Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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And? Does that mean the coach has to cloister himself and speak only X's and O's lest he influence some kid who looks up to him? Seriously, he was going out to the middle of the field and silently praying. Im not sure how those influences anyone to do anything other than kneel in the center of the field

Why the center of the field? Why do it where everyone can see you if not to make some sort of point?
Why don't YOU tell everyone in the forum that the 8 Supreme Court Justices are wrong about another free speech ruling in this thread?

After Supreme Court Win, Christian Students Accept Monetary Settlement From College That Violated Their Free Speech Rights​


Can hardly wait to read what objection you will invent.

They got that one correct. The students were not employed by the Govt doing the actions while on the clock.
I'm not emotional at all. You keep changing the goalposts--"endorsement", something YOU made up--and then calling people emotional when they give you facts.

I have moved nothing at all. It was not I that brought up endorsements, I responded to a post from someone else.
I'm not saying that at all. Your agenda ends in this topic right here.

I am saying that a teacher, on his or her own, in public, is permitted to pray to whatever God they worship, and the Government cannot stop it.

If you think that a person praying in public is formal education, then you need to evaluate what you know about education.
So a teach trying to indoctrinate young kids into homosexual practices, is formal education? I have stupid Wally Gator on ignore, so have to answer him through you. If you dont mind my question to him?d
You can disagree but it won't get you anywhere.

I am not trying to get anywhere. This is a political discussion forum, I am trying to have a discussion.

It is a fools game to think anyone on these forums will ever change their mind on an issue.
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