Superstorm Jonas Pulverizing Blue States.Who Will Hillary And Liberals Blame This Time?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!
Blame? I don't think the Loons & Pinheads are assigning blame for this storm on anyone. Its just weather.

Now, last Christmas, when it was inordinately warm in the Washington-to-New York-to Boston LoonLand corridor...that was Global Warming!

And, you can't find a Liberal in New York, New England, or New Jersey that see an inconsistency there. They know their talking points.

And, they are blinded by the hate they feel toward Heartland Americans for having to buy their oil & gas from them to keep from freezing their Yankee Socialists asses off.

By the way--Fuck: Harvard Yale etc.
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I wish it would swoop south and hit those states. 5 inches of snow brings things to a halt. Those are well ..not too bright folks.
Nancy Pelosi: Its only fair that we blame the devastation of Winter Storm Pumas on Donald Trump and Mick Romney!!
We know who the Republicans WON'T blame...

I wish it would swoop south and hit those states. 5 inches of snow brings things to a halt. Those are well ..not too bright folks.

Which states? I am sitting watching snow continue to fall outside my window tonight, adding about another inch or two to the better part of a foot that started falling this morning about 8 o-clock. I wish it was 5 inches!
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!

Lame stream media creates even lamer right wing posts
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!
I blame manbearpig

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