Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

I'll just be glad when it's over, getting tired of all the freaking robo calls.

I got one from Kirk Cameron during the NV caucuses last week. :laugh:

Cellphone and Netflix, robocalls, no campaign ads. Nirvana.

My cell phone is what they called. I don't have a land line phone.

Good grief. That would really upset me. Our primary isn't until March 15th, so I don't know if that kind of crap is coming here, but I hope not.

I got 8 calls on my land line from 12:30 to 5:00 PM. Only 1 was a human, I told him I'd already voted and he hung up.
Ah. That must be who was calling me earlier today. I did not recognize the number, so I did not answer.
I got one from Kirk Cameron during the NV caucuses last week. :laugh:

Cellphone and Netflix, robocalls, no campaign ads. Nirvana.

My cell phone is what they called. I don't have a land line phone.

Good grief. That would really upset me. Our primary isn't until March 15th, so I don't know if that kind of crap is coming here, but I hope not.

I got 8 calls on my land line from 12:30 to 5:00 PM. Only 1 was a human, I told him I'd already voted and he hung up.
Ah. That must be who was calling me earlier today. I did not recognize the number, so I did not answer.

I haven't gotten any today, the ones I mentioned were yesterday, but I've gotten a butt load more over the last 2 weeks during early voting.
I think Trump will win Vt, Mass, Va, Ga, Tenn, Ok, AL
May win based on latest polls Ark

Could be very close in Texas..3 points.

Guesses based on 2008 and 2012 primary elections
Minn will probably go Rubio.
Co could lean Cruz...
Alaska will go Trump
Wy leans Cruz but could go Trump.
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In the general election.

AZ will be in play. Maybe MI and PA.

NC, VA, NH, WI, and CO are out of touch for him.
In the general election.

AZ will be in play. Maybe MI and PA.

NC, VA, NH, WI, and CO are out of touch for him.
I'm not sure how Flint plays out for the gop. Snyder is not up for reelection, and Flint is of course poor and black, but .... damn. I thought Wisconsin might be in play, but Walker must have falling through man hole. LOL

I saw this on Bernie, and it sort of confirmed my thinking on him and black voters, given that I live in a 38% black state. When he came out before SC saying "I was with Dr. King in the March on Washington," I was going WTF is this idiot saying. The natl reaction would be "OK, and where the fock have you been since then?" LOL
In the general election.

AZ will be in play. Maybe MI and PA.

NC, VA, NH, WI, and CO are out of touch for him.
I'm not sure how Flint plays out for the gop. Snyder is not up for reelection, and Flint is of course poor and black, but .... damn. I thought Wisconsin might be in play, but Walker must have falling through man hole. LOL
WI seems fed up with Walker, but who knows.
I'm curious to see how the House and Senate incumbents are doing in the primaries. That was a big deal the last few elections, and now you don't hear anyone talking about it at all.
In Georgia, Virginia and Massachusetts, early exit polls showed 50 percent or more of Republicans surveyed said they want an outsider.

That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meanwhile, late-deciders in several states appeared to be breaking for Marco Rubio, including in Virginia, Georgia and Oklahoma.


Super Tuesday exit polls show divide among primary voters | Fox News

Rubio/Haley 2016 :eusa_dance:
That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee

Meaning 54 percent would be satisfied if he were.

; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meaning 48 percent are okay with Trump.

The 52 percent are split up between Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson.

Advantage: Trump.
That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee

Meaning 54 percent would be satisfied if he were.

; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meaning 48 percent are okay with Trump.

The 52 percent are split up between Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson.

Advantage: Trump.

Your Tourettes Syndrome clearing up, creep?
Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee

Meaning 54 percent would be satisfied if he were.

; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meaning 48 percent are okay with Trump.

The 52 percent are split up between Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson.

Advantage: Trump.

Yeah, the OP is grasping at straws, but here is the question...objectively, who should drop out?

Cruz will likely end the night with Texas and maybe another state...Arkansas perhaps. That will give him two, maybe three state wins. I don't know any state that Rubio is favored in...I've heard rumblings about Minnesota, but I can't find any polling. This might be better discussed tomorrow, but if Rubio wins zero states, shouldn't he be the one to step aside?
That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee

Meaning 54 percent would be satisfied if he were.

; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meaning 48 percent are okay with Trump.

The 52 percent are split up between Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson.

Advantage: Trump.

48% in Georgia huh? Really Guno? Already called for Trump by a huge margin.
How about we just count the vote and see what happened before we declare victory?

We still have an idiot on this board claiming Kerry won obio in 2004 because of exit polls that weren't accurate

A few hours is hardly a long time to wait. With that said I'll be voting shortly!
Yeah, the OP is grasping at straws, but here is the question...objectively, who should drop out?

Cruz will likely end the night with Texas and maybe another state...Arkansas perhaps. That will give him two, maybe three state wins. I don't know any state that Rubio is favored in...I've heard rumblings about Minnesota, but I can't find any polling. This might be better discussed tomorrow, but if Rubio wins zero states, shouldn't he be the one to step aside?

If Cruz loses Texas he's gone...If Rubio loses Florida he's gone...I don't anticipate either thing happening....polling is for suckers.

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