Supreme Court Fast Tracks OSHA/Mandate Case: Jan 7th

When will President Potatohead bitch about the Negroes not being vaccinated?

49% of them aren't vaccinated, higher percentage than Whites or Hispanics.

Maybe because they are the core voting block of the filthy Democrat Party and he doesn't want to piss them off?

I believe we will find out if Roberts is a Globalist or not on this one. The case is clear cut. OSHA is trying to create laws via the 4th tier of gov't. Without so much as a by your leave from Congress. Even if this was a passed law by Congress it should be challenged via the Bill of Rights.

If the allow this over reach. This country will eventually be at War with itself. I hope they understand this.
We already know Roberts is a globalist fag and will side with the Commies.
As usual, the right wing nutbags are squealing about our country ending as we know it, but in simpler terms, it's just them shouting "THE SKY IS FALLING" one more time.
Translation: I have nothing to say that is relevant to the actual subject of the thread.
I don't know why you people insist that the pandemic lingers on. Look at inflation and know it's all unvaccinated fault.
I suspect they will shut it down, the federal Supreme court is political. That in no way makes it illegal.

The federal supreme court is null and void.

If they do shut it down, all the republicans will cheer them on.

The unvaccinated are why inflation is so high, they want the pandemic to last.
Simple they want the pandemic to keep on going.

Yours is the side that created this fake “pandemic”, yours is the side that is actively working to keep it going, and yours is the side that is exploiting it to seize and abuse power.

Translation: I have nothing to say that is relevant to the actual subject of the thread.
The right's inability to discuss anything in rational terms is always relevant. You never say we simply disagree on the direction we should take. Instead, you claim the left is fully communist, and wants to completely destroy America. You don't seem to want a conversation about whether everyone should have the same rights and advantages. Instead, you claim that the left wants to turn our kids gay, and make the races hate each other. Pull back on the hysterics a little bit BooBoo.
The right's inability to discuss anything in rational terms is always relevant. You never say we simply disagree on the direction we should take. Instead, you claim the left is fully communist, and wants to completely destroy America. You don't seem to want a conversation about whether everyone should have the same rights and advantages. Instead, you claim that the left wants to turn our kids gay, and make the races hate each other. Pull back on the hysterics a little bit BooBoo.
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :fu:
TheUSSC will Not place Americans under arrest for failing to ingest an un researched, unknown effectiveness where the process of study is currently ongoing and is occurring on Americans. We are not lab rats.
Polio and such that lib loons incorrectly offer up was researched for 5 years and then slowly introduced to the public over many years.
My thinking does not take a back seat to your fears about what I need to do to make you feel safer.

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