Super Committee Democrats Reject GOP Tax Proposal

With just two weeks left to craft a deficit reduction package, members of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction remain far from a deal, this according to both Democratic and Republican aides close to the negotiations.

Two days after Republicans on the so-called super committee, led by Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, offered a $1.5 trillion package that included, for the first time, new tax revenue to the tune of about $300 billion, Democrats are rejecting the offer.

"We have a big gap with respect to where we are on revenue," panel Democrat John Kerry told a handful of reporters Wednesday morning. "The Toomey approach will not work. We've told them that very directly. We have to find a different way to come at it."

The senior Massachusetts senator met behind closed doors in his third floor Capitol office Tuesday night with a key bipartisan core group from the committee, including Toomey, Reps. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Dave Camp, R-Mich., Fred Upton, R-Mich., and Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont.

"This is not complicated. They've got to put real revenue on the table that helps us get the job done," Kerry said, adding that he is "still hopeful" a deal can be reached by November 23.

In reality, that deadline will hit even sooner, though. The budget crunchers at the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) must get a complete product soon, in order to have time to analyze and score a bill for floor consideration. Super committee aides say CBO must then publish that score by November 21.

Read more: Super Committee Democrats Reject GOP Tax Proposal - Fox News
Kerry is code speaking saying they, the dimwits, want to drain Americans through higher taxes. But then what do you expect from kerry, not the truth that is for sure.

It is sad how the left is willing to put their party above the country
even more sad is how some even push their lies

From the AP

“The majority of economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics believe that the federal deficit should be reduced only or primarily through spending cuts. ...

“The survey out Monday found that 56 percent of the NABE members surveyed felt that way, while 37 percent said they favor equal parts spending cuts and tax increases. The remaining 7 percent believe it should be done only or mostly through tax increases.”
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Oh, so that's a problem they have in Texas that they don't in California?

The fact is, more people are leaving California than are coming in for the first time ever. The State is in such bad shape fiscally it's our very own Greece. That's all due to a Democratic legislature that can't stop spending money it doesn't have.

No, I promise you they don't have that problem in Cali anywhere near what it's like in Texas. Cali teaches their kids about condoms and safe sex. Texas does not. Literally. They passed an abstinence only law for their schools several years ago. Texas also has a greater influx of illegals than Cali, which just goes to show that the whole sanctuary city idea is a bust. All cities are sanctuary cities when employers continue to hire illegals at will and we fail to enforce labor laws against illegals.[/QUOTE

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California is 20th in the US for illegitimate births per thousand women whereas Texas is in 27th place. Care to try again?
No, Cali is not like Greece. That is called hyperbole. Troubled, yes, disastrous, no.

California is exactly like Greece! It's run by progressives that can't get entitlements under control which have put the State so far into the red that the only way they can not go bankrupt is if the other States that haven't been fiscally stupid bail them out.

Still waiting for you to show me some statistics showing most economists agree that a tax increase now will grow the economy, Jake.

Califonia has major problems
but most leftists still look to it as a "beacon of hope"
They tend to have their "head in the sand" when it comes to failed
gov't programs- truth is their worst enemy

Even the Huff & Puff, which is far from right
has pointed out their problems

California's Debt: Now Riskier Than Kazakhstan's - And A Bigger Worry Than Greece

Just how dangerous is California's budget crisis?

Extremely dangerous, according to two recent evaluations of California's debt by financial industry insiders.

California's debt is seen by investors as riskier than Kazakhstan's, according to Bloomberg News. Five-year credit default swaps tied to California's debt, which are a key measure of the market's belief in the likelihood of default, are actually trading at 100 basis points above those of Kazakhstan. In other words, the market believes a developing country of just 15.7 million people is actually less likely to default on its debt than California, which makes up the eighth-largest economy in the world.

And last week, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, the nation's second largest bank, warned that California's $20 billion budget gap could pose a bigger risk than the Greek debt crisis.
According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California is 20th in the US for illegitimate births per thousand women whereas Texas is in 27th place. Care to try again?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think you need to try again. Who said anything about "illegitimate" births?
You made the claim, you supply the stats, please, both for revenue and for Cali. We will all be waiting because you don't have them. Romer by herself is not a majority.

"Most economists disagree with that assumption, Oldstyle. The figure a 8 to 1 or 9 to 1 cuts to revenue is the way to go. Why do you resist that?"

That's your original post about economists, Jake. Now since YOU made the claim that most economists disagree then I assume you can back that claim up?
Ah, were we not discussing unwanted pregnancies?

No, I was talking about teen pregnancy and overall birth rates. "Unwanted" pregnancy and "illegitimate" pregnancy are to vague of concepts to deal with anyway. Many "illegitimate" pregnancies will be "wanted." And many "unwanted" pregnancies will be "legitimate" after a shot gun wedding.

Texas has a higher overall birth rate (2nd highest in the country), and higher teen pregnancy rate (4th highest in the country) than Cali (15th on both counts).
You made the claim, you supply the stats, please, both for revenue and for Cali. We will all be waiting because you don't have them. Romer by herself is not a majority.

"Most economists disagree with that assumption, Oldstyle. The figure a 8 to 1 or 9 to 1 cuts to revenue is the way to go. Why do you resist that?"

That's your original post about economists, Jake. Now since YOU made the claim that most economists disagree then I assume you can back that claim up?

That was in response to your comment. So back it up that most economists back your point. You can't, you know it, the burden is yours, and you fail.

You see, you make a burden of proof statement, all I have to say is horse shit and ask for proof.
Cutting government spending at the federal level is the #3 priority.

Cutting government spending at the federal level is the #2 priority.

Cutting government spending at the federal level is the #1 priority.
I would just modify this slightly:

Ending the Federal Reserve is the #1 priority.

Cutting government spending at the federal level is the #2 priority.

Cutting government spending at the federal level is the #3 priority.

Cutting government spending at the federal level is the #4 priority.

I can go with that.

You made the claim, you supply the stats, please, both for revenue and for Cali. We will all be waiting because you don't have them. Romer by herself is not a majority.

"Most economists disagree with that assumption, Oldstyle. The figure a 8 to 1 or 9 to 1 cuts to revenue is the way to go. Why do you resist that?"

That's your original post about economists, Jake. Now since YOU made the claim that most economists disagree then I assume you can back that claim up?


if you are interested

From the AP

“The majority of economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics believe that the federal deficit should be reduced only or primarily through spending cuts. ...

“The survey out Monday found that 56 percent of the NABE members surveyed felt that way, while 37 percent said they favor equal parts spending cuts and tax increases. The remaining 7 percent believe it should be done only or mostly through tax increases.”

Another link has it here- USA Today

NEW YORK (AP) – The majority of economists surveyed by the National Association for Business Economics believe the federal deficit should be reduced only or primarily through spending cuts.

Why the left resists the "only" part is anyone's guess- but most likely....
Considering the huge increases and wasteful spending since Papa Obama came into office
the Left has raised the bar of spending and hopes to keep it there, at any cost with some tax increases

It would be perfectly reasonable to put spending levels at any pre-Papa Obama level
to get a handle on our debt
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Finally, somebody (and Neo at that!) provided some sources that say "something." OK, that's a start. Now, Neo, why you will accept AP and USA Today on this? And why should we accept NABE?

You have made a start. Continue, please, the vetting of your sources. I am very, very proud of you.
And so we are back at square one.

Of course, the system covered itself by making sure that they don't have to account for their failure anytime soon. It will be after the election.

This system sucks.
Of course

Democrats rather let the whole system collapse

Sad how the Democrats put party above country
Of course

Democrats rather let the whole system collapse

Sad how the Democrats put party above country
They are hastening the collapse so when it has to be rebuilt? They have gotten away with thier crimes against this Republic.
Of course

Democrats rather let the whole system collapse

Sad how the Democrats put party above country

Yes, they believe that out and out lying to the American people about costs....notice how Joe Paterno was sacked "for not doing enough" and yet our esteemed idiots in congress don't do enough all the time.

Van Holland has slipped way down on the integrity meter in my estimation.
Of course Democrats rather let the whole system collapse Sad how the Democrats put party above country

Both sides are at fault, of course, Neo, as you well know. However, your President has vowed to veto any GOP house bill and Dem senate bill compromise to the original deal. The cuts will be triggered.
I agree that it is doubtful that a compromise bill will get to the President. So the Super Committee failed and the compromise is in place. All that is left is for the ideologues to blame other ideologues for the failure.

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