Support For Same Sex Relationships Plummets

You called me a liar for saying you said there was no such thing as civil marriage, then when I show it to you, this is your response?

Isn't there something in that bible of yours about lying?

Also, why did you get a civil marriage license if there is no such thing as civil marriage?
There isn't in my culture. Move on soy boy.
Then why did you get a civil marriage license?
Oh now I understand what you mean. We're speaking different languages. I call civil stuff "government forms". See, here's a classic example of our different cultures. Now run along government stooge.
Clearly you have little or no understanding of constitutional law and most certainly have not read any of the court cases leading up to the SCOTUS decision, leave alone the Obergefell opinion (if you even know what that is) I will paraphrase from memory from the majority opinion:

“ Same sex couples will now be afforded the same rights that opposite sex couples enjoy in accordance with the laws of the state in which they reside”

No state allows for the marriage of close relatives of the opposite sex ( except for a few shit hole red states that allow first cousins to marry) and therefor the ruling does not allow for the marriage of any close relatives.

Same sex couples won the right to marry because-after protracted legal fights at the state and apelet levels, culminating the SCOTUS decision, the opponents' of same sex marriage were never able to articulate a compelling state interest-or even a rational basis – for banning same sex marriage , The high court concluded that same sex couples – comprised of consenting adults who were not closely related- were essentially the same as heterosexual couples.

It does not take a genius to understand that a parent marrying an offspring or siblings marrying poses a whole new set of legal and social issues that would have to be decided on their own merits. Such arrangements would upend the concept of marriage and family to a far greater extent than same sex marriage.

Without passing judgement on the concept- I will just say that if a father wants to marry his daughter- he is free to pursue that issue through the legislative or judicial process just as gay people did. However, it is likely to prove more difficult to show that there is no compelling government interest in prohibiting such a union.
So much for your idiotic red herring and slippery slope logical fallacy bullshit

Ah, so close relatives can't marry because it's illegal. The irony is rich.

:abgg2q.jpg: at
red herring and slippery slope logical fallacy"
You're an idiot.

The truth is painful for people like you.

A drivers license give you permission to drive on public roads, a business license gives you permission to operate a business....why would a marriage license be any different?
Ah, so close relatives can't marry because it's illegal. The irony is rich.

:abgg2q.jpg: at
Holy shit! Really?? That is your understanding of what I said? You should find an adult who can explain it to you. While you’re at it, have then explain “irony” also

Perhaps you’re trying to imply thar its hypocritical to support gay marriage and not “close relative” marriage in which case you would be doubly stupid. First of all I did not take a stand of relative marriage. I simply pointed out that it is a separate issue.

Secondly, calling me a hypocrite –whether I am or not- is to fall back on yet another logical fallacy, an appeal to hypocrisy in order to avoid the fact that you have no actual argument that can stand on it’s own merits
The laws are being written and or passed, in this case in Washington state. Children can get gender reassignment medical care without their parent's permission or knowledge, and the parents must pay for it.
(ii) A minor who may obtain health care without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, pursuant to state or federal law.
First of all, this bill pertains to youths who have been removed from the care of the parent(s) by the state

Second, the bill states that the facility housing the chid shall contact the state child welfare agency which, in turn will attempt to involve the parent

Lastly, this does not mean that anyone is just going to start lobbing off body parts as you claim, Gender affirming care covers a range of interventions short of irreversable medical proceedures. In addition, all intervention is guided by sound and well established medical practices

Those who oppose gender-affirming care raise fears about the long-term effects treatments have on teens, argue research is limited and focus particularly on irreversible procedures such as genital surgery or mastectomies.

Yet those operations are rarely performed on minors. Doctors typically guide kids toward therapy or voice coaching long before medical intervention. Puberty blockers, anti-androgens that block the effects of testosterone, and hormone treatments are far more common than surgery. They have been available in the U.S. for more than a decade and are standard treatments backed by major doctors’ organizations, including the American Medical Association.
The truth is painful for people like you.

A drivers license give you permission to drive on public roads, a business license gives you permission to operate a business....why would a marriage license be any different?
I see your point. However, you're still nuts.
Yeah, I can't go five feet without seeing someone who is transgender. Oh wait...I can go days without seeing a transgender; much less anyone who was abused by a transgender.

Looks like the only fallacy is caused by your prejudice.

You can't go more than one news homepage without seeing something about it.

Reality, not prejudice, is what drives people's opposition to this shit.
I support same sex marriage.

What I oppose is the systematic targeting of children to influence their sexual nature at times far too young for them to be thinking about sex.
Holy shit! Really?? That is your understanding of what I said? You should find an adult who can explain it to you. While you’re at it, have then explain “irony” also

Perhaps you’re trying to imply thar its hypocritical to support gay marriage and not “close relative” marriage in which case you would be doubly stupid. First of all I did not take a stand of relative marriage. I simply pointed out that it is a separate issue.

Secondly, calling me a hypocrite –whether I am or not- is to fall back on yet another logical fallacy, an appeal to hypocrisy in order to avoid the fact that you have no actual argument that can stand on it’s own merits

You're full of shit.

Only thing worse than a pissed off LGBT liberal is a pissed off LGBT liberal who thinks he's an intellect.
You're full of shit.

Only thing worse than a pissed off LGBT liberal is a pissed off LGBT liberal who thinks he's an intellect.
You’re just jealous because your level of intellectual functioning is somewhere between a turnip and a rock -most recently evidenced by your assumption about my sexuality

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