Superstorm Jonas Pulverizing Blue States.Who Will Hillary And Liberals Blame This Time?

I say skip plowing the roads whatsoever. Save money. If business wants roads clear let em pay for it.
so does anyone know where al gore is? is he in the north pole assisting all of the polar bears and penguins who are floating on sheets of ice?
I hope it shuts down the whole east coast for a week. Hilarious. A little snow shuts down all commerce.
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!
Republicans tend to blame the gays.

GOP blames gays for hurricane - Google Search
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!
When it's cold and snowing it's global cooling global warming is when it's hot and we have a drought climate change covers everything else
20 inches of snow is really not all that much yet it brings things to a halt. How weak are those folk?
:desk: So now we have another snow-magedden about to bury the north east, then later comes the extremely cold temps. Hey! Perfect timing for Hillary to find a way to blame Trump,Cruz,Rubio and Republicans! Yah, it was their fault for making the water turn yellow in Flint. (or Beige).
So how with Democrats blame the GOP for Jonas? Maybe their refusal for not accepting that Global Warming is real? Or just blame the GOP and all white men for driving those 8 MPG. SUV's!
When it's cold and snowing it's global cooling global warming is when it's hot and we have a drought climate change covers everything else

Not really.

According to the global warming people, the cold and snow are also the result of global warming.

They say that when it gets hot in other places, it creates a vacuum that allows colder air to be pulled down and causes problems like this.

Bottom line: if it's too hot, it's global warming. If it's too cold, it's global warming. The question is, when is it not global warming?
I hope it shuts down the whole east coast for a week. Hilarious. A little snow shuts down all commerce.

And it should. Unfortunately, we are not intelligent enough to just stay home when weather gets that bad.

When we have snowstorms here, people get out in the morning, get stuck in traffic, cause dozens of accidents which increases all our insurance rates, some get injured or killed, need to call out police and rescue crews, and all for what? So we don't miss one day of work or school?

It's stupid. I'm a tractor-trailer driver and my employer has sent me out in the middle of snow storms to make pickups or deliveries. So I spend six hours to make a stop that otherwise would have taken me one or two hours, chance getting into a serious accident or otherwise get stuck in which I may need a tow, and we lose money because of all the time and fuel spent to make the stop.

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