Supreme Court Allows Transgender Policy to Continue


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Yesterday, a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their CHOSEN gender identity fell short in the US Supreme Court.

The Court declined to take up the case without explanation, dealing a legal victory to transgender students. It will be interesting to hear what explanation the court might give for this rather odd decision (or lack of a decision).

It seems weird to have anybody (including the US Supreme Court) think that people are a sex other than that which they were born. So for now at least,
boys "identifying" as girls would be allowed to use the girls' bathroom facilities…Like we don't have enough things to make us feel uncomfortable already ? Wow. Sounds like a vouyer-stalker's dream come true.

Justices reject challenge to Pennsylvania transgender bathroom use policy
Yesterday, a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their CHOSEN gender identity fell short in the US Supreme Court.

The Court declined to take up the case without explanation, dealing a legal victory to transgender students. It will be interesting to hear what explanation the court might give for this rather odd decision (or lack of a decision).

It seems weird to have anybody (including the US Supreme Court) think that people are a sex other than that which they were born. So for now at least,
boys "identifying" as girls would be allowed to use the girls' bathroom facilities…Like we don't have enough things to make us feel uncomfortable already ? Wow. Sounds like a vouyer-stalker's dream come true.

Justices reject challenge to Pennsylvania transgender bathroom use policy

Seems as though despite the prevailing realization of what the radical left's culture war post 2008 has wrought and 2016 election results, the enemies of biological human truth and civilization continue to gain ground. Do we exist on a land that has sprung leaks or a sinking island of sanity? Think of the teachers and administrators forced to comply with this madness. At some point a good person must decide when to follow a terrible law or policy regardless of the personal and professional consequences. Now think of the students who depend on us adults to protect them, to balance reality in their favor. This is nothing less than society overtly opening the door to legalized pedophilia.
Could it be that SCOTUS felt the case should go through the appelate system first?

Always jumping to conclusions.
Seems as though despite the prevailing realization of what the radical left's culture war post 2008 has wrought and 2016 election results, the enemies of biological human truth and civilization continue to gain ground. Do we exist on a land that has sprung leaks or a sinking island of sanity? Think of the teachers and administrators forced to comply with this madness. At some point a good person must decide when to follow a terrible law or policy regardless of the personal and professional consequences. Now think of the students who depend on us adults to protect them, to balance reality in their favor. This is nothing less than society overtly opening the door to legalized pedophilia.
Or legalized sexual assault and stalking.
If I had a daughter, I'd pull her out of that school district, and probably move out of it.
If I had a daughter, I'd pull her out of that school district, and probably move out of it.
I don't blame you. Back in the day, people were told to stay in school. My question now is what's the point considering everything that is allowed to happen there?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If attracting people to the school buildings is no longer the goal, thank God for the home schooling option. If charity is to begin at home like I have also heard said, why not a child's education too?
Yesterday, a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their CHOSEN gender identity fell short in the US Supreme Court.

The Court declined to take up the case without explanation, dealing a legal victory to transgender students. It will be interesting to hear what explanation the court might give for this rather odd decision (or lack of a decision).

It seems weird to have anybody (including the US Supreme Court) think that people are a sex other than that which they were born. So for now at least,
boys "identifying" as girls would be allowed to use the girls' bathroom facilities…Like we don't have enough things to make us feel uncomfortable already ? Wow. Sounds like a vouyer-stalker's dream come true.

Justices reject challenge to Pennsylvania transgender bathroom use policy

Seems as though despite the prevailing realization of what the radical left's culture war post 2008 has wrought and 2016 election results, the enemies of biological human truth and civilization continue to gain ground. Do we exist on a land that has sprung leaks or a sinking island of sanity? Think of the teachers and administrators forced to comply with this madness. At some point a good person must decide when to follow a terrible law or policy regardless of the personal and professional consequences. Now think of the students who depend on us adults to protect them, to balance reality in their favor. This is nothing less than society overtly opening the door to legalized pedophilia.
I do hope common sense reasserts itself, in the meantime though, I am mindful about the best thing about GOP women:

Yesterday, a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their CHOSEN gender identity fell short in the US Supreme Court.

The Court declined to take up the case without explanation, dealing a legal victory to transgender students. It will be interesting to hear what explanation the court might give for this rather odd decision (or lack of a decision).

It seems weird to have anybody (including the US Supreme Court) think that people are a sex other than that which they were born. So for now at least,
boys "identifying" as girls would be allowed to use the girls' bathroom facilities…Like we don't have enough things to make us feel uncomfortable already ? Wow. Sounds like a vouyer-stalker's dream come true.

Justices reject challenge to Pennsylvania transgender bathroom use policy
They are just trying to convince the public to make public accommodations for Transgenders, by putting your children in their place. I'm for them to have their own public facilities, so that they will not have to be using either men and women facilities around children. But these so-called Transgender children should also have theirs as well. I wasn't sexually active until I reached the age of 14. But the only way for a child to be sexual active at age 6? That child have to have been introduced to sex at an early age. And so these children should be separated, because molested children always molest other children. It is because that they were raised up to think that it is normal to pleasure someone, or to be pleasure at a young age.


There is no such thing as "Transgender"

If you're born a man, you're a man.

If you're born a woman, you're a woman. Period.
There is no such thing as "Transgender"

If you're born a man, you're a man.

If you're born a woman, you're a woman. Period.
It is good that you treat males that dresses like women as normal, or visa versa. But to me, it isn't normal. We have classes that accommodates for those that has special needs. We have schools for the blind and death. And we have schools for Christian and other religions. But if you like showering with a guy that thinks that he is a woman. Hey more power to you. But it will make me uncomfortable to shower right next to another guy that thinks he is a woman. But hey, if you like guys that thinks that they are a woman watching you while you are showering? You got more guts than me.

Yesterday, a challenge to a Pennsylvania school district policy that allows transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their CHOSEN gender identity fell short in the US Supreme Court.

Why are parents raising their children as the wrong gender in the first place by administering inappropriate sex hormones & blockers via amniocentesis in utero?

Otherwise kids are perfectly happy with their original genders as conceived in all but extremely rare cases.

No. Not as born or as birth-certificated. Fetal gentialia are too sensitive to the hormonal environment in the womb in development, and too many doctors are dicking around with mothers’ inordinate desires and wishes and spiting fathers, or vice versa.

If I had a daughter, I'd pull her out of that school district, and probably move out of it.
Don't be surprised if the school winds up 100% male.

Pennsylvania? 100% pervert. Penn State child molesters and all.

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