Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Is someone else's sexual preferences a threat to you in any way?

When it comes to lobbying my government to promote you over what I elected them for - YES.

When it comes to acting lewd and vulgar in public in front of my children against my wishes - YES.

When it comes to trying to indoctrinate my children into a perverse lifestyle against my will - YES.

When it comes to trying to feed my kids books and literature corrupting my kid's morals behind my back - YES.

When it comes to trying to turn my kids against me and get them to have permanent life altering bodily mutilation behind by back without my knowledge or approval - YES.
When it comes to lobbying my government to promote you over what I elected them for - YES.

When it comes to acting lewd and vulgar in public in front of my children against my wishes - YES.

When it comes to trying to indoctrinate my children into a perverse lifestyle against my will - YES.

When it comes to trying to feed my kids books and literature corrupting my kid's morals behind my back - YES.

When it comes to trying to turn my kids against me and get them to have permanent life altering bodily mutilation behind by back without my knowledge or approval - YES.
Wow! Holy shit on a shingle! All that is happening just because there are gay people who dare to breath the same air as you? Got news for you....the only place any of that is happening is in your own sealed echo chamber and in the empty space between your ears
Wow! Holy shit on a shingle! All that is happening just because there are gay people who dare to breath the same air as you?
NO, idiot. Don't play stupid. If they were just breathing air with the rest of us not trying to gay up our kids, there would be no problem.
Let kids grow up and decide for themselves whether they need a "gender" change, fool.

Got news for you....the only place any of that is happening is in your own sealed echo chamber and in the empty space between your ears
Right asshole. So all of the videos shown here are made up? Lawsuits against schools fake news. Give it a rest, moron.
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yes, and you got a Govt form approving your marriage. Why did you do that?
Let me stick my 2 cents in here:

Marriage is a right
Let us put aside for a moment the fact that the Supreme Court has, on numerous occasions, said that marriage is a right. However, a brief review is in order. Here is one example:
In Turner v Safley (1987), the Court refused to apply strict scutiny to a Missouri prison regulation prohibiting inmates from marrying, absent a compelling reason. Instead, the Court found the regulation failed to meet even a lowered standard of "reasonableness" that it said it would apply in evaluating the constitutionality of prison regulations.
This is why even the likes of Charles Manson, a mass murderer who stand little chance of ever getting out of prison was granted permission to marry ( Subsequently the blushing bride came to her senses and the deal was off) Yet, until recently, two people who desired and were committed to each other, but happened to be of the same gender could not marry. How does that make sense?
But, let’s focus on the meaning of the words -rights and privileges rather than the legal aspects. If marriage is not a right as some contend, then it is a privilege. There are no other possibilities. So then what is a privilege? I submit to you that a privilege is something that must be earned- something that you must demonstrate a degree of competence to engage in. Driving is a privilege.
As for marriage, there is no such requirement. One must simply meet certain criteria – age, ability to consent, not to closely related, and until recently, being of the opposite sex. There is no test to take, no requirement that they prove that they will be a good spouse or that they “deserve” to be married. They can take for granted that they will be allowed to marry as long as they meet those very minimal criteria. The fact that a license is required does not, in itself make it a privilege. The license only serves to ensure that those minimal requirements are met.
Now, one can lose both rights and privileges under certain circumstances but the bar is set much higher for revoking a right than it is for revoking a privilege. In the case of driving, if you are irresponsible and have accidents and get tickets, or if you have a medical condition that renders you unsafe, your driving privileges can be revoked often by administrative process for which you have no appeal.. On the other hand, while you have the right to your freedom, that to can be forfeited, but only if you are afforded due process in a court of law, convicted beyond a reasonable doubt of a serious crime, and exhaust your appeals.
In the case of marriage, no third party can nullify it, not the government of anyone else for “not being good at it” or breaking the rules. The government only step in and revoke your marriage if it is found that you misrepresented your eligibility based on the aforementioned minimum criteria. Otherwise, the only role for government is to mediate and ultimately grant the desolation of the marriage. Marriage is clearly a right.
I knew you were going there, you guys always do. No, the mouth isn't a sex organ. Is the anus a sex organ?

So, you do not give nor receive oral sex?

That explains a ton about why you are always so damn grumpy.
So, you do not give nor receive oral sex?

That explains a ton about why you are always so damn grumpy.

Just because it is USED for sexual activity doesn't mean it IS a sex organ.

Just like homosexuality exists, but it isn't the default human condition.
Just because it is USED for sexual activity doesn't mean it IS a sex organ.

Just like homosexuality exists, but it isn't the default human condition.

The default human condition would be to have sex to make kids and no other reason.

Forgive the pun, but fuck that.
The default human condition would be to have sex to make kids and no other reason.

Forgive the pun, but fuck that.

Not at all. that is the PURPOSE of sex organs, but the pleasure used as a motivator to get the purpose to happen is also a default part of the parts.

Being able to use something in a way not intended by it's purpose or true function doesn't make said part designed for the non intended use.
Being able to use something in a way not intended by it's purpose or true function doesn't make said part designed for the non intended use.

Nobody ever whines about the mouth not being used this way, yet they do about the anus....why is that
So, you are ok then with gay women since they are not doing anything different than what most men to do women?
I'm okay with anything adults want to do sexually with each other. I'm not okay with queers indoctrinating children in queer perversion.
I'm okay with anything adults want to do sexually with each other. I'm not okay with queers indoctrinating children in queer perversion.

Well that is a huge change from every other post you have ever made.

And when I bring it up in an hour you will call me a liar and claim you never side it like you did with civil marriage, and then when proven wrong yet again you will not recant calling me a liar...yet again

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