Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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You didn't read the Opinion which is why you are embarrassing yourself here with bogus arguments.

You are the one who is getting emotional since you have been posing in this thread for over an hour and probably up to 25 posts.

It has been a entertaining discussion despite your and others best attempts to make it all personal.

All this just because I have a different opinion than yours.

Sad really
Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.
Yes, watch Hitchen's video: "Hitchens Eviscerates the Catholic Church," where indeed he does call god the "dictator." Then again, this rabid ultraconservative SCOTUS is literally going bananas with its newfound overconfidence. The media prisoner's syllabus should include Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American; Haegglund, Radical Atheism; Shults, Iconoclastic Theology.
Yep, it is a major issue with the country today.

This thread is a good example, I have expressed my views of the ruling in a civil manner and yet many people are just so angry I do not agree with them.
It happens to me all the time, no big deal. Congress is full of the intolerant on both sides.
I don't give a hoot. As long as she isn't indoctrinating students with her bullshit.

You do not think that watching a teacher do something every day for 180 school days might lead to a little indoctrination?
A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

Yes you are correct and it’s been misquoted and mis applied as a matter of convenience
Freedom OF religion and not freedom FROM religion. A lot like dying WITH Covid versus FROM Covid
Twist the words to suit your feelings
Few realize how destructive Madilyn Murray Ohare truely was. A fake herself, she was using her two boys. They personally had no issue with prayer but she did. She was such a reprehensible person that she disappeared and although never proven it’s presumed her sons did it.
You do not think that watching a teacher do something every day for 180 school days might lead to a little indoctrination?

You do not think that watching a teacher do something every day for 180 school days might lead to a little indoctrination?
Possibly. I often drive by a guy preaching on a busy street corner about the end of the world. I haven't had the urge to join him.....yet.
Possibly. I often drive by a guy preaching on a busy street corner about the end of the world. I haven't had the urge to join him.....yet.

Teachers tend to have a bit more sway over the students than some strangers on the corner.

You know, the whole "grooming" thing we keep hearing so much about.
The first time a coach or player heads out to the 50yd line with a prayer rug, you're going to see the left suddenly be all for it.
Because it would be equal treatment.

When a coach heads out to the 50 yard line with a rug, you guys are going to go ballistic.
A high school coach has a lot of influence over his players. While there may not be overt force for them to join in, there is always a pressure to please the coach.

And? Does that mean the coach has to cloister himself and speak only X's and O's lest he influence some kid who looks up to him? Seriously, he was going out to the middle of the field and silently praying. Im not sure how those influences anyone to do anything other than kneel in the center of the field. You might have a point if he were out there screaming the lords prayer or proselytizing one religion or another but that aint what was happening. If he wasnt praying aloud or talking about it how would anyone who wasnt already a Christian or Muslim or Jew or insert religion here know to pray?
It has been a entertaining discussion despite your and others best attempts to make it all personal.

All this just because I have a different opinion than yours.

Sad really

Why don't YOU tell everyone in the forum that the 8 Supreme Court Justices are wrong about another free speech ruling in this thread?

After Supreme Court Win, Christian Students Accept Monetary Settlement From College That Violated Their Free Speech Rights​


Can hardly wait to read what objection you will invent.
Teachers tend to have a bit more sway over the students than some strangers on the corner.

You know, the whole "grooming" thing we keep hearing so much about.

That is YOUR opinion.

I have played in sports even on a Basketball team that won the city championship in 1975 never felt the coach had anyone under his control.

You bank too much on the influence of coaches over teens who will quickly forget their teachers and coaches when they leave school for the day.
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