Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

I, for one, am very glad that I had a very good man for a father, to show me how to be a man, and to teach me all manner of manly skills that have served me well in adulthood.

And a very good woman, for a mother, to show me what to expect of a woman, what to look for in a potential wife.

And I am grateful for how my parents, in their relationship, provided vital examples for me as to how to relate to my own wife, once she finally came into my, life.

I would have been at a severe disadvantage, compared to how I have been, without the examples I had from my proper set of parents a father and a mother, who were faithful and loving to one another, to me, and to my siblings.

It is well known that children who do not have a father in the home are at much greater risk of bad life outcomes. I have to think that the same must be true of not having a mother.

My wife's family life was not nearly so favorable. Her father was a piece of shit, who sexually abused her, starting when she was eight, and ending when he gave himself a fatal .357-caliber lobotomy a couple years later. Her mother sort of fell apart after that. Fortunately, she had a very good man in her maternal grandfather, who filled much of the role that a decent father otherwise would have filled. My wife's a wonderful person, but to one who knows her very well, it is apparently that to this day, she has been harmed, most of all by her father's abuse, but also by the lack of a stable, orderly family.
thanks for sharing, life is touch, and a real bitch for some

outside of very abusive parents, the truth is, everyone wants their mom and dad, and they wish that mom and dad could be perfect

all these assholes, stating children dont care and that we should acquiescence to homosexuals would never pick homosexuals, two men, or two women, to raise themselves. I dont buy their bullshit.
A baby if they could choose would choose two people that loved them...that is what matters.
an orphan, given insight into their future, and the options available, most likely would choose an orphanage.

But, given that the vast majority of orphans, that seek out their biological parents it is obvious that no matter what you dictate, the people do not choose what you demand.
Then why did you give in to the culture and get one?

There is no legal requirement for it.

It is 100% a cultural thing
I told you, Scripture says to obey the laws of the land. You're so desperate in your attempts to prove me a hypocrite that you make a fool of yourself every time.
I told you, Scripture says to obey the laws of the land.

There is no law of the land that says you have to have a marriage license. You free choose to follow the culture and get one.

Those are a cultural thing that is given out to extend civil benefits to a married couple.
What argument for gay marriage doesn't apply to marriage between close relatives?
Clearly you have little or no understanding of constitutional law and most certainly have not read any of the court cases leading up to the SCOTUS decision, leave alone the Obergefell opinion (if you even know what that is) I will paraphrase from memory from the majority opinion:

“ Same sex couples will now be afforded the same rights that opposite sex couples enjoy in accordance with the laws of the state in which they reside”

No state allows for the marriage of close relatives of the opposite sex ( except for a few shit hole red states that allow first cousins to marry) and therefor the ruling does not allow for the marriage of any close relatives.

Same sex couples won the right to marry because-after protracted legal fights at the state and apelet levels, culminating the SCOTUS decision, the opponents' of same sex marriage were never able to articulate a compelling state interest-or even a rational basis – for banning same sex marriage , The high court concluded that same sex couples – comprised of consenting adults who were not closely related- were essentially the same as heterosexual couples.

It does not take a genius to understand that a parent marrying an offspring or siblings marrying poses a whole new set of legal and social issues that would have to be decided on their own merits. Such arrangements would upend the concept of marriage and family to a far greater extent than same sex marriage.

Without passing judgement on the concept- I will just say that if a father wants to marry his daughter- he is free to pursue that issue through the legislative or judicial process just as gay people did. However, it is likely to prove more difficult to show that there is no compelling government interest in prohibiting such a union.
So much for your idiotic red herring and slippery slope logical fallacy bullshit
There is no law of the land that says you have to have a marriage license. You free choose to follow the culture and get one.

Those are a cultural thing that is given out to extend civil benefits to a married couple.
Actually, legally married couples are punished in Washington state. That's why so many non-Christian couples live together without marriage. Bottom line is you support queer marriage and all the other progressive new age shit. Go justify your sin somewhere else.
Actually, legally married couples are punished in Washington state. That's why so many non-Christian couples live together without marriage. Bottom line is you support queer marriage and all the other progressive new age shit. Go justify your sin somewhere else.

Bottom line is you claimed there was no such thing as civil marriage and then admitted you have a civil marriage license.

Thus proving you are either stupid, you lied or both .

But yes, I do support the right of same sex couples to have the same civil marriage that you and I have...unlike you I am not a fucking bigot that hates anyone not just like me
That makes you a coward. That's worse. Stand up for your beliefs.

Bottom line is you claimed there was no such thing as civil marriage and then admitted you have a civil marriage license.

Thus proving you are either stupid, you lied or both .

But yes, I do support the right of same sex couples to have the same civil marriage that you and I have...unlike you I am not a fucking bigot that hates anyone not just like me
Liar. Show the post where I said there is no such thing as civil marriage. You always screw up. That because you're desperate and stupid.
Liar. Show the post where I said there is no such thing as civil marriage. You always screw up. That because you're desperate and stupid.



This is the part where an actual Christian would go 'yep, you were right, I am sorry for calling you a liar"

But you will not
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Civil marriage isn't marriage. God isn't involved. You lose. Civil marriage is your culture, not mine. You lose again. Man, you're desperate.

You called me a liar for saying you said there was no such thing as civil marriage, then when I show it to you, this is your response?

Isn't there something in that bible of yours about lying?

Also, why did you get a civil marriage license if there is no such thing as civil marriage?
You called me a liar for saying you said there was no such thing as civil marriage, then when I show it to you, this is your response?

Isn't there something in that bible of yours about lying?

Also, why did you get a civil marriage license if there is no such thing as civil marriage?
You think he could mean common law marriage?

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