Support for Impeachment rises 7 points

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking

How would you know where that transcript came from or how exact it is? Just by administration's word?

I got news for you, it ain't worth much.

Besides, if thats the entirety of it, then they should have no problem releasing the actual audio.
Wow they have audio? How come schiff hasn’t asked for it?

I stand corrected, there does not seem to be an audio, still what we have from 30 min conversation is just a 5 page summary of sorts.

Obviously there are plenty of notes that were not released, most probably Trump going round and round about Bidens.
Well you'd get tired of Teddy Roosevelt real quick. .

Er..umm.. apparently nobody stopped by the Asylum and delivered the memo to you; Teddy Roosevelt is dead and isn't coming back.

President Trump is arguably the most transparent and honest president we have ever had.

WHOA! that level of brainwashing and reality distortion is usually reserved for Scientologists... :eek:
Again, truth hurts.

Why did they hide the phone call then? What's up with all the ellipsis in the memo about the call? Tax Returns? Whose paying Giuliani to fly to the Ukraine?
View attachment 281493
Said no one sane that actually fucking read the transcript.

Go read it grasshopper.
Trump first tried to bury the transcript of the phone call in a system used for classified information instead of the usual system. That's a cover up, period.

The transcript plainly shows Dipshit Donald colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.
Huh? Where?
Instead of parroting what your propagandists tell you to parrot, trying reading the transcript for yourself. It's right there in plain English.

Let me know if there are words too big for you to understand.
I did where is it!!???? Please post a pic of the exact words that show a crime!? Please help almost all Americans see it
You didn't read it. You're barely literate.

Trump plainly asks a foreign leader to collude with him to damage a political opponent. He asks Zelensky to get with Rudy to take down Biden.

It's right there in plain English. Stop being a parroting rube of your propagandists.

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking

How would you know where that transcript came from or how exact it is? Just by administration's word?

I got news for you, it ain't worth much.

Besides, if thats the entirety of it, then they should have no problem releasing the actual audio.
Wow they have audio? How come schiff hasn’t asked for it?

I stand corrected, there does not seem to be an audio, still what we have from 30 min conversation is just a 5 page summary of sorts.

Obviously there are plenty of other notes that were not released.
Ask the people that transcripted the conversation
All the Incels are going to go *ahem* half-mast. Tulsi Gabbard just came out in favor of impeachment. Poor Bear.
Only chance democrats had to win just blew it haha

It's weird that you think growing support for impeachment from places that have rejected it in the past is good news.
Get ready to cry again lol I feel bad for you haha

Cry about what? I'm not nearly as emotional as you.
Well video your self when he wins in 2020 lol save your tears

Odd request, I think I'll decline, perv.
Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking

How would you know where that transcript came from or how exact it is? Just by administration's word?

I got news for you, it ain't worth much.

Besides, if thats the entirety of it, then they should have no problem releasing the actual audio.
Wow they have audio? How come schiff hasn’t asked for it?

I stand corrected, there does not seem to be an audio, still what we have from 30 min conversation is just a 5 page summary of sorts.

Obviously there are plenty of other notes that were not released.
Ask the people that transcripted the conversation

No doubt we will.
Trump first tried to bury the transcript of the phone call in a system used for classified information instead of the usual system. That's a cover up, period.

The transcript plainly shows Dipshit Donald colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.
Huh? Where?
Instead of parroting what your propagandists tell you to parrot, trying reading the transcript for yourself. It's right there in plain English.

Let me know if there are words too big for you to understand.
I did where is it!!???? Please post a pic of the exact words that show a crime!? Please help almost all Americans see it
You didn't read it. You're barely literate.

Trump plainly asks a foreign leader to collude with him to damage a political opponent. It's right there in plain English.
Ahh no evidence.. just what I thought
Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking

How would you know where that transcript came from or how exact it is? Just by administration's word?

I got news for you, it ain't worth much.

Besides, if thats the entirety of it, then they should have no problem releasing the actual audio.
Wow they have audio? How come schiff hasn’t asked for it?

I stand corrected, there does not seem to be an audio, still what we have from 30 min conversation is just a 5 page summary of sorts.

Obviously there are plenty of other notes that were not released.
Ask the people that transcripted the conversation

Only chance democrats had to win just blew it haha

It's weird that you think growing support for impeachment from places that have rejected it in the past is good news.
Get ready to cry again lol I feel bad for you haha

Cry about what? I'm not nearly as emotional as you.
Well video your self when he wins in 2020 lol save your tears

Odd request, I think I'll decline, perv.
So I’m asking everyone for the evidence trump broke the law.. can you show us any?
Sorry, Trump's favorite pollster now has him at -2.

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®
Cool story ,, now you believe ramussen? Haha

Nope, I think Rasmussen is a joke, I just wouldn't want you to put out old information and pass it off as new.
Don’t worry I’m more like 80% support

Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
It does he’s the greatest president we’ve ever had

Don't worry I'm more like 80% support

Nope, doesn't make sense.
Another thing about Trump's collusion phone call. Trump asks Zelensky to help him find evidence the Russians didn't interfere in our election, too.

He's pathetic. Just like his stupid little birther bullshit trying to prove for YEARS that Obama was born in Kenya.

Trump is the worst parroting rube of all. He bleevs whatever manufactured bullshit Fox News tells him to bleev, and then acts on it. Like a fucking retard.
This is ridiculous.
You have the transcripts. You have Ukraine saying the whistleblower isnt correct.
You dumbfucks started this shit before even reading the transcripts.
Pencil neck the liar is distorting transcripts in house hearings.
You got Democrats doing the SAME THING.
You people are pathetic. So dishonest and disingenuous its disgusting.

1. They are not direct transcripts, they are close characterization notes that are incomplete with no explanation of what exactly was ommited.

Hearing the conversation DIRECTLY, word for word with the tones of voice will absolutely prove the most clear picture of what transpired. Absolutely Americans need to hear this conversation directly out of horse's mouth it if we will remove a duly elected Presdient out of office for it.

2. Ukraine fears political retribution for stepping on any of the American toes - they will say make-nice things to both sides, to make sure the substantial political and material aid America is providing them continues. Their government will get crushed by Russia without strong American support.

What they say should be viewed through that prism.

3. Hey dumbfuck, even without anything else president himself directly admited to asking Ukrainian President to go investigate his political opposition, directly admitted to holding up aid. Even without any transcripts that is enough for impeachment investigationm, especially considering Trump's prior history of criminally culpable behavior

4. Transcripts plainly show Trump talking about Ukraine not reciprocating the generous aid America is providing (held up aid is the context for this call), and proceeds to tell Ukranian president who he wants investigated. That is not distortion, that is swamp in plain sight and shame on you for turning the blind eye to such gross corruption.
Link to him admitting he blackmailed them with aid money

LOL, First he withheld aid because "Ukraine is a corrupt country" - Trump suggests he tied Ukraine funding to corruption, cites Biden allegations

Then the story changed to he withheld aid because the EU wasn't doing it's part to help the Ukraine too - Trump admits withholding aid to Ukraine while asking country's leader to investigate 2020 rival Joe Biden

Then you see the redacted transcripts that the Whitehouse shared and you can clearly see him asking for a favor around investigating Biden immediately after the Ukrainian President asks for Military supplies from the U.S. - Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

Aid was withheld from the Ukraine just one week before this call took place - The timeline of Trump’s decision to withhold aid to Ukraine is increasingly suspicious

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and honesty can see what occurred here.

The time to debate the fact that the Ukraine is a corrupt country was when the legislation was working it's way through the congress. No one brought that up including trump.

The time to debate how much the EU was contributing to the Ukraine was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, brought that up.

If trump had those concerns why did he sign the legislation? Why didn't he even bring it up when he was signing the legislation? He could have put in one of those signing statements the bush boy loved to include but he didn't.

Everyone with more than 2 working brain cells who actually reads those documents knows what trump was doing and saying. The fact that the call was improperly put on that secret server screams even trump knew what he was doing was not only wrong but illegal and criminal.

We didn't even get the complete transcript of the call. I want to read the full transcript.

He used our tax dollars to force the Ukraine government to help him cheat to win the 2020 election.

Yet the far right radical extremists have no problem with any of it.

I'm not surprised.

These are the same people who had no problem with the bush boy lying us into Iraq, torturing people, outing a covert CIA spy along with a very long list of crimes committed in those years. If they didn't have a problem with all of what the bush boy did, they will have absolutely no problem with anything trump does or anything anyone who is a republican does.
This is hardly a surprise given the incredibly inflammatory and false reporting by the MSMS. On one of our local news stations, they announced the story as Trump pressuring Ukraine to provide dirt on Biden for 2020. That is not what happened, but that is what the Desperate Progs are spinning.
Everyone with more than 2 working brain cells who actually reads those documents knows what trump was doing and saying. The fact that the call was improperly put on that secret server screams even trump knew what he was doing was not only wrong but illegal and criminal.
Cool story ,, now you believe ramussen? Haha

Nope, I think Rasmussen is a joke, I just wouldn't want you to put out old information and pass it off as new.
Don’t worry I’m more like 80% support

Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
It does he’s the greatest president we’ve ever had

Don't worry I'm more like 80% support

Nope, doesn't make sense.
What do you disagree with him with?
Let’s go down the list
1 more money for everyone
2, higher wages
3, best economy
4 lowest unemployment for blacks
5, lowest unemployment for Latinos
6, lowest unemployment for Asians
7, we aren’t at war
8, North Korea isn’t launching The missiles they were left watching before
9, Iran is collapsing
10, stock market is the best ever

Ok I lied it’s 100% approval
Well you'd get tired of Teddy Roosevelt real quick. .

Er..umm.. apparently nobody stopped by the Asylum and delivered the memo to you; Teddy Roosevelt is dead and isn't coming back.

President Trump is arguably the most transparent and honest president we have ever had.

WHOA! that level of brainwashing and reality distortion is usually reserved for Scientologists... :eek:
Again, truth hurts.

Why did they hide the phone call then? What's up with all the ellipsis in the memo about the call? Tax Returns? Whose paying Giuliani to fly to the Ukraine?
No phone call was hidden. You got the transcript.

Now, anything about National Security you would not get, and since Schiff had a Spy in The White House who was leaking classified information, any time a discussion with a foreign head of state moves towards National Security Issues, it has to be moved to a more secured channel.
Nope, I think Rasmussen is a joke, I just wouldn't want you to put out old information and pass it off as new.
Don’t worry I’m more like 80% support

Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
It does he’s the greatest president we’ve ever had

Don't worry I'm more like 80% support

Nope, doesn't make sense.
What do you disagree with him with?
Let’s go down the list
1 more money for everyone
2, higher wages
3, best economy
4 lowest unemployment for blacks
5, lowest unemployment for Latinos
6, lowest unemployment for Asians
7, we aren’t at war
8, North Korea isn’t launching The missiles they were left watching before
9, Iran is collapsing
10, stock market is the best ever

Ok I lied it’s 100% approval

So, you said you personally approved of Trump by 80% after posting a Rasmussen poll of the public. You don't make much sense.
Don’t worry I’m more like 80% support

Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.
It does he’s the greatest president we’ve ever had

Don't worry I'm more like 80% support

Nope, doesn't make sense.
What do you disagree with him with?
Let’s go down the list
1 more money for everyone
2, higher wages
3, best economy
4 lowest unemployment for blacks
5, lowest unemployment for Latinos
6, lowest unemployment for Asians
7, we aren’t at war
8, North Korea isn’t launching The missiles they were left watching before
9, Iran is collapsing
10, stock market is the best ever

Ok I lied it’s 100% approval

So, you said you personally approved of Trump by 80% after posting a Rasmussen poll of the public. You don't make much sense.
I changed to 100% let’s say you
Well you'd get tired of Teddy Roosevelt real quick. .

Er..umm.. apparently nobody stopped by the Asylum and delivered the memo to you; Teddy Roosevelt is dead and isn't coming back.

President Trump is arguably the most transparent and honest president we have ever had.

WHOA! that level of brainwashing and reality distortion is usually reserved for Scientologists... :eek:
Again, truth hurts.

Why did they hide the phone call then? What's up with all the ellipsis in the memo about the call? Tax Returns? Whose paying Giuliani to fly to the Ukraine?
No phone call was hidden. You got the transcript.

Now, anything about National Security you would not get, and since Schiff had a Spy in The White House who was leaking classified information, any time a discussion with a foreign head of state moves towards National Security Issues, it has to be moved to a more secured channel.

Nope, we don't have the transcript, only a memo detailing parts of the call, not the entire thing. The Trump administration tried to hide the call onto a server reserved for top secret information.

No evidence Schiff has a spy, that's just a weird claim.

Are you claiming the phone call with the Ukrainian president was leaked? Why are you contradicting yourself when you just said or implied the White House sent out the transcript.

You guys are tying yourselves up in knots over this.
Well you'd get tired of Teddy Roosevelt real quick. .

Er..umm.. apparently nobody stopped by the Asylum and delivered the memo to you; Teddy Roosevelt is dead and isn't coming back.

President Trump is arguably the most transparent and honest president we have ever had.

WHOA! that level of brainwashing and reality distortion is usually reserved for Scientologists... :eek:
Again, truth hurts.

Why did they hide the phone call then? What's up with all the ellipsis in the memo about the call? Tax Returns? Whose paying Giuliani to fly to the Ukraine?
No phone call was hidden. You got the transcript.

Now, anything about National Security you would not get, and since Schiff had a Spy in The White House who was leaking classified information, any time a discussion with a foreign head of state moves towards National Security Issues, it has to be moved to a more secured channel.

Nope, we don't have the transcript, only a memo detailing parts of the call, not the entire thing. The Trump administration tried to hide the call onto a server reserved for top secret information.

No evidence Schiff has a spy, that's just a weird claim.

Are you claiming the phone call with the Ukrainian president was leaked? Why are you contradicting yourself when you just said or implied the White House sent out the transcript.

You guys are tying yourselves up in knots over this.
Deep denial.. so sad

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