Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.
What religion does this establish?
Know what is hypocritical?

These Libtards that support kneeling in filthy protest on public property but don't support kneeling for prayer.

Here the Democrat assholes kneeling on public property.

What "guys"? Not me
You conservatives will go psycho when someone who is not Christian pushes their religious beliefs in a similar way this coach did.

Are you ok with a teacher expressing their Satanist beliefs in front of school children?
Why the center of the field? Why do it where everyone can see you if not to make some sort of point?
Why do you get to decide where he prays? Why would you want to? Why would you want the Government to decide that? What business is it of your‘s or the government‘s? Again he wasn’t praying aloud. He wasn’t asking anyone to join him. Basically the man went to the middle of the field and took a knee. If everyone had minded their own business no one would have had any idea what he was doing. This is one of the problems currently. Everyone is way to interested in what others are doing and how that might offend them in some way.
I disagree.

As long as there players on the field or in the locker room, the coach is responsible for them. Thus he is on the job
So I guess if they were going to an away game and the bus rolled over the hill, it would be out of the question to pray that others may survive?
You conservatives will go psycho when someone who is not Christian pushes their religious beliefs in a similar way this coach did.

Are you ok with a teacher expressing their Satanist beliefs in front of school children?
How did he ”push” his beliefs exactly? By kneeling?
Why do you get to decide where he prays? Why would you want to? Why would you want the Government to decide that? What business is it of your‘s or the government‘s? Again he wasn’t praying aloud. He wasn’t asking anyone to join him. Basically the man went to the middle of the field and took a knee. If everyone had minded their own business no one would have had any idea what he was doing. This is one of the problems currently. Everyone is way to interested in what others are doing and how that might offend them in some way.

yet somehow his players started joining him, as if they knew what he was doing.

So I guess if they were going to an away game and the bus rolled over the hill, it would be out of the question to pray that others may survive?

that would be a great prayer to say to yourself as your rolling down the hill.
We express our beliefs
Liberals choose to fear or disagree so they want it safe space removed from sight.
yet somehow his players started joining him, as if they knew what he was doing.

Joined him doing what? Kneeling? Unless they already religious in some way what else would they know to do? BTW they are also free citizens able to do what they want. Their parents if it was a big deal were also free to stop them. Why does the Government need to be involved here?
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