Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

OP expresses a faulty logic by inserting something that doesn't exist, not surprising for a science of non-existent entities such as religion. As Seidel states,

'One's personal theistic beliefs do not "own" the other ideas generated by one's mind. By that same logic, blue jeans would be "Jewish Blue Jeans" because the inventors of the pants, Jacob W. Davis and Levi Straus, happened to be Jewish. If we follow this illogic - that a person's religion informs all their other ideas - why limit it to religion? Why not argue that America is a nation of hair-powderers and wig-wearers?

And why limit the logic to suggesting that religion informs the nation? Why not claim that the founders built a Christian outhouse or planted a Judeo-Christian vegetable garden? Of course, designing a nation is different from designing a pair of jeans, but religion cannot be assumed to influence either.

Those religious beliefs must be examined and compared against the principles that informed the design. To argue that the founders were Christian is irrelevant because it does not answer the ultimate question about Christianity's influence on America's founding. And even if the founders were all Christian and this fallacious logic held, we (know [italics]) that they never cited biblical principles during the constitutional convention and ramifications, as we'll see in Chapter Six.

The religious faith of the founders is irrelevant for another reason: they made it irrelevant when they erected a "wall of separation" between religion and government they created (Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association, 1 January 1802). The Constitution deliberately rejects commingling religion and government. The Constitution severed religion's power from the government to limit the danger it would pose; separates church and state; prohibits a religious test for public office; and, as Alexander Hamilton put it, gives the president "no particle of spiritual jurisdiction." (Hamilton, The Federalist no. 69).'
(The Founding Myth, pp. 31-2)
With students. On the clock. At a school sponsored event.

That was the issue people had with it. Not just atheists, eeither. Some religious people are responsible and dont play this lying ass little game where they pretend it is oppression not to be able to organize student prayer at school sponsored events.
The students did that on their own. He didnt organize anything.
The students did that on their own. He didnt organize anything.
Nice to say, but when he is the coach, he is the organizer. The leader. Sorry.

And I don't have too much problem with it. He is the one opening himself up, the first moment some kid can make a case he was treated differently for not joining prayers. So he should be careful.
A win for religious freedom. For you Constitutional remedial learners: there is no "separation of church and state" in the Constitution. The 1st Amendment says ONLY that Congress cannot establish a state religion, as in the Church of England. That's it.

Butbutbutbut were told there cant be a Christmas tree at the courthouse and where a Christianity shirt in school. It’s in the constitution!
So goalposts have moved from he can’t pray to he can’t pray audibly
It was just a private prayer in which NO ONE was forced to join.

You are overly sensitive because it is a free speech right to pray and being an employee is irrelevant because he was doing it discreetly in private prayer in the middle of the football field.

I am an atheist who isn't bothered by it as I understand why people do it.
The prayer was not private. Xians do it for recognition in public because they know it is antagonistic to non-believers, or moral posturing for future recruits to their protection racket. When the CIA goes to church, it's not to pray but to learn theological technique. The CIA is interested in dictators and their overthrow, not just Ukrainian elections that install their puppets.
No, I think the issue was that it appeared to be State sponsored prayer

Maybe read up on the material before commenting.
No the issue is that SC said it can be done and you are trying to craft a “state sponsored “ hobgoblin.
Sotomayor, in her dissent, stated that it was the schools duty to protect the students from this type of indoctrination. What a joke. She also agrees with "Drag Queen story hours" Where is that concern for the protection of our vulnerable students? If you have been following this story, the coach never required any student to take part nor did he treat one student more favorably than any other. Indeed, more students voluntarily took part after the school decided to admonish Kennedy. Is it your intention to limit their rights to worship?
How naive ARE YOU?

Of course the COACH is going to favor the players who PRAY
Bad decision by the Court.

The Coach is a paid employee, by choosing to pray to his chosen god he is endorsing that god as part of his official duties as head coach. Endorsing one religion over all others is the first step to establishing it.

I cannot wait till the Satanist get ahold of this and start to hold their version of "prayers" after a football game.

John works for a reatail store and prays before he eats his lunch.

A highscool football coach is not allowed to pray before he eats his lunch.

Who’s religious freedoms are being denied?
If they only ever prayed to a single faith/god/deity then it would be

I believe everyone prays to a different deity. The concept of a deity is a personal thing and, despite centuries of organized religions attempting to codify it, the concept will vary from person to person.

To whom we pray and our reasons for doing it are highly diverse and very personal.

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