Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Yes. A Christian Pastor married us. We were pronounced married by the Pastor before we signed the marriage license. We're married with or without the license.

The you are part of the culture and you have a civil marriage.

The license is what makes it a civil marriage, the Govt does not care about the religious part of it.

Why did you get the license if you were married without it?
Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising. The left seem to want to run the country based on public opinion so now is the time for them to either put up or shut up. Do we base all of our decisions on public opinion or not? Or, do we only do that when it fits your agenda and not when it doesn't fit your agenda?

The survey found 55 percent of Americans believed changing one’s gender to be morally wrong, compared to 51 percent who held that view in 2021.

That's what happens when you let pedophiles dictate your program.
The you are part of the culture and you have a civil marriage.

The license is what makes it a civil marriage, the Govt does not care about the religious part of it.

Why did you get the license if you were married without it?
Wrong. We're instructed by the Scriptures to obey the laws of the land. That's why we got a license. Anything else?
Can you find find any evidence that children are being harmed?
How can children be “having their breasts cut off” when children don’t have breasts?
Since no one can have any of these surgeries until they’re past puberty, you’re proveable [sic] lying about this.

Four specific cases mentioned in the following thread—three women who, as minors, were deceived into having full mastectomies, and a young man who, as a teen, was castrated and emasculated. All of them minors when they were manipulated into being irreversibly mutilated.

Hearing about it constantly and the attempts to groom children are a threat to everyone. Tell them to STFU.
Ya know hold on a second.

If your child identifies as the “wrong” gender… deal with it.

I assume that you (people who are so enraged) would do everything in your power to keep that poor kid from being happy but that is your right as a parent.

So… YOUR kids are protected. That ought to be enough.

Where do you come off telling other parents how to deal with their kids?

It’s not like kids can be “groomed” or “contaminated” by exposure to trans people or ideas and then act on it themselves. Right?
It might have something to do with the fact that we can clearly see that it's happening, and your kind are not even trying very hard to hide it.

How many children do you know personally that have been talked into having gender surgery?

How can you clearly see “something that is happening” when it’s been proven over and over again that it’s not happening at all.

Of course, you still believe the election was stolen, despite all reasonable evidence to the contrary.

How much money have you donated to these lies????
Babies do not get to pick their families, but any child who could, would pick one comprised of loving and stable parents- regardless of the respective genders of those parents- who are committed to raising that child to be the best that they can be, respectful of others and to love him/her/ X self regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.
Babies, toddlers, children, will always pick a mom and a dad, period. Anybody with children, any good parent with a child, knows that fact.

Yes, any would pick loving and stable parents. A man and woman is what parents, are.

Nothing else is, parents. Man and Woman, are the only two beings that can parent a family.
What does that have to do with the government giving benefits to married couples?
We are not talking about religion here, we are talking about the civil government.

Families, based on marriage between a man and a woman, united for life in their responsibility to each other, and to their children, are the foundation of every stable human society that ha ever existed, or ever will exist on any significant scale. To subvert and distort this institution, to mock it, can only ever have significantly adverse effects on any society in which this happens.
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Four specific cases mentioned in the following thread—three women who, as minors, were deceived into having full mastectomies, and a young man who, as a teen, was castrated and emasculated. All of them minors when they were manipulated into being irreversibly mutilated.

Posts on US message boards are not proof of anything.

Show us copies of the court filings.
Babies do not get to pick their families, but any child who could, would pick one comprised of loving and stable parents- regardless of the respective genders of those parents- who are committed to raising that child to be the best that they can be, respectful of others and to love him/her/ X self regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

You've boasted of helping to put children under the control of monsters like these…

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Evidence? Posts on TikTok, are not evidence, because no doctor will remove the breasts of a 13-year-old girl. It’s simply not being done.
All you’re doing is regurgitating the lies that is getting your country into this mess in the first place.

A correction is in order to something I've said a few times before. The two different documented cases that I know of, of a girl having had her breasts removed at thirteen, turn out to be the to be same case, with the girl having used two different names. It turns out that Layla Jane is the same person who also goes by the name Kayla Lovdahl.

Chloe Cole, AKA Chloe Brockman, is another person, known by two different names, who was similarly mastectomized and mutilated at fifteen, under the same false pretenses. Both of these women are now suing Kaiser over this and related abuses.

And accounts of a young man named Richard Anumene seem to be unclear about his age when he was castrated and emasculated, under similar false pretenses.

But all of these, and probably many, many, many more cases about which we have not yet heard, are horrific examples of young people, suffering from various issues of mental unsoundness to begin with, manipulated and exploited into irreversible surgical mutilations, under the blatantly false premise that it is possible to change their sex, and that doing so would be a valid treatment of their mental health issues.
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Ya know hold on a second.

If your child identifies as the “wrong” gender… deal with it.

I assume that you (people who are so enraged) would do everything in your power to keep that poor kid from being happy but that is your right as a parent.

So… YOUR kids are protected. That ought to be enough.

Where do you come off telling other parents how to deal with their kids?

It’s not like kids can be “groomed” or “contaminated” by exposure to trans people or ideas and then act on it themselves. Right?
You do not tell me or any other parent how to raise their children. Period.
Babies, toddlers, children, will always pick a mom and a dad, period. Anybody with children, any good parent with a child, knows that fact.
Yes, any would pick loving and stable parents. A man and woman is what parents, are.
Nothing else is, parents. Man and Woman, are the only two beings that can parent a family.

Well, they certainly would, if they had the capacity to understand what they were choosing, and what the consequences would be of that choice.
people who don't even take the time to figure out what gender they are and what a true marriage looks like
cannot provide a loving home for children...
If you define love as something more than mere human affection, but then libs don't even know what the heck that sentence means

…or sexual lust.
That was before the kids got involved, and the trans thing exploded.

Looks like the "slippery slope" fallacy was shown not to be a fallacy at all this time.
Yeah, I can't go five feet without seeing someone who is transgender. Oh wait...I can go days without seeing a transgender; much less anyone who was abused by a transgender.

Looks like the only fallacy is caused by your prejudice.
you sickos don't even care that sex changes are irreversible and that young people haven't even figured out how to write a resume or whatever, yet you pervs think they should be free of parental guidance on this IRREVERSIBLE procedure that many trans people have come to regret... and some have committed suicide .. some homicide...

that doesn't even phase you... the Narrative must RULE!
You're more worried about a male wearing his hair long and perhaps questioning his maleness than his classmate--a member of the well regulated militia--mowing down the entire class with a legally bought weapon in a matter of seconds.

You're the sicko.
You're more worried about a male wearing his hair long and perhaps questioning his maleness than his classmate--a member of the well regulated militia--mowing down the entire class with a legally bought weapon in a matter of seconds.

You're the sicko.

This is what happens when you put the shiny side inward.

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