Supermajority Of Americans Feel Biden has Botched Afghanistan.

Or what pain and suffering it will cost people in Afghanistan.

Great job.

20 years is enough, "pain and suffering".
Even Russia was smarter that we were.

You nut jobs want to keep the American coffins coming home and the Military Industrial Complex busy.
Trump had no plan.

Biden had no plan.

Obviously, their plans were identical.
Trump had a plan, release over 5000 Taliban prisoners, release the Taliban leader, cut our troop level from 13,500 to 3500, then leave the mess for Biden.
It just keeps getting uglier and uglier. You Gov completed a poll before the attack today at the Kabul airport. 84% of Republicans, 76% percent of Independents, and yes even 55% of Dems feel Biden is responsible for the fiasco in Afghanistan. It really can't get much worse, except it will. This is just the beginning. The video that will be coming out of Afghanistan for months and months will continue to be increasingly horrific. Meanwhile, Joe Biden hides in his Fuhrer Bunker and never answers questions or takes any responsibility. This is the worst foreign policy disaster for America in my lifetime. It is incredibly sad and tragic. God help any Americans or our allies still stuck in Afghanistan.

Key Quote: "Sixty-eight percent of Americans and 55 percent of Democrats believe that the Biden administration’s evacuation of U.S. troops, civilians, and allies from Afghanistan has been handled “badly” according to a new YouGov poll. Seventy-five percent of veterans, 76 percent of independents, and 84 percent of Republicans concur with the majority of Democrats and supermajority of Americans who disapprove of way the U.S. has withdrawn after nearly 20 years of military involvement there. A mere 16 percent of Americans would go so far as to say that it has been executed “very or somewhat well.”

The majority of the planet are fully aware Biden utterly fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He's a goof, didn't anyone expect anything different?
I'm glad we have a President for the 1st time this century with the balls to end a forever war without caring if it costs him politically.
What it cost him? Did you really say that? Biden did this to appease his puppet masters the CHINESE who want the minerals that Afghan has and have already made a deal with the Taliban to get. Biden was paid by the CHINESE to do it. It cost him nothing...
Nope. Trump's plan was based on conditions that had to met by the Taliban before any troops left. Biden's plan was complete abdication.

The only condition that Trump set, as far as I know, is that the Taliban wouldn't let any terrorist groups operate from Afghanistan.

The Taliban has been fighting ISIS-K.

What other conditions were specified by Trump? How did the Taliban violate those conditions?
I've seen many like you make that claim, but none can post a link.

Could you please post a link?

And don't say "It's been posted many times". I have yet to see any posted.
Your ignorance isn't my problem.
I understand:

There was no Trump plan.

You are a lying bag of shit.

Either post a link or STFU!

The Trump plan was to force the next administration to finish the withdrawal.

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Donald Trump: (22:53)

Biden's way got people killed and that's not even counting the number of allies he was leaving behind.
Oh bullshit. We all know that it is virtually impossible to protect against a suicide bomber. We lost a lot of service members over years due to such terrorist tactics.

It would have been just as fucked up if Trump was running the show... probably even more so.

Anyway I am glad we're out of there.

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