Support Officer Derik Chauvin.

Your hero's life is over as it should be.

And why is that. Because he didn't murder anybody?
Actually he did which is why he was charged with murder.

Look at the video again. Were these cops trying to murder each other? And what they were doing was a lot worse than what happened to the worthless criminal Floyd.
Jeden test - uškrtí vás při policejním zákroku 115 kily - Streamable
I dont have to look at the video again. I already saw it enough times. Again thats why he was charged with murder. The trail is just a formality he shouldnt get because he deprived Floyd of his trail.
He should not have been arrested or charged. He should have been put on modified assignment pending an investigation, but even before the cause of death had been determined the politicians took over and began fanning the flames that are now burning down much of the country. No rational argument can be made that Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck or the other officer's knee on Floyd's hips caused his death, and there is no basis for claiming any of the decisions made by the cops was motivated by racism. What's happening here is even more bizarre than the Salem witch trials.
Its called Positional asphyxia and they teach it in police training.
Positional asphyxia is a death that occurs when a subject's body position interferes with breathing.
The coroner's report ruled out asphyxiation as the cause of death. Floyd died because his heart stopped beating, sudden cardiac arrest. Floyd was able to breathe right up until his heart stopped beating.

Negroes are 20 times more likely to die from heart failure before the age of 50 than White people. And the meth and fentanyl in Floyd's system probably didn't help.
Great. Just tell me what you are going to tell him. Then you can hear from me.
If you have something to say to me, say it.

I already did. But that wasn't the point. I said that whatever you would say to the hero cop Derik Chauvin, say it to me. I will answer you here and now. Officer Chauvin would probably just use your letter as toilet paper and not answer you. I will.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
You thinking about a relationship with the guy? How many love letters have you sent?
I already did. But that wasn't the point. I said that whatever you would say to the hero cop Derik Chauvin, say it to me. I will answer you here and now. Officer Chauvin would probably just use your letter as toilet paper and not answer you. I will.
Whatever words I have to say to him are none of your concern.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082

I'm a Trump supporter. Sorry, but Derik Chauvin is guilty. To what degree? I don't know until all the facts come out. But there was no reason for him to be kneeling on Floyd's neck like that.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.
There was no torture. He had refused to get into the police car and the cops simply restrained him to give him a chance to calm down so they could transport him back to the precinct to process the arrest. The guy was six foot seven so what were to alternatives? They could have just tasered him into submission, but knowing what we know now about his poor health and drugs, that would probably have killed him. Alternatively, they could have just used brute force to stuff him kicking and screaming into the back of the police car to take him to the precinct, but that clearly would have been dangerous for everyone. Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.
I already did. But that wasn't the point. I said that whatever you would say to the hero cop Derik Chauvin, say it to me. I will answer you here and now. Officer Chauvin would probably just use your letter as toilet paper and not answer you. I will.
Whatever words I have to say to him are none of your concern.
I think quarantine is Chauvins new side chick. You know how side chicks act in defense of their man.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.
There was no torture. He had refused to get into the police car and the cops simply restrained him to give him a chance to calm down so they could transport him back to the precinct to process the arrest. The guy was six foot seven so what were to alternatives? They could have just tasered him into submission, but knowing what we know now about his poor health and drugs, that would probably have killed him. Alternatively, they could have just used brute force to stuff him kicking and screaming into the back of the police car to take him to the precinct, but that clearly would have been dangerous for everyone. Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.
Could have done a lot of things. could have shackled his feet, put a night stick through the cuffs on his hands and drug him into the car. But they did not, and that is why we are here.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082

I'm a Trump supporter. Sorry, but Derik Chauvin is guilty. To what degree? I don't know until all the facts come out. But there was no reason for him to be kneeling on Floyd's neck like that.
The knee on the neck was nowhere near the carotid arteries or the larynx, so however it may have looked to you, so it posed no danger. Floyd was taken down because he was struggling against the police when they tried to put him in the police car. By pinning his head and hips the police were able to safely prevent him from struggling.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.

If you are a cop for long enough, you probably hear all sorts of complaints from apprehended suspects about the force used or not used on them. Why should Chauvin have believed him. And knowing that he wasn't causing the problem, why should he have cared even if he did. Even then, what was he supposed to do. Give Floyd mouth to mouth resuscitation and catch coronavirus? Which Floyd had. The dumbass apewipe put up a struggle and got what he deserved. In fact, after the armed home invasion and assault he took part in, he shouldn't have even been out on the street to begin with.
Your hero's life is over as it should be.

And why is that. Because he didn't murder anybody?
Actually he did which is why he was charged with murder.

Look at the video again. Were these cops trying to murder each other? And what they were doing was a lot worse than what happened to the worthless criminal Floyd.
Jeden test - uškrtí vás při policejním zákroku 115 kily - Streamable
I dont have to look at the video again. I already saw it enough times. Again thats why he was charged with murder. The trail is just a formality he shouldnt get because he deprived Floyd of his trail.

It's strange to see somebody who actually enjoys being an asshole. You would think I would be used to it by now. All officer did was hold down a struggling criminal. That is ALL he did. He didn't murder Floyd. Floyd died all on his own. Right now officer Chauvin is just a political prisoner to appease the savage humanzee masses that want to be free to commit crimes.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.
There was no torture. He had refused to get into the police car and the cops simply restrained him to give him a chance to calm down so they could transport him back to the precinct to process the arrest. The guy was six foot seven so what were to alternatives? They could have just tasered him into submission, but knowing what we know now about his poor health and drugs, that would probably have killed him. Alternatively, they could have just used brute force to stuff him kicking and screaming into the back of the police car to take him to the precinct, but that clearly would have been dangerous for everyone. Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.
Could have done a lot of things. could have shackled his feet, put a night stick through the cuffs on his hands and drug him into the car. But they did not, and that is why we are here.
The guy was six foot seven, a former football player who earned his living as a bouncer in a nightclub, so using brute force to stuff him into the back seat of the police car while he was struggling would have been dangerous to both the cops and to Floyd. The coroner determined that the cause of death was that his heart stopped beating and there is no rational argument to be made that the knee on his neck or the knee on his hips caused his heart to stopped beating.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.
He lit the fuse? Not the guy who had stuck a gun to a pregnant woman's belly then went and tried to pass a counterfit 20 dollar bill while doped up and then not once but twice resisted arrest when Chauven politely tried to put him in the cop car? Yep, you are definately an idiot who needs to have his house occupied by smelly ANTIFA fucks, then have it burned to the ground for your lack of intelligence.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082

I'm a Trump supporter. Sorry, but Derik Chauvin is guilty. To what degree? I don't know until all the facts come out. But there was no reason for him to be kneeling on Floyd's neck like that.
The knee on the neck was nowhere near the carotid arteries or the larynx, so however it may have looked to you, so it posed no danger. Floyd was taken down because he was struggling against the police when they tried to put him in the police car. By pinning his head and hips the police were able to safely prevent him from struggling.

The fight was over. They already checked him for weapons so they know he was unarmed. He was begging and clearly in need of some help. Perhaps the cops knee didn't kill him as it's possible it was another condition. But regardless, the knee only added to Floyd's issue. The cop read the situation wrong and IMO contributed to his death. Was it intentional? I doubt it. It's why I said I don't know to what degree he is guilty.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.
There was no torture. He had refused to get into the police car and the cops simply restrained him to give him a chance to calm down so they could transport him back to the precinct to process the arrest. The guy was six foot seven so what were to alternatives? They could have just tasered him into submission, but knowing what we know now about his poor health and drugs, that would probably have killed him. Alternatively, they could have just used brute force to stuff him kicking and screaming into the back of the police car to take him to the precinct, but that clearly would have been dangerous for everyone. Pinning him down until he gave up hope of escaping and calmed down would have seemed the safest option.
Could have done a lot of things. could have shackled his feet, put a night stick through the cuffs on his hands and drug him into the car. But they did not, and that is why we are here.

No matter what they did, Floyd would have likely died. Also, Floyd was already in the back seat of the cop car and started to put up a struggle. Here is the video of it.

He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082
He is not mistreated. He lit the fuse to the whole mess of the last two weeks. His own wife dumped him immediately. Last I heard, when he went to jail, knowing what he had done and what was happening out there, he had to be put on suicide watch 24/7. I cannot work up much pity or sympathy.

If you repeat a lie often enough, others are likely to believe it. Maybe that is what happened to officer Chauvin. It is unfortunate if he believes that. If he in fact does at all. Because he was there. He was the one doing it. He has to know that what he was doing didn't cause Floyd to die. How about this. Instead of going by what the bullshit the media spreads, write him and ask him yourself. Though he obviously has more important things on his mind, maybe he will write you back.
I'll pass. I saw the video and believed my eyes and heard him beg. You get no credit for not knowing someone may have conditions that may prevent them from living though intentional torture, while hand cuffed. All four of those cops, just as culpable morally.
The Mayor and Governor are culpable for keeping Chauven on the police force knowing full when he had some other bad incidences. Do you want them to go to jail or just the police?
Your hero's life is over as it should be.

And why is that. Because he didn't murder anybody?
Actually he did which is why he was charged with murder.

Look at the video again. Were these cops trying to murder each other? And what they were doing was a lot worse than what happened to the worthless criminal Floyd.
Jeden test - uškrtí vás při policejním zákroku 115 kily - Streamable
I dont have to look at the video again. I already saw it enough times. Again thats why he was charged with murder. The trail is just a formality he shouldnt get because he deprived Floyd of his trail.

It's strange to see somebody who actually enjoys being an asshole. You would think I would be used to it by now. All officer did was hold down a struggling criminal. That is ALL he did. He didn't murder Floyd. Floyd died all on his own. Right now officer Chauvin is just a political prisoner to appease the savage humanzee masses that want to be free to commit crimes.
The "smart" white supremacists know to pick their battles, then there's dummies like you.
He is going to be found not guilty. If there is any real justice in this country. The trial is going to be very short. First, all they have to do is show the jury the video I posted here. Then have three of the largest jurors do exactly to him what they did to Floyd. For as long as they want. The judge may then just bypass the jury and throw the whole case out of court. Despite all that, officer Chauvin could probably use a little moral support over his mistreatment. If you want to do so, here is the address where you can write him at.

Derik Chauvin
c/o Minnesota Correctional Facility-
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Avenue North
Stillwater, MN 55082

I'm a Trump supporter. Sorry, but Derik Chauvin is guilty. To what degree? I don't know until all the facts come out. But there was no reason for him to be kneeling on Floyd's neck like that.
The knee on the neck was nowhere near the carotid arteries or the larynx, so however it may have looked to you, so it posed no danger. Floyd was taken down because he was struggling against the police when they tried to put him in the police car. By pinning his head and hips the police were able to safely prevent him from struggling.

The fight was over. They already checked him for weapons so they know he was unarmed. He was begging and clearly in need of some help. Perhaps the cops knee didn't kill him as it's possible it was another condition. But regardless, the knee only added to Floyd's issue. The cop read the situation wrong and IMO contributed to his death. Was it intentional? I doubt it. It's why I said I don't know to what degree he is guilty.

Read post #31.
It's strange to see somebody who actually enjoys being an asshole. You would think I would be used to it by now. All officer did was hold down a struggling criminal. That is ALL he did. He didn't murder Floyd. Floyd died all on his own. Right now officer Chauvin is just a political prisoner to appease the savage humanzee masses that want to be free to commit crimes.
It would appear that Asclepias is right.
You are Chauvins bitch.
He was caught on video murdering a man for no reason and still you defend him.
Pretty pathetic.

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