Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Babies do not get to pick their families, but any child who could, would pick one comprised of loving and stable parents- regardless of the respective genders of those parents- who are committed to raising that child to be the best that they can be, respectful of others and to love him/her/ X self regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
people who don't even take the time to figure out what gender they are and what a true marriage looks like

cannot provide a loving home for children...

If you define love as something more than mere human affection, but then libs don't even know what the heckthat sentence means
people who don't even take the time to figure out what gender they are and what a true marriage looks like

cannot provide a loving home for children...

If you define love as something more than mere human affection, but then libs don't even know what the heckthat sentence means

Oh fucking bullshit.

I work with a gay woman who has been with the same partner for more than 20 years, they have a teenager daughters they love every bit as much as any straight couple love their child.

You fucking bigot just make me want to puke.

Worry about the log in your own eye for a change
Evidence? Posts on TikTok, are not evidence, because no doctor will remove the breasts of a 13-year-old girl. It’s simply not being done.

All you’re doing is regurgitating the lies that is getting your country into this mess in the first place.
There is a forum on this site about it. Two 13 year olds and a 15 year old. The party you support is doing this, so you will support it.
There have been a couple, not several.

It should never happen, nobody should be allowed to make permanent changes to their bodies till they are old enough to be trusted to drink a beer.

How do you feel about support for adultery going up while support for same sex marriage going down?
I have to agree with you that right now the world is pretty fucked up. I wanted to like your post on that but couldn't quite pull the trigger because we view many things differently and I didn't want you to think I was liking the way you look at things.

I used to be against same sex marriage (but not same sex relationships) just because it just seemed to go too much against the grain because it just makes sense that a man and a woman get married, have kids, and continue on our species. But, bottom line, I don't really give a crap if two people of the same sex want to get married. It's no skin off my ass, just as long as they don't force people to accept their behavior (like priests and wedding cake bakers, etc.). Note: I am against bakers discriminating against gays as long as it doesn't involve artistic talent. A designer should not be forced to design something against their values. Sell a cake yes, design, no.

As far as adultery goes, it is disappointing that that conception is gaining ground. However, every situation is different and there are getting to be more married couples who are more accepting of their partners looking elsewhere for fulfilling part of their lives. I would suggest that we don't use the term adultery for married couples who know and give their blessings to their spouses. It just doesn't seem right to include those in the term adultery.
Oh fucking bullshit.

I work with a gay woman who has been with the same partner for more than 20 years, they have a teenager daughters they love every bit as much as any straight couple love their child.

You fucking bigot just make me want to puke.

Worry about the log in your own eye for a change
Jesus was also a bigot. You're a Christian so you're a hypocrite.
I have to agree with you that right now the world is pretty fucked up. I wanted to like your post on that but couldn't quite pull the trigger because we view many things differently and I didn't want you to think I was liking the way you look at things.

I understand, liking one of my post will get your tribe pissed off at you.

I used to be against same sex marriage (but not same sex relationships) just because it just seemed to go too much against the grain because it just makes sense that a man and a woman get married, have kids, and continue on our species. But, bottom line, I don't really give a crap if two people of the same sex want to get married. It's no skin off my ass, just as long as they don't force people to accept their behavior (like priests and wedding cake bakers, etc.). Note: I am against bakers discriminating against gays as long as it doesn't involve artistic talent. A designer should not be forced to design something against their values. Sell a cake yes, design, no.

Wow, we agree again. You better watch out! ;)
Oh fucking bullshit.

I work with a gay woman who has been with the same partner for more than 20 years, they have a teenager daughters they love every bit as much as any straight couple love their child.

You fucking bigot just make me want to puke.

Worry about the log in your own eye for a change
I heard a stat not long ago, that domestic discord/violence occurs more in same sex relationships
You are the sick fuck, forcing children to live in a family that is unnatural
You have not really applied any critical thinking to any of this have you. How is anyone forcing kids to do anything? It is a matter of circumstances. Children ...adopted by gay individuals and couples –children who have no parents and in many cased would not be adopted by others. Children are born to gay individuals and couples. Maybe you think that should be illegal, or that those kids should be taken away? I would not be surprised given you level of derangement/.

And what the fuck is a “natural family” ?? A mother and a father who are both the biological parents of 2.5 kids? How many families like that really exist? Kids have all sorts of families. Blended/reconstituted families, extended families , adoptive families, combinations of all of those- some good, some no so good. You have some strange ideas
You have not really applied any critical thinking to any of this have you. How is anyone forcing kids to do anything? It is a matter of circumstances. Children ...adopted by gay individuals and couples –children who have no parents and in many cased would not be adopted by others. Children are born to gay individuals and couples. Maybe you think that should be illegal, or that those kids should be taken away? I would not be surprised given you level of derangement/.

And what the fuck is a “natural family” ?? A mother and a father who are both the biological parents of 2.5 kids? How many families like that really exist? Kids have all sorts of families. Blended/reconstituted families, extended families , adoptive families, combinations of all of those- some good, some no so good. You have some strange ideas

Blah blah blah
I understand, liking one of my post will get your tribe pissed off at you.

Wow, we agree again. You better watch out! ;)
I didn't like your post because we see the same things differently when it comes down to the details, not the generality, I didn't want you to think I agreed with the details while I agreed with the generality. I do have a tribe. My tribe is not the far left or the far right. In fact, I am looking very seriously at the NO LABELS possibility for the 2024 election where, if it happens, they will run a Republican and a Democrat on the same ticket. That's my tribe.

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