Supporters raise $40K to help man who deflated ‘Baby Trump’ balloon

The cost of the item is about $200. You think that justifies a 10 year prison sentence?
Ha, no, definitely not. But I want you to take a moment and pick out an item you own that costs $200. Then ask yourself what penalty you would wish upon me, if I snuck up and destroyed it for fun. Make sure also to include the idea of my vandalsim being bragged about on the news.
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.
The charge seems excessive

the charge is based upon the cost of the item that was destroyed. It is a simple thing. I would cheer if the got the 10 years max that he can get.
The cost of the item is about $200. You think that justifies a 10 year prison sentence?

The police disagree with you on the cost, to be charged with what he was the cost of the item has to be in excess of $2500.

I would like to see him get the max to deter the next idiot from doing this.

But people like you and those that gave to the GFM page are ensuring that next time something even worse will happen, since they know they will be given all sorts of free money.
Golfing Gator,

But if you are as presented that makes you not the worst lib in captivity

I am not in captivity and I am not even close to being a lib unless you are talking about Libertarian...which is the party that comes closest to my views, though I differ with them on abortion and immigration.
Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.

It’s not about Party. It IS about IDEOLOGY. Many of us who are not typically supportive of the Moderate Republicans ARE serious supporters of President Trump
You are supporters of Trump because he hates the same people you hate...

But continues to pass the same policies republicans have always passed...but you folks don't care about policies, just the hate part....
I am not in captivity and I am not even close to being a lib unless you are talking about Libertarian...which is the party that comes closest to my views, though I differ with them on abortion and immigration.

Libertarians are simply Liberals who don’t have the guts to accept and admit it. At least that’s how Conservatives see Libertarianism.
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.
The charge seems excessive

the charge is based upon the cost of the item that was destroyed. It is a simple thing. I would cheer if the got the 10 years max that he can get.
The cost of the item is about $200. You think that justifies a 10 year prison sentence?

The police disagree with you on the cost, to be charged with what he was the cost of the item has to be in excess of $2500.

I would like to see him get the max to deter the next idiot from doing this.

But people like you and those that gave to the GFM page are ensuring that next time something even worse will happen, since they know they will be given all sorts of free money.
I find that hard to believe.
I am not in captivity and I am not even close to being a lib unless you are talking about Libertarian...which is the party that comes closest to my views, though I differ with them on abortion and immigration.

Libertarians are simply Liberals who don’t have the guts to accept and admit it. At least that’s how Conservatives see Libertarianism.

so untrue, but no surprise that someone like you cannot see the difference. Liberals, much like Conservatives, want to control the lives of others. The only thing they differ on is what they want to control. You are the perfect example of this, you want to control every aspect of a person's private life...which makes you a modern day conservative.

Libertarians do not give a fuck what you do as long as it does not impact me directly and as long as it is not being down to a minor or someone that cannot defend themselves.
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.
The charge seems excessive

the charge is based upon the cost of the item that was destroyed. It is a simple thing. I would cheer if the got the 10 years max that he can get.
The cost of the item is about $200. You think that justifies a 10 year prison sentence?

The police disagree with you on the cost, to be charged with what he was the cost of the item has to be in excess of $2500.

I would like to see him get the max to deter the next idiot from doing this.

But people like you and those that gave to the GFM page are ensuring that next time something even worse will happen, since they know they will be given all sorts of free money.
I find that hard to believe.

Why is that? This guy has become a folk hero, plus he has already made more than 40 grand, hell that is more than the dude probably makes in year.

How long till he is on Hannity or Rush or OAN or some other right wing wacko show?
You are supporters of Trump because he hates the same people you hate...

But continues to pass the same policies republicans have always passed...but you folks don't care about policies, just the hate part....

His support for Trump is funny as hell since he once told me he thought that sex outside of marriage should be illegal
so untrue, but no surprise that someone like you cannot see the difference. Liberals, much like Conservatives, want to control the lives of others. The only thing they differ on is what they want to control. You are the perfect example of this, you want to control every aspect of a person's private life...which makes you a modern day conservative.

Libertarians do not give a fuck what you do as long as it does not impact me directly and as long as it is not being down to a minor or someone that cannot defend themselves.

You’ve noted the main problem yourself... Libertarians, like their honest cousins, the Liberals, have no Moral Core. They trust that people will act properly on their own, where Conservatives know that’s a lie and Liberals simply embrace the immorality.
You’ve noted the main problem yourself... Libertarians, like their honest cousins, the Liberals, have no Moral Core. They trust that people will act properly on their own, where Conservatives know that’s a lie and Liberals simply embrace the immorality.

The problem is you think that you alone should be the judge of what is proper...
The problem is you think that you alone should be the judge of what is proper...

Not at all. None of these Morals or Values are of my making. They have existed since the beginning of human existence, and are as instinctive as breathing. That’s why they existed as the core of human society for so long and have been so hard to destroy.
The problem is you think that you alone should be the judge of what is proper...

Not at all. None of these Morals or Values are of my making. They have existed since the beginning of human existence, and are as instinctive as breathing. That’s why they existed as the core of human society for so long and have been so hard to destroy.

There are no such values.
You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.

You gotta love it. The snowflakes just can't do anything these days.
Supporters of a man who knifed and deflated a diaper-clad “Baby Trump” balloon so the president would not see it during his visit to watch a University of Alabama football game have raised almost $40,000 to pay his legal fees.

A GoFundMe page created Saturday asks for donations to help Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, 32, “pay legal fees and restitutions” for the balloon had raised $39,641 as of Monday afternoon. The goal for fundraiser was initially set at $6,000.

Hutchinson allegedly cut an 8-foot-long gash into the back of the giant inflatable, which depicted a bright orange Trump donning a diaper and clutching a cell phone.

He was arrested and charged with felony first-degree criminal mischief after fleeing the crime scene in his hometown of Tuscaloosa, where a group of protesters had inflated the balloon for a demonstration at Monnish Park.

Amazing how many people are willing to set the law aside so they can show support for their party, because the party is all that matters.
It's different when we do it.

unAmerican pieces of shits will never’s more of a show of support for good over evil....disregarding the law to do good for good Americans is not the same as disregarding the law to do right by America’s pieces of shits...Yuge difference
so untrue, but no surprise that someone like you cannot see the difference. Liberals, much like Conservatives, want to control the lives of others. The only thing they differ on is what they want to control. You are the perfect example of this, you want to control every aspect of a person's private life...which makes you a modern day conservative.

Libertarians do not give a fuck what you do as long as it does not impact me directly and as long as it is not being down to a minor or someone that cannot defend themselves.

You’ve noted the main problem yourself... Libertarians, like their honest cousins, the Liberals, have no Moral Core. They trust that people will act properly on their own, where Conservatives know that’s a lie and Liberals simply embrace the immorality.
"Libertarians, like their honest cousins, the Liberals, have no Moral Core."

and here is where I stopped reading the rest of the comment....because I knew it was going to be followed by more bullshit...
unAmerican pieces of shits will never’s more of a show of support for good over evil....disregarding the law to do good for good Americans is not the same as disregarding the law to do right by America’s pieces of shits...Yuge difference

How about you try not to be such a huge snowflake that gets triggered by something that makes fun of your god.

just a thought...
There are no such values.

I respect your viewpoint, even as I completely disagree with it. Unfortunately it also means we have no basis for continued conversation on this or any other topic.

Good Day, Sir.

Why do you lie, you know that you do not respect my viewpoint, you have made that painfully clear over the last year.

How about you list a few of those values that have been around since the dawn of mankind....
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Why do you lie, you know that you do not respect my viewpoint, you have made that painfully clear over the last year.

How about you list a few of those values that have been around since the dawn of mankind....

We have moved beyond the point of conversation as an effective means of communication. Short of a duel, there is no point in any further interaction between us.

Good Day, Sir.
Why do you lie, you know that you do not respect my viewpoint, you have made that painfully clear over the last year.

How about you list a few of those values that have been around since the dawn of mankind....

We have moved beyond the point of conversation as an effective means of communication. Short of a duel, there is no point in any further interaction between us.

Good Day, Sir.

In other words you cannot give even a single example.

I accept your surrender!

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