Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Whatever you want to think. I could give a fuck less. That response just reflects the shallowness of your pre teen intellect. Your the kid that call every one who you don't like a fag or a sissy. Grow the fuck up
If you could give a fuck less, then why don't you give it to me. I could use it
Babies, toddlers, children, will always pick a mom and a dad, period. Anybody with children, any good parent with a child, knows that fact.

Yes, any would pick loving and stable parents. A man and woman is what parents, are.

Nothing else is, parents. Man and Woman, are the only two beings that can parent a family.
Damn you are a mess! Did you say that you are gay? Why do you loath youself so much
We are both retired. We didn't get a marriage license to gain anything. You keep shilling for big brother. Stooge.

Then why did you give in to the culture and get one?

There is no legal requirement for it.

It is 100% a cultural thing
They are broad attacks on gender affirming care for all minors whether they are preteen or 17 .

“Gender-affirming care” is a severe form of malpractice, and when applied to minors, is a severe form of child abuse.

It absolutely should be illegal, with severe criminal penalties for anyone who has any willing part in it, especially when the victims thereof are minors.

Whatever you want to think. I could give a fuck less. That response just reflects the shallowness of your pre teen intellect. Your the kid that call every one who you don't like a fag or a sissy. Grow the fuck up

You •ARE• a fag and a sissy. And much, much worse, but we're not allowed to go there.

Your body of work on this forum proves that.
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Also, support for gender changing has also plummeted. Most Americans believe it to be morally wrong and that sentiment is rising. The left seem to want to run the country based on public opinion so now is the time for them to either put up or shut up. Do we base all of our decisions on public opinion or not? Or, do we only do that when it fits your agenda and not when it doesn't fit your agenda?

The survey found 55 percent of Americans believed changing one’s gender to be morally wrong, compared to 51 percent who held that view in 2021.

Always nice to hear some good, sensible news. As long as there's even a tiny bit of sanity ... there's hope.
to you, the sex is not important, tell us how much you wish you were raised by homosexuals,

If they were like the lady I work with and her partner I would have loved it. They are caring, nurturing parents which is far more than I ever got from my father.
elektra said:
Yes, live and let live, which cutting off the sexual organs of children without the parents knowledge is not, living and let living.
That is not happening you hysterical fool
The laws are being written and or passed, in this case in Washington state. Children can get gender reassignment medical care without their parent's permission or knowledge, and the parents must pay for it.
(ii) A minor who may obtain health care without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, pursuant to state or federal law.
All people deserve the right to choose the health services
that are right for them, and the right to confidential access to health care services
A health carrier may not require protected individuals to
obtain the policyholder, primary subscriber, or other covered
person's authorization to receive health care services or to submit a
claim if the protected individual has the right to consent to care.
(3) A health carrier must recognize the right of a protected
individual or enrollee to exclusively exercise rights granted under
this section regarding health information related to care that the
enrollee or protected individual has received.
(4) A health carrier or insurer must direct all communication
regarding a protected individual's receipt of sensitive health care
services directly to the protected individual receiving care, or to a
physical or email address or telephone number specified by the
protected individual. A carrier or insurer may not disclose nonpublic
personal health information concerning sensitive health care services
provided to a protected individual to any person, including the
policyholder, the primary subscriber, or any plan enrollees other
than the protected individual receiving care,
If they were like the lady I work with and her partner I would have loved it. They are caring, nurturing parents which is far more than I ever got from my father.
yea, you say that now, but had you not known your real father, it is guaranteed that you would of longed for a mom and dad that loved one another and raised you right.

I wish I had a great family, but I make do by having great friends. Many who are, were gay, more that are straight. But either way, none of my friends are activists, and of the few gay friends I have, none support the adoption of children by gay couples.

Seems more heterosexuals support homosexuals adopting. But, I dont think they ever consider that the children would prefer a natural family.

Further, I never said a child can not adjust to their environment. But just cause they do adjust, and make the best of it, does not mean that is what they would of chosen given the choice. And of course, there are at least one example of a man that was adopted by lesbians, who loves them both, but advocates against homosexual adoption.
If they were like the lady I work with and her partner I would have loved it. They are caring, nurturing parents which is far more than I ever got from my father.
Maybe that explains the cultural divide

Too many of us had good parents and just cant relate to lib misfits who are products of rotten homelives
They can provide two loving parents, which is what every child needs and wants. The sex of each is unimportant.
to you, the sex is not important, tell us how much you wish you were raised by homosexuals,

I, for one, am very glad that I had a very good man for a father, to show me how to be a man, and to teach me all manner of manly skills that have served me well in adulthood.

And a very good woman, for a mother, to show me what to expect of a woman, what to look for in a potential wife.

And I am grateful for how my parents, in their relationship, provided vital examples for me as to how to relate to my own wife, once she finally came into my, life.

I would have been at a severe disadvantage, compared to how I have been, without the examples I had from my proper set of parents a father and a mother, who were faithful and loving to one another, to me, and to my siblings.

It is well known that children who do not have a father in the home are at much greater risk of bad life outcomes. I have to think that the same must be true of not having a mother.

My wife's family life was not nearly so favorable. Her father was a piece of shit, who sexually abused her, starting when she was eight, and ending when he gave himself a fatal .357-caliber lobotomy a couple years later. Her mother sort of fell apart after that. Fortunately, she had a very good man in her maternal grandfather, who filled much of the role that a decent father otherwise would have filled. My wife's a wonderful person, but to one who knows her very well, it is apparently that to this day, she has been harmed, most of all by her father's abuse, but also by the lack of a stable, orderly family.
yea, you say that now, but had you not known your real father, it is guaranteed that you would of longed for a mom and dad that loved one another and raised you right.

I wish I had a great family, but I make do by having great friends. Many who are, were gay, more that are straight. But either way, none of my friends are activists, and of the few gay friends I have, none support the adoption of children by gay couples.

Seems more heterosexuals support homosexuals adopting. But, I dont think they ever consider that the children would prefer a natural family.

Further, I never said a child can not adjust to their environment. But just cause they do adjust, and make the best of it, does not mean that is what they would of chosen given the choice. And of course, there are at least one example of a man that was adopted by lesbians, who loves them both, but advocates against homosexual adoption.

Kids do not give a fuck about the sex of their parents, they just want people that love them and will spend time with the and raise them.
A friend of mine loves the dick, but she claims to be a lesbian for liberal attention, companionship and need for her existence. She lives with a gal she hates. Go figure she was married TO A DUDE and has the kids to show for it. Anyway, once upon a time she was very cute, and I know she would rather be with a dude, her life is complicated.

Then I saw her mother and it all made sense. She's the butchest of butches. The idea gay parents is normal and doesn't leave a mess for children is BS.
Kids do not give a fuck about the sex of their parents, they just want people that love them and will spend time with the and raise them.
i was a kid, and I cared, my three brothers cared, my 10 cousins cared, my mom and dad, my aunts and uncles, my grandparents all cared. Every child I ever met, cared.

People are delusional if they believe a baby, if they could exercise their will, would choose two men, over a man and a woman, or a real mom and dad. The only couple close to being a parent, is man and woman.
People are delusional if they believe a baby, if they could exercise their will, would choose two men, over a man and a woman, or a real mom and dad. The only couple close to being a parent, is man and woman.

A baby if they could choose would choose two people that loved them...that is what matters.

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