Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

In Georgia, Virginia and Massachusetts, early exit polls showed 50 percent or more of Republicans surveyed said they want an outsider.

That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meanwhile, late-deciders in several states appeared to be breaking for Marco Rubio, including in Virginia, Georgia and Oklahoma.


Super Tuesday exit polls show divide among primary voters | Fox News

Rubio/Haley 2016 :eusa_dance:
Rubio/Haley=The biggest democratic landslide victory ever.
Hillary is winning big for Democrats. Even Democrats don't want socialism. The question is how many pissed off Bernie voters won't vote for cheating hillary?
How many states has he won.................hell he's down in his own state according to polls...........

Here's a song for him in the morning.....

Ah, and here's the board bloodsucker right on time......I draw the crowd and you try to pick their pockets.

A real Tom Horn would have the border secure.............

They hanged Tom didn't they?
They sure did..............but the real Tom Horn didn't consort with Mexico.
Donald Trump, the businessman, is executing a textbook case of a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. It is beautiful.
Late-deciders have been breaking for Rubio for most of the campaign.

But they aren't enough.

60%-70% of Trump's supporters decided months ago.

That's why Trump is going to get smoked by Hillary.

His supporters see him as The Messiah but most people who are unsure don't want him.
They hanged Tom didn't they?

I already been over this ground....they hanged me up in Wyoming but the deputy rigged a slip knot into the noose and I sneaked past em up into the mountains. All I got out of it was a sore throat.
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I live in Athens Clarke County, GA in voting precinct 5A. When I went in to vote at around 6:15 pm, I came out from the booth and saw this sign.

2,564 people came to vote. I never saw such a turnout in the last primary I voted in. People are energized.

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