Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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You didn’t read the story?
I did. He was kneeling on the 50 yd line and praying silently. That's not pushing your beliefs. The only reason anyone KNOWS what he was doing is because they asked and he was truthful with them. And his answer was that he was praying thanking God everyone completed the game uninjured. He didnt say what the prayer was or which god he was praying to. Everyone just inferred he meant God. Sorry but that's their problem not his. Im still trying to figure out why you all want the Government involved in things like this.
So you would have no problem with a high school coach doing a Satanic prayer after games with some of the players.
If some Satanist went to the middle of the field and prayed silently, how on earth would I know who he's praying to? BTW Satanists worship themself not Satan so if they were praying to themselves then they might have a mental issue outside their religious ones. I wouldnt allow my child to participate but what other parents do is their problem
Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.
More error by one without reasoning abilities. He wasn't endorsing any religion by praying. The Court ruled that coaches of all religions can pray in silence as a form of expression anywhere they want. There is no "separation of religion and state" in the Constitution. Only that we can express our religion openly and the state cannot start a religion of their own. Even though Democrat liberals have been doing so with their religion of Satan.
As the TRUMPCourt continues to erode Constitutional protections long understood.

The coach has a right to personally pray but not to coerce players to participate in public prayer

The coach was fired for ignoring instructions not to hold public prayers not for the act of praying
But, he did stop having the team in on a vocal prayer. He was fired because he still knelt down in an act of prayer after games by himself. The ironic part of your post was this idea of long understood precedence. Up until the mid 20th century, it was Constitutionally approved of to pray in public in schools and government grounds. For almost 180 years it was approved of. That was precedence. Why was that overturned and approved by Democrat liberals and this cannot be overturned? I mean, really.
So liberals applaud when a bunch of rich ingrates refuse to show the proper respect to the U.S. flag but pitch a fit when someone kneels to pray?
This guy wasn’t praying silently. Did you forget to read the story?
He's in the middle of the field alone. The band is playing and people talking. No one heard him. And, even if they did, that still doesn't break the Constitution. He's free to express his religion openly and loudly if he wants to. You can ignore him if you so choose to.
False. Maybe you should try reading the story now.
Okay, he's in the middle of the field praying loudly. So what? He's still afforded the right to freely express his gratitude to God in prayer anywhere in the U.S. This is in the Constitution's 1st amendment. Just like Congressmen in Congress can open with a word of prayer and still do. Jefferson was always present for the prayer too.
A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

You should have a mod correct your erroneous thread title. Not "sidelines".
He was kneeling on the 50 yd line and praying silently.
With students. On the clock. At a school sponsored event.

That was the issue people had with it. Not just atheists, eeither. Some religious people are responsible and dont play this lying ass little game where they pretend it is oppression not to be able to organize student prayer at school sponsored events.
by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I don't believe The Court specified to whom we should pray ... only that prayer, a personal act, wasn't against The Constitution.

Our Congress begins every new session with a prayer. That has never been defined as an endorsement of a single faith.

Congress has an appointed Office of Chaplain ... but, this has never been defined as an endorsement of a single faith.

You can pray to Vishnu, Hashem, Allah, Beelzebub, Flying Pasta Monster, or L. Ron Hubbard ... or you can choose not to pray at all.
Our Congress begins every new session with a prayer. That has never been defined as an endorsement of a single faith.

Congress has an appointed Office of Chaplain ... but, this has never been defined as an endorsement of a single faith.

If they only ever prayed to a single faith/god/deity then it would be
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