Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

This is my first Super Tuesday, I was too busy raising kids to keep up before. Not sure how this all works, but it is exciting to learn this time around.. Thanks for making this thread.
My only hope for Super Tuesday is that it is honest...I hope that no one cheats..

Trump and Hillary win BIG!!!

You can close the thread now.

This is my first Super Tuesday, I was too busy raising kids to keep up before. Not sure how this all works, but it is exciting to learn this time around.. Thanks for making this thread.
My only hope for Super Tuesday is that it is honest...I hope that no one cheats..


I agree. I also hope it's honest and none of the states are close enough to be contested. I hope all the winners are clear and convincing.
The esposa figured a method in which we don't get robo calls in our Central Texas home. Later in the year in Salt Lake City, we will get hammered.
Very informative.

Especially this section:

The Republican National Committee decided back in 2014 that all states holding their nominating contests before March 15 must award their delegates to the candidates proportionally, rather than on a winner-take-all basis.

So, who do we have on Super Tuesday? The most conservative states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming.

All are forced to award their delegates proportionally by the RNC.

But the many of the more moderate states are winner take all.

Anyone who is supporting Cruz should understand, the fix is in folks. One of the many reasons I support Trump. The GOP gives you the illusion of choice, but the game is rigged to the advantage of the more moderate candidate. The RNC understands. They know that the opposition in the primary will come from a far right candidate, and they have stacked the deck to insure that candidate cannot win.

That is why there is panic right now in the halls of Republican power. Trump uses that built in structural advantage AGAINST the Establishment candidate. Trump is very popular in the more moderate states, as well as the more conservative states he is going to sweep on Super Tuesday.

Trump? I'm disappointed in you. You want the whole country to be like those people who bought into trump university?

98% completely satisfied? I think it's a little too early to be thinking his presidency will be that successful. Let's shoot for 75% and go from there.

Cruz just said that tomorrow morning will be a 2-person race. Interesting...

He'll make the case that he has won two states, and is the only candidate to beat Trump. He'll rightfully claim Rubio has won zero states and should drop out of the race. He should throw in that at this point, Rubio is dismally behind in Florida, with Trump having a 91% chance of beating Rubio in his home state, while Rubio only has a 8% chance of winning.

Trump rubio FLA.png

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This is my first Super Tuesday, I was too busy raising kids to keep up before. Not sure how this all works, but it is exciting to learn this time around.. Thanks for making this thread.
My only hope for Super Tuesday is that it is honest...I hope that no one cheats..

Cheating / lying / smearing seems to be a requisite to be a successful politician.
I refreshed my Dove bar supply for the Fox coverage of the returns tonite. Double dose of pleasure.

Fox News is gonna lose it if Trump does well. Ailes and Murdoch clearly have it in for him. Murdoch has been a big Clinton donor in tha past, and Ailes is a Neocon (Nazi) Bushy. Trump really upsets their order of things. Gotta admit, it would be fun watching them lose it if Trump does well. I'll probably be tuning in.

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