Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Its also obviously a factor of the GOP launching their Transphobia offensive ahead of 2024. Remember how immigration was a huge matter ahead of title 42 expiring? Now they suddenly are no longer making every post about brown people since the crisis didn't materialize.

Transphobia is the new black (or the new Brown in this case). Clearly someone in the GOP called this play...

This is what losing sounds like
You can argue this stuff all day. A huge positive is less people are having less kids now. That's a long overdue needed trend.
I think same sex relationships should be kept completely private and out of the publics eye. Part of me says it shouldn't be allowed at all but I'm also willing to accept it happens as long as it's kept between the two people in their own home.

But I do not believe fags should be allowed to be married, same sex shouldn't be anything publicly acceptable, our society shouldn't tolerate it, and it most certainly should be a crime to introduce the concept to children. It shouldn't be celebrated or promoted meaning no gay pride parades or anything.

America needs to return to its morals, standards and values. And fags are not a part of that.
America says all citizens are free and have liberty, you people want suppression and intolerance.
Yes, 30 years ago, they did. The vote would be different today.
It was not 30 tears ago, you lie because the truth hurts your opinion.

California overwhelmingly voted no on gay marriage in 2008.

But, with the corruption at the ballot box, i guess you are right. California has cheating down to a science
From your link:

Pollsters with Gallup found 64 percent of individuals surveyed find gay and lesbian relations to be “morally acceptable.” Just a year ago, the poll found 71 percent.

That's hardly "plummets", dipshit.

Guess what else has "plummeted".

Support for the use of birth control dropped from 92 percent last year to 88 percent this year. Acceptance of divorce declined from 81 percent to 78 percent. Moral support for sex between an unwed man and an unwed woman fell from 76 percent to 72 percent.
Support for same sex relationships plummets. That's a fact. Are you a fact denier?
Surely you remember "it doesn't hurt anyone".

They were wrong, it cheapens the meaning of marriage, family and heterosexuality, nature's core. You can't expect to normalise the contrary without repercussions, and there's been plenty. Fuck even homosexuals can see the difference. I know quite a few homo couples, only one set is gay married.
Please explain exactly what impact same sex marriage has had on the institution of marriage and how it has been cheepened, EXACTLY,
There will come a point where we will need to address the economic issues as well, not just the social ones. Christians are stuck on social issues and when it comes to economics, they exacerbate the problem, driving young people away from social conservatism into the lap of Marxists.
You can do as you want. Why you want to groom 8 year olds?

Why do you assume that everyone who opposes your idiocy, wants to “groom eight year olds”? Why are you so obsessed about something that isn’t even REAL???

Republicans have completely given up on reality and truth in an effort to try to retain power. People such as yourself are willing to subvert rights to individuals in order to reserve your white supremacy.

The fact that you are lying about an imaginary danger to children in order to achieve your goals shows how low slime balls you truly are.
So, you're trying to say that the left aren't talking kids into getting their penises and breasts chopped off? Are you a fact denier?

Can you find find any evidence that children are being harmed?

How can children be “having their breasts cut off” when children don’t have breasts?

Since no one can have any of these surgeries until they’re past puberty, you’re proveable lying about this.
Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising. The left seem to want to run the country based on public opinion so now is the time for them to either put up or shut up. Do we base all of our decisions on public opinion or not? Or, do we only do that when it fits your agenda and not when it doesn't fit your agenda?

The survey found 55 percent of Americans believed changing one’s gender to be morally wrong, compared to 51 percent who held that view in 2021.

Shows how fucked up we are as a country, support for same sex marriage went down while support for cheating on a spouse went up.
So, you're trying to say that the left aren't talking kids into getting their penises and breasts chopped off? Are you a fact denier?

Since it is happening so much do you think you could link to a few of the cases where it did?
Why do you assume that everyone who opposes your idiocy, wants to “groom eight year olds”? Why are you so obsessed about something that isn’t even REAL???

Republicans have completely given up on reality and truth in an effort to try to retain power. People such as yourself are willing to subvert rights to individuals in order to reserve your white supremacy.

The fact that you are lying about an imaginary danger to children in order to achieve your goals shows how low slime balls you truly are.

The slime balls are those who groom children:









All of you LGBTQA+ sickos should be forced back into your closets.
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