Suppose that after the Civil War, the US had become two separate countries.

The South would not have given up slavery so easily

First of all, their Constitution had a provision saying no laws could be passed infringing on slavery

Article I Section 9(4)
No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed

Their Constitution would have had to be ammended and at that would have left Slavery as a States Rights issue. There would have been immense global pressure from Europe to free the slaves and I susspect that the process could have started as early as 1880 but it may have been 1900-1910 before Mississippi and Alabama agreed

It's awfully strange that a party 90% white would insist they would end slavery. You would never see anyone at a Democratic rally wearing a tee shirt that said "Put WHITE back in the WHITE House".
Lincoln was a republican you fuckin idiot

Lincoln was a Republican.

In the middle 1960's, conservatives fled the Democratic Party and swelled the ranks of the Republican Party when blacks joined the Democratic Party in huge numbers. Remember, Republicans built the innerstate highway system and started NASA. Today's Republicans are NOT the Republicans from before the middle 60's. They would never have built NASA and we know they believe building infrastructure is a waste of money.

Republicans trying to take credit for what Lincoln did would be like Republicans trying to take credit for taking out Bin Laden.

The Republican Party of today is 90% white. There is no way they would have ended slavery.

What percent of the Republican Party are white scientists, you fucking retard?

You keep trying to tell us that LBJ, KKK and Bobby Byrd were Conservatives. Why? Why lie?
The British Empire would've duly exploited the division and offer protection/assistance to the side that exhibited the most potential for trade. It would most likely have been the south, as London had already confirmed their support by providing arms and military advisors. If that had been the case, then the south would've industrialised at a far greater rate than the north.
The British Empire would've duly exploited the division and offer protection/assistance to the side that exhibited the most potential for trade. It would most likely have been the south, as London had already confirmed their support by providing arms and military advisors. If that had been the case, then the south would've industrialised at a far greater rate than the north.

Not true

The British despised slavery and Lincoln used the emancipation to keep them out of the war. England never would have supported a slavery based south
Lincoln was a republican you fuckin idiot

Calling "RDean" a fucking idiot is an insult to fucking idiots the world wide...

You guys are nasty bitches.

6% of scientist are Republican.

90% of the Republican Party is white.

The Republican Party became conservative in the middle 60's when conservatives moved to the Republicans party from the Democratic Party.

Extremism is no vice among Arkansas Republicans. And, no, I'm not talking about neo-Confederate Republican Rep. Loy Mauch, who once tried to have Abraham Lincoln's bust removed from the Hot Springs Convention Center.

Republican extremists, in their own words

Republican State Rep. Jon Hubbard published a book entitled, “Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative,” and using highly sophisticated oppo research skills that Republicans complain about, I read some of what he wrote. What Jon Hubbard writes and believes will blow your hair back.

Jon Hubbard, Arkansas Legislator, Says Slavery May 'Have Been A Blessing' In New Book

Pulaski, Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan officially disbanded today claiming that the Republican Party has co-opted all of their ideas concerning race, immigration and religion and that there was no longer any need for their existence.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas
The British Empire would've duly exploited the division and offer protection/assistance to the side that exhibited the most potential for trade. It would most likely have been the south, as London had already confirmed their support by providing arms and military advisors. If that had been the case, then the south would've industrialised at a far greater rate than the north.

Not true

The British despised slavery and Lincoln used the emancipation to keep them out of the war. England never would have supported a slavery based south

The British Empire was driven largely by greed, not out of some self-imposed need to civilise natives or convert them to Christianity. The latter's what they told to anyone who'd believe them back home. The cold truth of the matter is that we didn't give a fig about slaves. We cared more about the sale of the machines being made and developed in Britain, and the threat indentured manpower would've posed to the sale of those machines. Try selling a mechanical loom or steam engine to someone who has a ready supply of slaves at their disposal. We saw that America and the former Spanish colonies were becoming rich, or had the potential to. So we intercepted slavers and banned slavery because the nations we'd identified as being potential buyers out of desperate necessity once the slaves run dry would come to us to buy our shiny machines that could work all day without rest.

Assuming the north put trade embargos in place in the event of a two state outcome, the south would've been ripe for industrialisation.
Why do Republicans on this board keep trying to take credit for what the Republican Party did when it was filled with liberals before the middle 60's...? They should be proud of all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since 1960's. The Iraq war, Katrina, tax cuts for the super wealthy, the economy, all the new jobs in China....
Why do Republicans on this board keep trying to take credit for what the Republican Party did when it was filled with liberals before the middle 60's...? They should be proud of all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since 1960's. The Iraq war, Katrina, tax cuts for the super wealthy, the economy, all the new jobs in China....

Man, you give the republicans a lot of credit. Katrina? Really, they caused a hurricane? Jobs going to China? Clinton signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. Before him is was Most Favored Nation status and it was renewed continually.

No, I'm not a republican, I'm a moderate and you both are so busy blaming each other, you aren't paying attention to what your own parties are doing in the destruction of our nation.
Why do Republicans on this board keep trying to take credit for what the Republican Party did when it was filled with liberals before the middle 60's...? They should be proud of all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since 1960's. The Iraq war, Katrina, tax cuts for the super wealthy, the economy, all the new jobs in China....

Man, you give the republicans a lot of credit. Katrina? Really, they caused a hurricane? Jobs going to China? Clinton signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. Before him is was Most Favored Nation status and it was renewed continually.

No, I'm not a republican, I'm a moderate and you both are so busy blaming each other, you aren't paying attention to what your own parties are doing in the destruction of our nation.

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chinese funded US Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. The US Chamber gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats for a reason. The Chamber sponsered seminars, paid for by the Chinese, at every major city in the US teaching companies how to outsource to China.

Katrina was a hurricane, just like Sandy. After Katrina, people were lift to fend for themselves, many dying. Not so after Sandy.

Clinton opened up a couple of trading posts in China, he didn't support moving millions of jobs there.

And you called yourself a "moderate" and not a Republican?

If it smells like it
Looks like it
and is covered in flies,
all I can say is "sure glad I didn't step in it".

Sheesh, how many links to I have to post? I keep forgetting, "right wingers only watch Fox".
Last edited by a moderator:
Why do Republicans on this board keep trying to take credit for what the Republican Party did when it was filled with liberals before the middle 60's...? They should be proud of all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since 1960's. The Iraq war, Katrina, tax cuts for the super wealthy, the economy, all the new jobs in China....

Man, you give the republicans a lot of credit. Katrina? Really, they caused a hurricane? Jobs going to China? Clinton signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. Before him is was Most Favored Nation status and it was renewed continually.

No, I'm not a republican, I'm a moderate and you both are so busy blaming each other, you aren't paying attention to what your own parties are doing in the destruction of our nation.

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chinese funded US Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. The US Chamber gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats for a reason. The Chamber sponsered seminars, paid for by the Chinese, at every major city in the US teaching companies how to outsource to China.

Katrina was a hurricane, just like Sandy. After Katrina, people were lift to fend for themselves, many dying. Not so after Sandy.

Clinton opened up a couple of trading posts in China, he didn't support moving millions of jobs there.

And you called yourself a "moderate" and not a Republican?

If it smells like it
Looks like it
and is covered in flies,
all I can say is "sure glad I didn't step in it".

Sheesh, how many links to I have to post? I keep forgetting, "right wingers only watch Fox".

True. Sad that. Theres a reason they only have one tv channel, a webtv site, & am radio :tinfoil: ;)
Why do Republicans on this board keep trying to take credit for what the Republican Party did when it was filled with liberals before the middle 60's...? They should be proud of all the accomplishments of the Republican Party since 1960's. The Iraq war, Katrina, tax cuts for the super wealthy, the economy, all the new jobs in China....

Man, you give the republicans a lot of credit. Katrina? Really, they caused a hurricane? Jobs going to China? Clinton signed Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. Before him is was Most Favored Nation status and it was renewed continually.

No, I'm not a republican, I'm a moderate and you both are so busy blaming each other, you aren't paying attention to what your own parties are doing in the destruction of our nation.

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans, working with the Chinese funded US Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs to China. The US Chamber gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats for a reason. The Chamber sponsered seminars, paid for by the Chinese, at every major city in the US teaching companies how to outsource to China.

Katrina was a hurricane, just like Sandy. After Katrina, people were lift to fend for themselves, many dying. Not so after Sandy.

Clinton opened up a couple of trading posts in China, he didn't support moving millions of jobs there.

And you called yourself a "moderate" and not a Republican?

If it smells like it
Looks like it
and is covered in flies,
all I can say is "sure glad I didn't step in it".

Sheesh, how many links to I have to post? I keep forgetting, "right wingers only watch Fox".

I don't watch fox and there are people in the wake of Sandy still waiting for help. I find it interesting that the mainstream media is ignoring the victims of Sandy. Yes, Katrina was a disaster and Bush failed miserably. You can blame the after affects on him, but you can't blame the Hurricane on him. I always thought it was shameful that our country could provide help to people half way across the world two days after a tsunami that no one knew was coming but it took the 5 days to get to New Orleans after a disaster they knew was coming for 5 days.

Again, Clinton signed PERMANENT NORMAL TRADE RELATIONS with China. He also signed every free trade agreement which crossed his desk.

Have you seen Obama do anything to reverse those free trade agreements? Has he done anything to bring back our jobs? No? Didn't think so.


If the Republican Party is 90% white and 6% are scientists, how long will it take a train leaving Denver to reach Chicago?

WAIT, this is a deanie-weenie question, so it should be;

If the Republican Party is 90% white and 6% are scientists, how long will it take a train leaving Denver to reach Hawaii?
If the Republican Party is 90% white and 6% are scientists, how long will it take a train leaving Denver to reach Hawaii?

I know! I know! The train arrives in Hilo when the guy who hijacked the bus in Miami reaches Havana.


If the Republican Party is 90% white and 6% are scientists, how long will it take a train leaving Denver to reach Chicago?

WAIT, this is a deanie-weenie question, so it should be;

If the Republican Party is 90% white and 6% are scientists, how long will it take a train leaving Denver to reach Hawaii?
That is a question that only AOC can answer at this time.
The British Empire would've duly exploited the division and offer protection/assistance to the side that exhibited the most potential for trade. It would most likely have been the south, as London had already confirmed their support by providing arms and military advisors. If that had been the case, then the south would've industrialised at a far greater rate than the north.

Not true

The British despised slavery and Lincoln used the emancipation to keep them out of the war. England never would have supported a slavery based south
They seemed happy to get the cotton that was ran though the blockade and build fast ships for the South.

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