

Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere

How does it bring down a building if it's not hot enough to even weaken the steel- let alone burn through thick steel columns it's been painted onto


Clearly, it must burn cooler than regular thermite
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How does it bring down a building if it's not hot enough to even weaken the steel- let alone burn through thick steel columns it's been painted onto


Clearly, it must burn cooler than regular thermite

nano thermite did not exist as a high explosive. It has patent applications as an accelerant or fuze for artillery ammunition or as a propellent for a rifle cartridge. The department of navy knows nothing of it.


Ordinary thermite is the only possible explanation for the masses of molten steel in the basement. And, it was there. The post 9-11 disinformational psyops has 2 faces related to thermite. Accordingly it has now become "super thermite" and comes from Israel where we can't find out anything about it and just accept evrything said about it.

1) nano thermite. Currently no other search matches are found except for ones relating to nano thermite at the WTC. Six months ago only the first 2 pages had those and there were patent applications mixed in. Now, no patent applicaitons come up but 20 pages of harriet and nano come up.

2) Assertions that the molten steel was not there. ANY effort to assert that is the mark of an agent seeking to disinform.

Done deal. We have to draw the line. ANY effort to control the reality of the past must be met with rejection and serious effort to form absolutely reasonable relationships base on evidence and reason for discussion.

I feel that IF nano was discovered, it was specifically planted to be discovered just so three would a dead end, bogus path for truthseekers to end up at. I've not seen a map of the sample locations, times dates, gathering techniques and people gathering so everything about the proposal is not solid.

There had to have been mass thermite in the basement for the molten steel to have been there. There is only one instance where thermite was used above ground and that was the east face corners of WTC 2.

NONE of the thermite proponents describe how the supposed high explosive were placed. Just because it is "nano" does not mean that it can magically be placed anywhere and get this effect.

You must have proper containment and distribution. Consider there are no performance specifications in existence for nano thermite as a high explosive.


Here is what it sounded like a few seconds before that.

Listen to the delays

The truth movement is being seriously mislead. people do realize that one of the main metals in aircraft is magnesium, right?

Magnesium is used because of its strength and light weight. It also catches on fire easily, and burns at 2,000 degrees.

If an aircraft catches on fire on an aircraft carrier? They push the whole thing off of the side, as the magnesium parts (if they catch on fire, which they usually do), will burn all the way down through the ship. Not only does it burn hot, but it also manufactures it's own oxygen.

Now........since magnesium is used in jets (mainly in the engines and the like), and it catches on fire really easy (remember.........road flares burn with magnesium), as well as burns at 2000 deg, it's not too far of a stretch to see how the girders melted on one floor.

When it was weakened sufficiently? The top 1/3 of the building dropped 15 ft down with the weight of the top of the building, and impacted sufficiently to cause a domino effect of the building collapsing. With every floor it fell, it just increased its force because of the added mass and velocity.

No. It wasn't a deliberate explosion.
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Ordinary thermite is the only possible explanation for the masses of molten steel in the basement.

Thermite burns down, not horizontally. It's simply not suited for destroying vertical beams. That's why it's not used for that purpose.

NONE of the thermite proponents describe how the supposed high explosive were placed.

Thermite is not an explosive. It is simply a self-oxidizing incendiary.

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