Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Can you find find any evidence that children are being harmed?

How can children be “having their breasts cut off” when children don’t have breasts?

Since no one can have any of these surgeries until they’re past puberty, you’re proveable lying about this.
LOL. I find it funny that you think that whacking off their penises or breasts isn't harming them. Have you even noticed that several children who have grown up are now suing because they WERE harmed?
There have been several examples posted on this forum, including several children who grew up and are suing now because they were harmed.

There have been a couple, not several.

It should never happen, nobody should be allowed to make permanent changes to their bodies till they are old enough to be trusted to drink a beer.

How do you feel about support for adultery going up while support for same sex marriage going down?
There have been a couple, not several.

It should never happen, nobody should be allowed to make permanent changes to their bodies till they are old enough to be trusted to drink a beer.

How do you feel about support for adultery going up while support for same sex marriage going down?
No one supports adultery. Why do you support same-sex marriage?
No one supports adultery.

Based on the survey of the OP you are incorrect.

Why do you support same-sex marriage?

Why not?

Why should two people of the same sex that love each other and want to spend their life together not get the same benefits from the Govt that me and my wife get?

Only an asshole would say they should not.
Based on the survey of the OP you are incorrect.

Why not?

Why should two people of the same sex that love each other and want to spend their life together not get the same benefits from the Govt that me and my wife get?

Only an asshole would say they should not.
I thought you were a Christian. Sorry, my mistake...or your mistake. Whatever.
I thought you were a Christian. Sorry, my mistake...or your mistake. Whatever.

What does that have to do with the government giving benefits to married couples?

We are not talking about religion here, we are talking about the civil government.
Is someone else's sexual preferences a threat to you in any way? Conservatives always say that they are "live and let live". Perhaps you can put up or shut up.
you sickos don't even care that sex changes are irreversible and that young people haven't even figured out how to write a resume or whatever, yet you pervs think they should be free of parental guidance on this IRREVERSIBLE procedure that many trans people have come to regret... and some have committed suicide .. some homicide...

that doesn't even phase you... the Narrative must RULE!
When Jesus made a whip and beat the corrupt money changers was he being Christlike?

too bad Jesus doesn't take a whip to Golfing Gator


Maybe I shouldn't laugh... because some day Jesus will--- if GG doesn't repent..

only when that happens it won't be a mere overturning of his tables.. but eternal punishment aka Hell
Why do you assume that everyone who opposes your idiocy, wants to “groom eight year olds”? Why are you so obsessed about something that isn’t even REAL???

Republicans have completely given up on reality and truth in an effort to try to retain power. People such as yourself are willing to subvert rights to individuals in order to reserve your white supremacy.

The fact that you are lying about an imaginary danger to children in order to achieve your goals shows how low slime balls you truly are.
Two thirteen year old girls had their breast cut off. Now they are suing the doctor. Hopefully they will sue the democrat party also. So much for your i.aginary danger to our children.
There is no baby who would pick a homosexual mam man couple over having a man and woman as mom and dad
Babies do not get to pick their families, but any child who could, would pick one comprised of loving and stable parents- regardless of the respective genders of those parents- who are committed to raising that child to be the best that they can be, respectful of others and to love him/her/ X self regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Babies do not get to pick their parents, but any child who could would pick one comprised of loving parents and stable parents who are committed to raising that child to be the best that they can be, respectful of others and to love him/her/ X self regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. They WOULD NOT make that choice based on the respective genders of the parents?

You're so gay
Two thirteen year old girls had their breast cut off. Now they are suing the doctor. Hopefully they will sue the democrat party also. So much for your i.aginary danger to our children.

Evidence? Posts on TikTok, are not evidence, because no doctor will remove the breasts of a 13-year-old girl. It’s simply not being done.

All you’re doing is regurgitating the lies that is getting your country into this mess in the first place.
Two thirteen year old girls had their breast cut off. Now they are suing the doctor. Hopefully they will sue the democrat party also. So much for your i.aginary danger to our children.

Can you provide link to a copy of the court filing on this case? I’ve looked for it and it doesn’t exist.

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