Support for Impeachment rises 7 points

Support for impeachment rises 7% amid whistleblower complaint: Poll

You know hard times are ahead for Republicans when I use Washington Examiner links....Holy Crap!

And we are just at the beginning of the process. How many more politically damaging trump crimes are hidden in the secret code server?
So the democrat public are as stupid as their elected officials. No surprise here. A no name poll is taken BEFORE THE EVIDENCE IS RELEASED....


Said no one sane that actually fucking read the transcript.

Go read it grasshopper.
OMG QUOTE IT? I hate that I missed it

Did you read it?

If you tell me yes, I'll chew it up for you.

But if you are not actually interested in anything except carrying water for Trump then I'm not wasting my time.
We all did

And you are insane lol
It makes you wonder if the pollster "Morning Conduit" is acting as an agent of a foreign government by trying to undermine the Administration with fake data. The same polling data had Hillary up 321 to 195 electoral votes two months before the election.
The President won't be impeached. He will be censured by the House.

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
Trump first tried to bury the transcript of the phone call in a system used for classified information instead of the usual system. That's a cover up, period.

The transcript plainly shows Dipshit Donald colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking
Trump first tried to bury the transcript of the phone call in a system used for classified information instead of the usual system. That's a cover up, period.

The transcript plainly shows Dipshit Donald colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.
Huh? Where?

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
Exaclty. Trump's using WH lawyers in a cover up. And that's what John Dean warned Ghouliani about yesterday. That's how you can end up in jail, literally.

And even then, they couldn't cover up that Trump called on the DOJ to facilitate using a for govt to interfer in an election. That's actually probably illegal and wrong even if you ignore that president swears to uphold the constitution and democratic elections.

Shapiro is wrong

1. There is no direct, word for word transcript, and even what we have is not complete.

2. Trump's lawyers pulled the not-classified conversation between Trump and Ukranian president out of the regular system and into Intelligence vault used for highly classified conversations.

That is cover up, just like the fact that administration tried to prevent Congress from getting the whistleblower complaint.
The transcript wasn’t compiled by Trump or his team it was compiled by a dozen people then listened in on the conversation .. had nothing to do with trump. The conversation was moved to stop leaking

How would you know where that transcript came from or how exact it is? Just by administration's word?

I got news for you, it ain't worth much.

Besides, if thats the entirety of it, then they should have no problem releasing the actual audio.
I heard it only rose among 16year old students with Autism....

Yea, here's an ass that makes fun of 16 year olds with autism and aspergers syndrome. I knew you were a low life I just didn't figure this low.
WTF. I figured mud was just grumpy most of the time but that was just mean as hell. SMH.
No....I'm just not a gullible fuck like some people are.

I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Most ridiculous Trump deranged post of the year.

100% chance my post went straight over your head.
Yea, here's an ass that makes fun of 16 year olds with autism and aspergers syndrome. I knew you were a low life I just didn't figure this low.
WTF. I figured mud was just grumpy most of the time but that was just mean as hell. SMH.
No....I'm just not a gullible fuck like some people are.

I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Most ridiculous Trump deranged post of the year.

100% chance my post went straight over your head.
!00% that you are a lying cockroach.
I've got 88,000+ pieces of evidence that says otherwise.
Oh good post one .. lol OPPS
" OPPS?" You are either actually retarded or Russian. Which is it?

We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Sure, we shouldn't fuck around in other countries business.
Trump first tried to bury the transcript of the phone call in a system used for classified information instead of the usual system. That's a cover up, period.

The transcript plainly shows Dipshit Donald colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.
Huh? Where?
Instead of parroting what your propagandists tell you to parrot, trying reading the transcript for yourself. It's right there in plain English.

Let me know if there are words too big for you to understand.

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