Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Ask women who aren't a fan of taking it up the ass.

Then they should not do it.

But you do bring up a good point, when a woman does it with a man nobody freaks out, many porn flicks have such things in them. Nobody is yelling "that is not a sex organ"...but two men do it and BOOM the bigots lose their fucking minds
Then they should not do it.

But you do bring up a good point, when a woman does it with a man nobody freaks out, many porn flicks have such things in them. Nobody is yelling "that is not a sex organ"...but two men do it and BOOM the bigots lose their fucking minds

I think it has more to do with some other dude's junk going into a dude's ass.

Sorry, but the only penis I am a fan of is my own.
I think it has more to do with some other dude's junk going into a dude's ass.

Sorry, but the only penis I am a fan of is my own.

Then do not engage in what they do, but quit fucking freaking out about them doing what they are a fan of
Based on the survey of the OP you are incorrect.

Why not?

Why should two people of the same sex that love each other and want to spend their life together not get the same benefits from the Govt that me and my wife get?

Only an asshole would say they should not.

They should not, because the two groups biologically are not the same.
The issue isn't the act, the issue is trying to teach to kids that those acts are just as "normal" as the regular acts when they are not.

What is normal? By normal do you just mean anything a man and a woman decide to do but not anything at all that two women decide to do?
Normal as in normal. Default conditions for a human being.

Being Heterosexual is default for humans, no amount of doublethink can change that.

Is normal something to strive for? To be proud of?

Is not normal just another word for average?
Is normal something to strive for? To be proud of?

Is not normal just another word for average?

The world needs normal people to function, if everyone was edgy lights wouldn't work, water wouldn't flow, and everything would crumble.

Normal in this case is default. Pretending otherwise is trying to get a physical reason for a moral argument to justify your position when it isn't needed or required.

Be gay, just don't pretend it's the biological equal of being straight.
You mean teaching them to accept, like and adopt deviant sexual behavior thrust at children as a societal norm so that we can have even more social decay.
What societal decay are you referring to? The societal decay that I see is gun violence, political polerization, an unravelling of our democratic institutions and the rise of authoritarianism. That is all on you people . You can’t blame gay rights for any of that except to the extent that it is all the result of you people freaking out over it
What societal decay are you referring to? The societal decay that I see is gun violence, political polerization, an unravelling of our democratic institutions and the rise of authoritarianism. That is all on you people . You can’t blame gay rights for any of that except to the extent that it is all the result of you people freaking out over it
By "gun violence" do you mean the criminal element in democrat run urban areas?

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