Superstorm Jonas Pulverizing Blue States.Who Will Hillary And Liberals Blame This Time?

I wish it would swoop south and hit those states. 5 inches of snow brings things to a halt. Those are well ..not too bright folks.

So what is bright, spending tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure people get to where they are going a couple of days a year?
We know who the Republicans WON'T blame...

The fact that this pisses off some republicans makes me wonder.. what is wrong with these people?
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!

Puleeeze. It's blizzard 2016. What's with naming snow storms? No, this must stop!
The ocean is eating the Warming!

And vomiting snow!

Create a computer model...they'll buy it.

so does anyone know where al gore is? is he in the north pole assisting all of the polar bears and penguins who are floating on sheets of ice?

:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!
When it's cold and snowing it's global cooling global warming is when it's hot and we have a drought climate change covers everything else

Well all, it must be getting critical. A poster asked for it, and it has happened; Al Gore has just come out with a statement!

OMG, whatever did he say?!

We should listen, just to remind ourselves how brilliant this man actually is!

I wish it would swoop south and hit those states. 5 inches of snow brings things to a halt. Those are well ..not too bright folks.
If you never get snow, it is hard to handle when you get 3 to 5 in.
Hell, I don't even know anyone that owns a pair of snow tires or how to keep them up during years(we do not always get snow in the winter) of storage.

Kind of like how people that rarely gets a hurricane can't handle a cat 3 Hurricane. You get complacent and think rarely means never.
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!

ITS republican fault.because they are against global warming
just getting home from work,,just curious, have there been any sasquatch sightings in DC yet? I heard they come out of hiding in severe blizzards to laugh at Global Warming.

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