendants' heads for as long as the Prosecutor wants?


"The “complexity” of the case warrants excluding the speedy trial law and delaying the trial, Mueller argued in Tuesday’s court filing."

No it doesn't. You accused them of breaking a specific law. You either have evidence that they broke that specific law or you don't....

“This case also warrants a continuance and exclusion of time to accommodate the voluminous discovery at issue and to allow sufficient time for the Court to resolve certain outstanding procedural issues unique to discovery in this case,” he continued."

In other words Mueller wants time to work out agreements to exclude (hide) sources and (illegal) methods they used to obtain any 'evidence' they might have. With these approvals to do so Mueller does not have to produce proof of evidence they claim to have and who the sources are. The Russians' lawyers have made clear that they intend to demand Mueller produce all evidence, sources, methods of how the 'evidence' was acquired....

This means Mueller 'stepped in it', was not prepared for such a request by the defense, and thus is I jeopardy of having to release to the Russians 'classified' US Intel collection techniques. Now he is having to scramble to get around or out of having to do so....if he has anything at all.

Mueller Rejects Speedy Trial Law To Delay Russian Collusion Trial
Panic time for mewler. He didn’t expect push back as he was really just padding his numbers.
No shit, what happened to speedy trials.......Even the guys at Gitmo are like Mueller is taking forever
Panic time for mewler. He didn’t expect push back as he was really just padding his numbers.

The exposure of the arrogance of the conspirators, so confident they were going to 'steamroll' anyone and everyone in successfully pulling off their coup, is ALMOST shocking.

Realizing that the Obama administration, Cabinet, and Agency Directors were the ones pulling off this treasonous coup - after 8 years of his Constitutional and Law violations, victimizing Americans and aiding our enemies makes it all - makes it completely believable / eliminates any shock from finding out this is the case.
I'm sure there is a push from the SpyGate leader Obama to get Mueller and his witch hunt to shine as close to the midterms as possible....but the cat is out of the bag now and the people see this for what it is.....Mueller is dicking around while the deep state and spygate are exposing the lies that Mueller is operating under...its a joke....

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