Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

Anything to worry about?
Live Coverage of the Super Tuesday Primary Elections

"Mary Katherine Ham says on CNN that Donald Trump is the story today: 'We’re talking about the things he might not win.”

"For that reason, Republicans opposed to the front runner are coming to terms with the possibility that he will be their nominee––and some are rallying around the hashtag #neverTrump, a phenomenon Megan McArdle delved into in a fascinating column yesterday.

"In it, she summarizes the scores of emails she received from these Republicans. 'These people are not quietly concerned about Trump. They are appalled, repulsed, afraid and dismayed that their party could have let this happen,' she explained. 'They wrote in the strongest possible language, and many were adamant that they would not stay home on Election Day, but in fact would vote for Hillary Clinton in the general and perhaps leave the Republican Party for good.'”
We let Obabble happen. We let McCain and Mitt happen. Why not try trump?
How many states has he won.................hell he's down in his own state according to polls...........

Here's a song for him in the morning.....

Ah, and here's the board bloodsucker right on time......I draw the crowd and you try to pick their pockets.

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