Support for Impeachment rises 7 points

WTF. I figured mud was just grumpy most of the time but that was just mean as hell. SMH.
No....I'm just not a gullible fuck like some people are.

I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

The difference is both of those people aren't lying and pretending to be Americans.

They honestly and fully say what nations they're from.

They aren't trying to influence any election. They are speaking their minds about what's happening in America.

There's a huge difference from a person who is posing as an American dishonestly and people who honestly tell all they aren't Americans.
I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant spend millions of dollars to put ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant wage a multi nation, multi year and multi million dollar campaign to influence our election, work with any politician to influence our election then lie about the whole thing and try to cover it up?

No they didn't.

It's ridiculous to compare a person voicing their opinion on a message board to what trump and the republicans did in 2016 and are trying to do in 2020.

You owe Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant an apology.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant spend millions of dollars to put ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant wage a multi nation, multi year and multi million dollar campaign to influence our election, work with any politician to influence our election then lie about the whole thing and try to cover it up?

No they didn't.

It's ridiculous to compare a person voicing their opinion on a message board to what trump and the republicans did in 2016 and are trying to do in 2020.

You owe Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant an apology.

I don't like Russia meddling in our elections, I dislike Putin. That said, were you outraged when the Obama administration meddled in foreign elections? Not sure why the outrage only flows one way. We need to quit meddling in foreign countries affairs, get our troops off foreign ground. Take care of our own and let the world take care of themselves.

That said, Dragonlady has called me a Russian troll several times because I disagreed with her. She makes false statements and just runs away from the discussion. She is dishonest and is nothing but a foreign troll. I owe her absolutely nothing.

Tommy, perhaps I owe him an apology, I haven't decided just yet. He is arrogant to be sure and seems to think he know what is best for my country, however, I think he is just a troll and really doesn't want a real discussion. He gets ticked off that we meddle in other countries yet when approached with the idea of us pulling out of all countries and let better countries than us take care of us, nothing. He is a hypocrite. All he does is whine about my country, he offers nothing else.

Now, other than typing opps instead of oops, which was probably a typo, what proof does RDD 1210 have that Jitss617 is a Russian? Absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Maybe you should ask RDD 1210 to give Jitss617 an apology? Do foreign governments pay Jitss617 money to post? Do foreign governments pay Dragonlady and Tommy to post?
It does he’s the greatest president we’ve ever had

Don't worry I'm more like 80% support

Nope, doesn't make sense.
What do you disagree with him with?
Let’s go down the list
1 more money for everyone
2, higher wages
3, best economy
4 lowest unemployment for blacks
5, lowest unemployment for Latinos
6, lowest unemployment for Asians
7, we aren’t at war
8, North Korea isn’t launching The missiles they were left watching before
9, Iran is collapsing
10, stock market is the best ever

Ok I lied it’s 100% approval

So, you said you personally approved of Trump by 80% after posting a Rasmussen poll of the public. You don't make much sense.
I changed to 100% let’s say you

I say you don't make much sense. You're dividing your own support over Trump like you have multiple personalities.
And you guys are lying idiots.
No....I'm just not a gullible fuck like some people are.

I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

The difference is both of those people aren't lying and pretending to be Americans.

They honestly and fully say what nations they're from.

They aren't trying to influence any election. They are speaking their minds about what's happening in America.

There's a huge difference from a person who is posing as an American dishonestly and people who honestly tell all they aren't Americans.
Well Nancy Pelosi thinks that when you expose Democraps as being the corrupt assholes they really are....that's influencing the election.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant spend millions of dollars to put ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant wage a multi nation, multi year and multi million dollar campaign to influence our election, work with any politician to influence our election then lie about the whole thing and try to cover it up?

No they didn't.

It's ridiculous to compare a person voicing their opinion on a message board to what trump and the republicans did in 2016 and are trying to do in 2020.

You owe Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant an apology.
  • No.....the Democrap party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Democrap party has billionaires influencing elections by banning conservative thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Democrap Party supports terrorists groups including Antifa and the American Communist Party who are working with Middle-Eastern terrorist groups like Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood.
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Demcrap Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Democrap Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.
Last edited:
The speech I recall from Donnie included the statement that "If you vote for Hillary, you will have a president under constant investigation." The one time Trump was correct because I voted for Hillary.
I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

The difference is both of those people aren't lying and pretending to be Americans.

They honestly and fully say what nations they're from.

They aren't trying to influence any election. They are speaking their minds about what's happening in America.

There's a huge difference from a person who is posing as an American dishonestly and people who honestly tell all they aren't Americans.
Well Nancy Pelosi thinks that when you expose Democraps as being the corrupt assholes they really are....that's influencing the election.
Of course it is. Facts always have an influence on elections, and Dims would outlaw them if they could.
The speech I recall from Donnie included the statement that "If you vote for Hillary, you will have a president under constant investigation." The one time Trump was correct because I voted for Hillary.
Is she under investigation? I haven't noticed. However, she should be under investigation. She's committed numerous felonies.
No....I'm just not a gullible fuck like some people are.

I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

The difference is both of those people aren't lying and pretending to be Americans.

They honestly and fully say what nations they're from.

They aren't trying to influence any election. They are speaking their minds about what's happening in America.

There's a huge difference from a person who is posing as an American dishonestly and people who honestly tell all they aren't Americans.
Have you noticed that a lot of the "lock her up" people are going to jail?

No, I haven't noticed that. I notice a lot of Trump haters are under investigation for felonies.
No....I'm just not a gullible fuck like some people are.

I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

The difference is both of those people aren't lying and pretending to be Americans.

They honestly and fully say what nations they're from.

They aren't trying to influence any election. They are speaking their minds about what's happening in America.

There's a huge difference from a person who is posing as an American dishonestly and people who honestly tell all they aren't Americans.
Most of them don't know a damned thing about what's going on in America because they're just listening to CNN International.....
Support for impeachment rises 7% amid whistleblower complaint: Poll

You know hard times are ahead for Republicans when I use Washington Examiner links....Holy Crap!

And we are just at the beginning of the process. How many more politically damaging trump crimes are hidden in the secret code server?
Impeach for what?

For not resigning.
Why should he resign?

Do you have any reason other than you hate his guts?
Everything is wrong when a nation is divided, all screaming no one cares enough, much more fun to rampage, too many people like the craziness pumps up their life gives them a cause or a leader, drink the cool aid, still think no mater how it plays out we will be the ones who pay for the clean up just like last time.
So will Trump resign like Nixon did once he realized that he was going to lose the Senate Impeachment vote?

Will he head for Moscow?

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.

Barr is just a trump stooge. He has turned the DOJ into Mafia Sewer.....
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant spend millions of dollars to put ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant wage a multi nation, multi year and multi million dollar campaign to influence our election, work with any politician to influence our election then lie about the whole thing and try to cover it up?

No they didn't.

It's ridiculous to compare a person voicing their opinion on a message board to what trump and the republicans did in 2016 and are trying to do in 2020.

You owe Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant an apology.
  • No.....the Democrap party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Democrap party has billionaires influencing elections by banning conservative thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Democrap Party supports terrorists groups including Antifa and the American Communist Party who are working with Middle-Eastern terrorist groups like Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood.
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Demcrap Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Democrap Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.

And the other side of the coin

  • No.....the Repugnant party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Repugnant party has billionaires influencing elections by banning Liberal thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Repugnant Party supports terrorists groups including KKK and the White Supremist Party
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Repugnant Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Repugnant Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.
It's legal as long as it's done by Americans. It is done by both sides. But when one side gets help from an outside source then it's NOT legal. And this is what all this is about right now. Soliciting outside help. And it's not the first time by the same individual or his representatives. You can sugar coat it all you wish but laws were broken.

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking

Actually....the WH has hidden trump conversations many times according to the trump leaker. I expect trump has left a long trail of criminal incidents. Maybe some juicy putin-trump deals?

The House will find out....

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