Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

Maybe it has something to do with the way you bigots treat them.

Hey Moron, I treat them like anyone else who runs around acting like a woman dressed in rainbow clown colors trying to corrupt little children! If you just kept your depravity behind closed doors to yourself, I couldn't know you were a sick freak and would treat you like any other normal-appearing person!
Perhaps they are giving back a tiny bit of what bigots like you have given them their whole life.

And perhaps if maybe you just weren't some sick diseased anti-american asshole and a scourge on society, you might get treated different. People like you unchecked will do to us what Caligula did to Rome. Ain't gonna fly sicko.
And perhaps if maybe you just weren't some sick diseased anti-american asshole and a scourge on society, you might get treated different. People like you unchecked will do to us what Caligula did to Rome. Ain't gonna fly sicko.

I am not gay, but unlike you I do not hate anyone that is not exactly like me.

Shitty fucking way to live, but damn if you all do not thrive on it
Hey Moron, I treat them like anyone else who runs around acting like a woman dressed in rainbow clown colors trying to corrupt little children! If you just kept your depravity behind closed doors to yourself, I couldn't know you were a sick freak and would treat you like any other normal-appearing person!
Thank you for admitting-once again- that you are a hatful bigot- who torments and provokes people who you disaprove of and then whine like a spoiled brat when they strike back. You are truely a moron who lack any degree od self awarness,
Isn't that where your buddy Gruesome Newsom just went?! I agree, that jerk never tells the whole unbiased truth about anything.
Interesting how you never actually respond to the substance of my posts. Rather you cherry pick a line or two where you think that you can score a cheep point,
Great to be me. A full participant in moving the human species forward.

Must suck to be irrelevant. Aye Joe?

No, sucks to be you to only have sex to procreate. Most of us due it purely for the pleasure.

I have two grown children, if I thought like you then the wife and I would have been done having sex 21 years ago. Fuck that.

It is so cute how you all assume anyone that does not hate gay people just has to be gay as well
No, sucks to be you to only have sex to procreate. Most of us due it purely for the pleasure.

I have two grown children, if I thought like you then the wife and I would have been done having sex 21 years ago. Fuck that.

It is so cute how you all assume anyone that does not hate gay people just has to be gay as well

Oh, you think I only have sex to procreate. What a weirdo.

Then again, you think gays have sex to procreate as well.

See, the two are not equal.

Thanks for the proof. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh, you think I only have sex to procreate. What a weirdo.

That is what you said the purpose of sex was, so using your definition, anything outside of that reason would be deviant.

Then again, you think gays have sex to procreate as well.

Nope, they have sex the same reason the wife and I do...for the pure pleasure of it and the connection it builds.

See, the two are not equal.

Yep, the two are equal.
That is what you said the purpose of sex was, so using your definition, anything outside of that reason would be deviant.

Nope, they have sex the same reason the wife and I do...for the pure pleasure of it and the connection it builds.

Yep, the two are equal.

And when exactly has two same sex individuals produced a child through intercourse?

You seem confused.

If the answer is, they can’t, then you need to admit defeat and slink away as the narcissist we all know you are.
I never said they could, thus it is you that is confused.
You claimed the two demographic groups were equal.

You were proven wrong again.

Now go have your mommy explain the birds and the bees to ya, then maybe you can have a snack before nappy time.
You claimed the two demographic groups were equal.

You were proven wrong again.

Now go have your mommy explain the birds and the bees to ya, then maybe you can have a snack before nappy time.

Yes, they are equal.

That tiny, little percent of the time sex is actually used to procreate does not really change that.

I mean, think about it....a couple married for 30 years, they have two kids.

They have sex on average of once a week over those 30 years....that means out of all the times they had sex, 0.13% resulted in procreation, the rest were purely for pleasure.

Then there those straight couples that have no desire to have kids.

Then there are those straight couples that are incapable of having kids.

So, maybe one out of a million times humans have sex they procreate.

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