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Support the fast food workers

You have no idea what you are talking about. Why do you hate the working poor so much?
Because, after ten years of working for low wage, I simply cannot bring Myself to have any sympathy.

Perhaps, and I know this is a long shot for you, but just perhaps, the problem isnt' the wage, but the person?

I have always earned top wages. Thirty dollars an hour was my norm.

Yeah, right, and I found that crown really heavy to wear back when I was Queen of England. :lol:
CEO pay has risen 875% vs 4% for american workers the past few years yet you side with the ceos. What a royalist.

I never said anything at all about CEO pay.
I stated what is going to happen when low wage earners get more pay. That's facts.

How many low wage earners can run many companies of which thousands of workers are making a very decent wage. None.
You can not compare large companies to fast food franchises. The two are very different and totally run differently.
Watch the movie "Changing Places".

McDonalds is a corporation.

McDonald's is a franchiser, shitforbrains. Don't you think you should know that one simple fact before you go shooting off your piehole about other people "knowing nothing"?
I never said anything at all about CEO pay.
I stated what is going to happen when low wage earners get more pay. That's facts.

How many low wage earners can run many companies of which thousands of workers are making a very decent wage. None.
You can not compare large companies to fast food franchises. The two are very different and totally run differently.
Watch the movie "Changing Places".

McDonalds is a corporation.

McDonalds is a corporation but it does not sell hamburgers. It sells franchises and the franchise sells hamburgers. Those who work making the hamburgers have nothing to say about what the corporate executives make since they don't work for the corporation.

Pretty sure even the franchisees - that'd be the eevil rich people who actually employ the minimum-wage workers, for the liberals in the audience - have no say in what the CEO of McDonald's gets paid. That'd be the decision of the people who actually own the company, and no one else's frigging business whatsoever.

And Snookie, stop trying to wrap your nosiness and meddling in the flag to try to make it appear more noble. Just go re-up your subscription to the National Inquirer and settle your fat, Gladys Kravitz ass back down with some bon bons in front of Jersey Shore, okay?
In 1970, I was 15 and worked at Burger Chef making $1.10/hour. I balanced the job with high school and handed over a good chunk of my wages so that my widowed mother of 7 could keep food on the table. It was fucking hell.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, that $1.10 equates to $6.62 today.

The difference? We were: a) White and we b) didn't bitch.

I have zero sympathy. No one had sympathy for my family 43 years ago.

Hunger is a great motivator. I know this from experience. Poverty works, if only those in poverty are willing to work. Live within or below your means and you will never want. You may go hungry, but that's survivable. I survived. Wretched abject poverty and hunger.

Fuck you pansy asses.
I hope that Nancy is not one of the thousands of workers who be laid off because of that raise in pay, because that is exactly what is going to happen.
You will find many front counter workers replaced with computer screens.
Then where will high school and college students go to get jobs for the summer.

From my experience (7 years) I know that high school kids want to get a job and earn some cash, but they hate getting up early so refuse to do the early shifts, and they often refuse to come in on a day off because they prefer to be at the movies with mates, or laying soccer or something.

90% of the time when we have to replace a shift, its with a mature aged worker, not a young employee, because they don't answer their phones, and don't wish to crawl out of bed. Sometimes they don't even bother turning up for a shift at all.

IMO, mature aged workers are better than the insolent young brats of today.

There are some really good kids out there, though, which raises my hopes a bit for the future.

My primary job right now is doing customer service for an electric company. The center I work at hires a really wide spectrum of people, so many of my co-workers are the age of my oldest children, while some of them are older than I am. The 19- and 20-year-olds there are bright, friendly, and hard-working, which is such a nice change from the sullen little savages one sees in other parts of society.
I guess nobody here watches "Hard Core Pawn". When you negotiate you always ask more than you want. Ask Les.

When you negotiate, you should first be sure you're in any position to do so. Fast-food workers have zero leverage, because they are THE easiest people in the world to replace. Hell, the manager of the local McD's could have a whole new staff chosen and trained by the end of his lunch break. Especially now, with the economy in SUCH good shape and so many people out of work.
I guess nobody here watches "Hard Core Pawn". When you negotiate you always ask more than you want. Ask Les.

When you negotiate, you should first be sure you're in any position to do so. Fast-food workers have zero leverage, because they are THE easiest people in the world to replace. Hell, the manager of the local McD's could have a whole new staff chosen and trained by the end of his lunch break. Especially now, with the economy in SUCH good shape and so many people out of work.

End of the lunch break? Takes a lot longer than you might think - even then, many of them leave because they 'can't handle the pressure'. Thing is, if you can't handle the pressure at a busy fast food store, how do you expect to work under pressure anywhere else?
Noomi, you would not believe the lazy fuckers they hire here in the USA at "fast food" establishments. It is slow food! And often cold! I do not support such establishments myself but base my observations on You Tube videos!
Fast food is an entry job. Do these people honestly believe that burger flipping is worth 15 bucks an hour?

I know people with degrees that make less than that.
Noomi, you would not believe the lazy fuckers they hire here in the USA at "fast food" establishments. It is slow food! And often cold! I do not support such establishments myself but base my observations on You Tube videos!

Yeah, it gets cold over here too and I like to toss it and cook some more fresh, but you get into trouble for it - wasting food is a bad thing, even if you care about the customers satisfaction.
And don't use social media to even joke about your workplace - I was warned last week that if I put a foot wrong again, I'll be fired.

7 years working my butt off for them and they can't even take a joke.
Fast food is an entry job. Do these people honestly believe that burger flipping is worth 15 bucks an hour?

I know people with degrees that make less than that.

I get just over $18 an hour for that - and no one flips burgers anymore! It gets irritating when people say that. We have clamshell cookers, they cook both sides of the patty at once lol!
I would have no problem eating your filet o' fish anytime! As long as a vanilla shake is involved!
The email below is from Nancy Salgado, who makes $8.25 an hour working at a McDonald's in Chicago. Nancy started a petition on CREDO Mobilize, where activists can launch their own campaigns for progressive change. Will you help Nancy and thousands of her coworkers who are going on strike today to pressure fast food giants to pay their workers a fair wage by signing her petition and sharing it with your friends and family?
CREDO Mobilize
Tell America's fast-food giants: The time is now to raise wages for your workers!

" Sign the petition ►

Today I'm joining a national strike against low pay by thousands of fast food workers in cities across the country.

I'm on strike because I can't make ends meet on low hours and the $8.25/hour I make at McDonald's in Chicago. Because each month I have to make hard choices -- like which meal to skip, or which bill not to pay - just so that my kids and I can get by. No one who works for a living should have to make those choices. And I want more for my kids -- and their future -- than just barely "getting by."

Will you join me and add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today?

On behalf of striking fast-food workers across the country, I started my own campaign on CREDO's new site that allows activists to start their own petitions. My petition, which is to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John's, asks the following:

Together, your restaurants employ millions of people. Millions of people, mostly adults, who can't afford rent if they want to eat. Who can't afford health care if they want to pay their bus fare. Millions of people, and more than 25% of them are parents who can't afford school supplies if they also have to buy school shoes.

Last year your combined profits were $7.35 billion. Yet you still paid most of your workers less than $11,200 a year – poverty wages. It’s shameful. And outrageous.

We call on you to raise wages for your workers.

By now, everyone knows that fast food employees like me can’t make ends meet on minimum wage or barely more. They know how incredibly profitable -- and out of touch -- the corporations we work for are. They know – and you know – that something has to change. Starting now.

We need to know you have our backs -- please help us send the fast food chains we work for a message that people are with us in this fight.

Add your name to my petition to demand that the nation's eight largest fast-food chains raise the wages of their workers today.

Thank you for your support.

Nancy Salgado

Sign the petition ►
CREDO Mobilize helps activists like you make progressive change and fight regressive policies by creating online petitions. Click here to start a petition today."

I have signed this petition. Go here to sign. National strike: Help us be loud! | CREDO Mobilize

i do every time i buy food from a fast food restaurant

now that may change if the prices get out of hand because of overly high wages

or any more of the threats that the workers plan to sabotage the food going out the

window if their demands are not met

you see it does not matter to me if i never buy a fastie burger or fries again
I would have no problem eating your filet o' fish anytime! As long as a vanilla shake is involved!

Vanilla shakes are awesome, but I used to drink them all the time and stacked on the weight, so I don't drink them anymore, train harder and have lost 11 kilograms in total.

McDonalds is okay for a treat, but not all the time!
Fast food is an entry job. Do these people honestly believe that burger flipping is worth 15 bucks an hour?

I know people with degrees that make less than that.

I get just over $18 an hour for that - and no one flips burgers anymore! It gets irritating when people say that. We have clamshell cookers, they cook both sides of the patty at once lol!

Sweetheart, there are no clam shell cookers over here believe me. The proper term is "food desert". That's when corporate Amerika invades inner cities and rolls out McDonalds instead of markets. The population is stuck with french fries and a big mac. Fast food, among other things, is killing minorities especially.
Fast food is an entry job. Do these people honestly believe that burger flipping is worth 15 bucks an hour?

I know people with degrees that make less than that.

I get just over $18 an hour for that - and no one flips burgers anymore! It gets irritating when people say that. We have clamshell cookers, they cook both sides of the patty at once lol!

Sweetheart, there are no clam shell cookers over here believe me. The proper term is "food desert". That's when corporate Amerika invades inner cities and rolls out McDonalds instead of markets. The population is stuck with french fries and a big mac. Fast food, among other things, is killing minorities especially.

Clamshell cookers are a lot quicker, if you don't have them over there, you should get them because the customers would be served quicker!
Nothing wrong with the service industry. I was horrible at it. Not outgoing enough as a pizza delivery driver years ago. It takes a special type of person that isn't like me.
Fast food is an entry job. Do these people honestly believe that burger flipping is worth 15 bucks an hour?

I know people with degrees that make less than that.

you got that right

i know a kid that spent the last 5 years in college racking up a whooping education bill

for a liberal political science degree

his first job was "free" working for some liberal candidate

and then in his next and current job

he rakes in 11 dollars an hour plus he had to go back to school

to get a B class drivers license

go figure
End of the lunch break? Takes a lot longer than you might think - even then, many of them leave because they 'can't handle the pressure'. Thing is, if you can't handle the pressure at a busy fast food store, how do you expect to work under pressure anywhere else?
You continue to greatly overestimate the difficulty of your fast food job, probably because you've never progressed to a real career to compare it to. Many of the people making these comments (including me) have worked fast food in their youth. It is an easy job, easy to learn and easy to do, which is why it pays crap and is often filled by teenagers and people who barely speak English.

and no one flips burgers anymore! It gets irritating when people say that.
It has already been explained to you repeatedly that many people do in fact flip burgers, I don't get why you insist on clinging to this notion that the way your restaurant cooks burgers is universal.

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