Support for Impeachment rises 7 points

Support for impeachment rises 7% amid whistleblower complaint: Poll

You know hard times are ahead for Republicans when I use Washington Examiner links....Holy Crap!

And we are just at the beginning of the process. How many more politically damaging trump crimes are hidden in the secret code server?
View attachment 281445

Hillary is not president. Trump is president. And he has been for years. And Hillary has been out of office for nearly 7 years.
i dont support Trump, but for the sake of democracy, impeaching a duly elected president is morally wrong, and i dont support it either!
We have lot's of people on here that are not Americans, Dragonlady for one and then she accuses others of being Russian operatives. She is okay to influence our elections however others are not. There is Tommy Tainant, he is not an American and he criticizes us all the time.

Are we only to worry about Russians and not those from other countries or is it because certain foreigners agree with our view, so they are okay.

When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant spend millions of dollars to put ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant wage a multi nation, multi year and multi million dollar campaign to influence our election, work with any politician to influence our election then lie about the whole thing and try to cover it up?

No they didn't.

It's ridiculous to compare a person voicing their opinion on a message board to what trump and the republicans did in 2016 and are trying to do in 2020.

You owe Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant an apology.
  • No.....the Democrap party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Democrap party has billionaires influencing elections by banning conservative thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Democrap Party supports terrorists groups including Antifa and the American Communist Party who are working with Middle-Eastern terrorist groups like Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood.
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Demcrap Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Democrap Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.

And the other side of the coin

  • No.....the Repugnant party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Repugnant party has billionaires influencing elections by banning Liberal thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Repugnant Party supports terrorists groups including KKK and the White Supremist Party
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Repugnant Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Repugnant Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.
It's legal as long as it's done by Americans. It is done by both sides. But when one side gets help from an outside source then it's NOT legal. And this is what all this is about right now. Soliciting outside help. And it's not the first time by the same individual or his representatives. You can sugar coat it all you wish but laws were broken.

Then the kind GOP lets their arm called the NRA to do Putin's bidding....
i dont support Trump, but for the sake of democracy, impeaching a duly elected president is morally wrong, and i dont support it either!
No matter how many crimes they commit? No matter how much danger they put the country in? Are you sure you’ve thought this through question
i dont support Trump, but for the sake of democracy, impeaching a duly elected president is morally wrong, and i dont support it either!
No matter how many crimes they commit? No matter how much danger they put the country in? Are you sure you’ve thought this through question
i've read books by Bongino, Jarrett, Seth Abramson, Andrew McCarthy etc etc about it, and that's why i have come to this conclusion. try and keep up, amateur!
When you have evidence of the governments of other countries trying to influence our elections I'll be skeptical of people from those countries too.

So individuals from foreign countries can try to influence our elections but not foreign governments.

So does it bother you when we try to influence other government's elections?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant spend millions of dollars to put ads on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

Did Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant wage a multi nation, multi year and multi million dollar campaign to influence our election, work with any politician to influence our election then lie about the whole thing and try to cover it up?

No they didn't.

It's ridiculous to compare a person voicing their opinion on a message board to what trump and the republicans did in 2016 and are trying to do in 2020.

You owe Dragonlady and Tommy Tainant an apology.
  • No.....the Democrap party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Democrap party has billionaires influencing elections by banning conservative thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Democrap Party supports terrorists groups including Antifa and the American Communist Party who are working with Middle-Eastern terrorist groups like Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood.
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Demcrap Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Democrap Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.

And the other side of the coin

  • No.....the Repugnant party spends millions of dollars to produce movies and television programs designed to influence the election.
  • The Repugnant party has billionaires influencing elections by banning Liberal thought. They've worked out deals with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google to slant what is allowed to be transmitted to help influence the election.
  • The Repugnant Party supports terrorists groups including KKK and the White Supremist Party
  • And the biggest influence on our elections is a corrupt media that supports and advocates exclusively for the Repugnant Party and spreads lies and commits fraud at a dangerous and alarming rate.
  • Then there's the brainwashing going on in college campuses by the Repugnant Party. That's designed to influence current and future elections for generations.
It's legal as long as it's done by Americans. It is done by both sides. But when one side gets help from an outside source then it's NOT legal. And this is what all this is about right now. Soliciting outside help. And it's not the first time by the same individual or his representatives. You can sugar coat it all you wish but laws were broken.

Then the kind GOP lets their arm called the NRA to do Putin's bidding....
Who the hell backed that 16 year old retarded broad!
i dont support Trump, but for the sake of democracy, impeaching a duly elected president is morally wrong, and i dont support it either!

I was one of the ones in here that disagreed with Rump but voiced that I didn't want to see an Impeachment. But the crap kept coming and coming and coming. We let something slide, he goes for the next rung. We let that slide, he grabs the next rung. About the time we think he can't get any worse he turns to us and says, "Here, hold my Beer" and really shows us. And we let that slide. These last series of him using outside world leaders to harm the US is way past my breaking point. It's well outside any morale compass I can tolerate. He needs gone. And yes, I am not a Pence supporter but I don't see Pence doing anywhere near the damage that Rump will do if we let this last one slide. You talk about morals. Yes, it's all about morals.

36% of voters supporting impeachment ensures Trump 2020 victory!
Support for impeachment rises 7% amid whistleblower complaint: Poll

You know hard times are ahead for Republicans when I use Washington Examiner links....Holy Crap!

And we are just at the beginning of the process. How many more politically damaging trump crimes are hidden in the secret code server?
View attachment 281445

Hillary is not president. Trump is president. And he has been for years. And Hillary has been out of office for nearly 7 years.
The Op is about dumbass Leftard polls, shitforbrains.
Impeachment is already at 50%.

He WILL be impeached by the House.

We'll see what happens in the Senate
36% of voters supporting impeachment ensures Trump 2020 victory!

Meanwhile 36% of the voters approve of Rumps actions. You mentioned Morales. I find you using morales to justify supporting Rump has zero morales. If you have any morales yourself you would agree with the accomidations he has waiting for him when he leaves office. Just like Al Capone.

The sooner that the House does it and the Senate acquits, we can get to the real game. Trump vs Clinton part 2

Hired Killer:You want me to kill Joe?
Mafia Boss:No...I just want you to do us a favor....

That is how Mafia Bosses get things done.
We hired him to drain the swamp AKA TAKE OUT BAD DEMOCRATS

It's like the Mafia Don. He hires a Killer to protect him. Then has to hire another killer to protect him from the killer he first hired. Then he has to hire a killer......... Now, who do we get to TAKE OUT BAD REPUBLICANS

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