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Support the fast food workers

Imagine the rigorous training process required to teach someone to push a button that looks like the food someone wants. Why, that's almost as challenging as most games played by preschool children! And arrogant brain surgeons think they've got it tough!
End of the lunch break? Takes a lot longer than you might think - even then, many of them leave because they 'can't handle the pressure'. Thing is, if you can't handle the pressure at a busy fast food store, how do you expect to work under pressure anywhere else?
You continue to greatly overestimate the difficulty of your fast food job, probably because you've never progressed to a real career to compare it to. Many of the people making these comments (including me) have worked fast food in their youth. It is an easy job, easy to learn and easy to do, which is why it pays crap and is often filled by teenagers and people who barely speak English.

and no one flips burgers anymore! It gets irritating when people say that.
It has already been explained to you repeatedly that many people do in fact flip burgers, I don't get why you insist on clinging to this notion that the way your restaurant cooks burgers is universal.

Many of the people making these comments (including me) have worked fast food in their youth.

I certainly did as a kid the place was called quick stop drive inn

started out in the back and worked your way up to the front

pretty easy work

there was some that could even do the job while pie-eyed-420
How about these fast food workers sit down and shut the hell up. If they want more pay, they need to go to college. I am not paying you 15 bucks an hour to flip burgers. I hope each and every one of them are fired for their little outburst. Maybe it will teach them to be happy with what they have. I worked as a janitor for close to minimum wage for 9 months, in those 9 months I didn't whine or complain about what I wasn't being paid. Would it hurt people to be grateful for a change?

Sigh, this entitlement culture is plain ridiculous. Liberals, I blame you solely for this. Just what is a minimum wage anyway if you keep increasing it? Kinda defeats the whole "minimum" part, you think?
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How about these fast food workers sit down and shut the hell up. If they want more pay, they need to go to college. I am not paying you 15 bucks an hour to flip burgers. I hope each and every one of them are fired for their little outburst. Maybe it will teach them to be happy with what they have.

Sigh, this entitlement culture is plain ridiculous. Liberals, I blame you solely for this. Just what is a minimum wage anyway if you keep increasing it? Kinda defeats the whole "minimum" part, you think?

the funny part is that it will always remain

the Minimum wage

other jobs and cost will adjust accordingly

sort of like crushing a bag of chips

and then claiming that there are more

It isn't the workers. It's the unions. Fast food service should be turned into a career choice. Can you imagine turning fast food service into the same kind of catastrophes unions have done to public school?
If they want more pay, they need to go to college.

Those who are against people being paid a living wage have no idea of this but going to college/tech school takes money. If one cannot one's child care, rent, car pymt, its a sure thing they can't pay college/tech school tuition.

Those who want to see people punished for being poor also want to see those people and their children hungry and homeless.

Read the posts here. This is basically an issue the haters want to control so they can cause more misery.
Being poor is not a punishment. It is a consequence. Low and unskilled work is necessary as a gateway for young workers to be able to enter the workforce. Make food service a career and it will be like France where there are no jobs available for young workers. They are all filled by career workers who have no incentive to better themselves.

Maybe it was a mistake for obama to end the welfare to work programs that trained people on welfare to do something besides get boils on their asses.
It isn't the workers. It's the unions. Fast food service should be turned into a career choice. Can you imagine turning fast food service into the same kind of catastrophes unions have done to public school?

it would not be long and you would be able to get a four year degree in burger flipping

complete with aid and huge student loan programs
I don't know how many fast food outlets have employees that have been on the job for more than ten years without moving up from grill service to at least management. Fast food is noted for having very high turnover. It should. That's its function.

Suppose the 18 year old boy who mows your lawn was a fast food worker and make mowing your lawn a lifetime career choice. He says he needs more money because he's old enough to buy a car. He needs to make more money to pay for car payments. Then he comes to you and says he needs more money because he's getting married, he now has children. He's still mowing your lawn and you are responsible for his family. At what point do you say "Why are you still mowing the lawn?"

There is nothing about employment that transfers the responsibility for lifestyle decisions from the worker to the employer. If that were true, the employer should have to right of veto over those lifestyle decisions and be able to say "NO you can buy that car, you can't get married. You can't afford it".
The email below is from Nancy Salgado, who makes $8.25 an hour working at a McDonald's in Chicago. Nancy started a petition on CREDO Mobilize, where activists can launch their own campaigns for progressive change. Will you help Nancy and thousands of her coworkers who are going on strike today to pressure fast food giants to pay their workers a fair wage by signing her petition and sharing it with your friends and family?
CREDO Mobilize
Tell America's fast-food giants: The time is now to raise wages for your workers!

" Sign the petition ►

Today I'm joining a national strike against low pay by thousands of fast food workers in cities across the country.

I'm on strike because I can't make ends meet on low hours and the $8.25/hour I make at McDonald's in Chicago. Because each month I have to make hard choices -- like which meal to skip, or which bill not to pay - just so that my kids and I can get by. No one who works for a living should have to make those choices. And I want more for my kids -- and their future -- than just barely "getting by."

Will you join me and add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today?

On behalf of striking fast-food workers across the country, I started my own campaign on CREDO's new site that allows activists to start their own petitions. My petition, which is to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John's, asks the following:

Together, your restaurants employ millions of people. Millions of people, mostly adults, who can't afford rent if they want to eat. Who can't afford health care if they want to pay their bus fare. Millions of people, and more than 25% of them are parents who can't afford school supplies if they also have to buy school shoes.

Last year your combined profits were $7.35 billion. Yet you still paid most of your workers less than $11,200 a year – poverty wages. It’s shameful. And outrageous.

We call on you to raise wages for your workers.

By now, everyone knows that fast food employees like me can’t make ends meet on minimum wage or barely more. They know how incredibly profitable -- and out of touch -- the corporations we work for are. They know – and you know – that something has to change. Starting now.

We need to know you have our backs -- please help us send the fast food chains we work for a message that people are with us in this fight.

Add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today.

Thank you for your support.

Nancy Salgado

Sign the petition ►
CREDO Mobilize helps activists like you make progressive change and fight regressive policies by creating online petitions. Click here to start a petition today."

I have signed this petition. Go here to sign. National strike: Help us be loud! | CREDO Mobilize

The most supportive thing any of us can do for fast-food workers is to ignore this ignorant twat . . . and the one who wrote the letter. :eusa_whistle:

Hell yes. Why should american workers make a living wage? Bring back the sharecroppers.
Being poor is not a punishment. It is a consequence. Low and unskilled work is necessary as a gateway for young workers to be able to enter the workforce. Make food service a career and it will be like France where there are no jobs available for young workers. They are all filled by career workers who have no incentive to better themselves.

Maybe it was a mistake for obama to end the welfare to work programs that trained people on welfare to do something besides get boils on their asses.

"But for the grace of God, go i."
There are some jobs that by their very nature do not pay a living wage. They are designed for workers who don't need a living wage but a supplementary wage.

Start paying your babysitter a living wage so you can go to a movie on Saturday night.
Don't workers, by definition, already make living wages? They are alive. Employers don't hire many dead people. (although some governments will let them vote)
If they want more pay, they need to go to college.

Those who are against people being paid a living wage have no idea of this but going to college/tech school takes money. If one cannot one's child care, rent, car pymt, its a sure thing they can't pay college/tech school tuition.

Those who want to see people punished for being poor also want to see those people and their children hungry and homeless.

Read the posts here. This is basically an issue the haters want to control so they can cause more misery.

I hope that Nancy is not one of the thousands of workers who be laid off because of that raise in pay, because that is exactly what is going to happen.
You will find many front counter workers replaced with computer screens.
Then where will high school and college students go to get jobs for the summer.

From my experience (7 years) I know that high school kids want to get a job and earn some cash, but they hate getting up early so refuse to do the early shifts, and they often refuse to come in on a day off because they prefer to be at the movies with mates, or laying soccer or something.

90% of the time when we have to replace a shift, its with a mature aged worker, not a young employee, because they don't answer their phones, and don't wish to crawl out of bed. Sometimes they don't even bother turning up for a shift at all.

IMO, mature aged workers are better than the insolent young brats of today.

What do you think causes the young people to become insolent brats?
What causes bratty behavior, being spoiled. Be it parents or Government and it is usually a combination of both.

Low wage jobs and fast turnovers are what teaches them to become good workers.
It gives them job experience so that they can become good workers and move up to a better job.
If they want more pay, they need to go to college.

Those who are against people being paid a living wage have no idea of this but going to college/tech school takes money. If one cannot one's child care, rent, car pymt, its a sure thing they can't pay college/tech school tuition.

Those who want to see people punished for being poor also want to see those people and their children hungry and homeless.

Read the posts here. This is basically an issue the haters want to control so they can cause more misery.

Nobody in this country wants the poor punished and never want anyone to be hungry and homeless. Nor does anyone want dirty water to drink.
That is the Democrats scare tactics and it is not true.
It's the Dems who want to control everything and everyone, so that everyone can become miserable equally.

The majority of this nation is sick to death of our government telling us what we can and cannot say.
What we can and cannot eat.
What we can and cannot do with our businesses.
What we can and cannot drive.
What we can and cannot do with our children's education.
All the while, the leaders can do whatever they hell they please.
There are some jobs that by their very nature do not pay a living wage. They are designed for workers who don't need a living wage but a supplementary wage.

Start paying your babysitter a living wage so you can go to a movie on Saturday night.

No job is "designed for workers."

The job is designed to produce a good or service that (outside of government and charity) will generate a profit.

No Profit: No Job

Of course, with govenment jobs, you actually want to show an economic loss (rather than profit), so you can justify spending more in the future.
There are jobs which are designed around their nature for workers willing to work within those parameters.

A job driving a truck is not designed for someone with severe agoraphobia.
There are some jobs that by their very nature do not pay a living wage. They are designed for workers who don't need a living wage but a supplementary wage.

Start paying your babysitter a living wage so you can go to a movie on Saturday night.

No job is "designed for workers."

The job is designed to produce a good or service that (outside of government and charity) will generate a profit.

No Profit: No Job

Of course, with govenment jobs, you actually want to show an economic loss (rather than profit), so you can justify spending more in the future.
Who is more important, the workers or the employers? We can live without employers but not without workers. Our country was founded by farmers.
This is basic chicken or egg stuff.

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