Supreme Court Fast Tracks OSHA/Mandate Case: Jan 7th

So you went from Jar Head to a math Super Star..........Guess you used ratios to doing all that integral math and differential equations...........hmmm...........

It is called the GI Bill, perhaps you have heard of it? I used it to get my Masters as my Bachelors was 90% done before I got out.

Tell me why then.........Mr. Math.......that areas that have a lot of vaccines given.......Almost always have a higher rate of positive tests................hmmm........Sounds statistical.

Give me some specifics please.
She is not an expert in virology, but that is whom she works with. She has spent the past almost two years treating COVID patients and spent every winter for the 10 before that treating flu patients.

So if you think I am going to take the word of a school teacher over her, you are just nuts.

So what she is undoubtedly really, really good at is treated patients who are quite ill. I have no doubt about this, and I have deep respect for it. If she has experience she can detect things by sight and intuition the rest of us can't even fathom.

That does not intrinsically confer to her a knowledge of how long before symptoms a patient is contagious, or whether pre- or asymptomatic spread is contributing meaningfully to transmission.
Depends on the size of the "real world" study and if the real world study has been replicated by anyone else. I gave you two separate models that came to the same results.

So after all this time, there should be STUDIES, not models, that show the same. Studies, in real world scenarios, that show that people who are pre-and asymptomatic are meaningful drivers of transmission. Right?
She is not an expert in virology, but that is whom she works with. She has spent the past almost two years treating COVID patients and spent every winter for the 10 before that treating flu patients.

So if you think I am going to take the word of a school teacher over her, you are just nuts.
And when they come in........most never got any treatment drugs at all ???? As the testing sites basically say GO HOME.......if your oxygen level drops go to the hospital........At which point the Cytokine Storm is already raging..............IDIOCY......

Other countries used the cheap drugs to stop this...........Some drugs like NTZ is for stopping the storm and is dirt cheap.

Ever wonder why we have so many deaths...........And THEY DON'T........Why STATISITICALLY did Africa have so much fewer deaths than us with 1.3 Billion people. Most of Africa isn't vaccinated.
Show me the vast human tests of this crap before this plannedemic. Good luck.

You are the LAB RAT........and it doesn't provide long term memory. And then explain why we are taking the jab for the Alpha variant when we are on the letter O. That is like taking the Flu jab from 3 years ago wondering why it doesn't work now.
You're just scared. You’ve been scared your whole life which is why you are a right wing conspiracy subscribing pawn. Keep up the mediocre work.
Build away. But here is the reality. You work hard and live month to month with benefits paid for by me if you are on a government plan. If you aren’t on a federal plan then your benefits suck. Either way you are either benefiting from a social safety net office workers fund through our taxes or you are shit out of luck. The ones who are SOL the republicans don’t care.

The alliance of working men with the Republican Party is only sustained by keeping them on the edge about faux culture wars so they vote against their self interest. It’d be comical if it weren’t so sad.

What is left of your party is just you, I hope you know. You have lost MEN like eagle. You are losing Latinos. You basically have pasty desk jockeys like you in cities, with their suburban wives and I will leave it at that.

When things go bad, not far off, the men like eagle will be the winners. Being a remote working desk jockey is not a great skill for making it in hard times. It's not a skill people seek after. So I don't know about all this putrid arrogance you're spouting. Seems a little premature to me
It is called the GI Bill, perhaps you have heard of it? I used it to get my Masters as my Bachelors was 90% done before I got out.
Yeah that helps if you are shore based and not in theatre with the MEU's....lmao

Give me some specifics please.
Threads full of them showing increases where they were vaccinating......You do understand that the vaccinated can have the same viral loads as the unvaccinated by now don't you. Plenty of information on these boards there. We also know they don't stop the later variants.......and they have changed what they will do over time. Not to mention when Trump was in the left was saying over my dead body I'll take the Trump
You're just scared. You’ve been scared your whole life which is why you are a right wing conspiracy subscribing pawn. Keep up the mediocre work.
LMAO.........I'm not the one bitching over a high survival rate virus that most walk right through it................You are the ones pushing GET THE VACCINE OR ELSE.......Then you play that stupid fucking game are scared of a needle.

I took 7 shots in about 3 minutes in Boot camp. They jabbed you in both arms at the same time. Not afraid of jabs............Never have been......what I'm against...........IS TAKING BS and people like you saying TAKE THIS JAB OR ELSE.

OR ELSE WHAT........Firing nurses and doctors in Shithole states.........You fuckers are Fascists Pricks.
Yeah that helps if you are shore based and not in theatre with the MEU's....lmao

Threads full of them showing increases where they were vaccinating......You do understand that the vaccinated can have the same viral loads as the unvaccinated by now don't you. Plenty of information on these boards there. We also know they don't stop the later variants.......and they have changed what they will do over time. Not to mention when Trump was in the left was saying over my dead body I'll take the Trump
If you are using your GI Bill while on active duty you're an idiot. Having spent 23 years in the USMC and lots of time in theater (I'd be happy to compare my amount of time deployed to yours) I know a ton of people who got their degree while on ship or otherwise deployed. The MEU spends most of it's time while on float bored out of it's mind.
If you are using your GI Bill while on active duty you're an idiot. Having spent 23 years in the USMC and lots of time in theater (I'd be happy to compare my amount of time deployed to yours) I know a ton of people who got their degree while on ship or otherwise deployed. The MEU spends most of it's time while on float bored out of it's mind.
No kidding. Breaking shit like your rack lights that we would have to fix. To the point we had to lock them out and not replace them anymore. Engineering keeping those ships going aren't bored. Shit never stops breaking.

It's hard to keep up with the repairs on ships deployed. Not to mention keeping the lights on.

I was on the Wasp LHD 1. Charleston LKA.......Reeves CG. The last 2 were Rust buckets.
If you are using your GI Bill while on active duty you're an idiot. Having spent 23 years in the USMC and lots of time in theater (I'd be happy to compare my amount of time deployed to yours) I know a ton of people who got their degree while on ship or otherwise deployed. The MEU spends most of it's time while on float bored out of it's mind.

I did not use it while on active duty, I used tuition assistance for that, which is why I had it left to get my Master with.

That is the downfall of ship life, one of the reasons I choose to avoid it. The West-Pacs for the land based squadrons were far more active.
If that makes you happy, run with it. Coming from a squid I could not care less what you think of such things
Whatever........the Marines who went in were the ones facing the real danger......On the ships.....not really......Tanker Escorts in the Persian Gulf main risk was the mines.
So after all this time, there should be STUDIES, not models, that show the same. Studies, in real world scenarios, that show that people who are pre-and asymptomatic are meaningful drivers of transmission. Right?

Not really. Looking at the link you gave, it only included 201 people and everything was based upon personal interviews with people and that brings into play biases and feelings. It is a hard thing to study in real world scenarios as the only way to do so is to contact people after they are better and ask about their contacts prior to feeling sick and then talking to those people. Time consuming and expensive and relies on people having a good memory of something 3 to 6 months ago.

Could you name everyone you came into contact with for the last 48 hours? How about a 48 hour period in September?
Not really. Looking at the link you gave, it only included 201 people and everything was based upon personal interviews with people and that brings into play biases and feelings. It is a hard thing to study in real world scenarios as the only way to do so is to contact people after they are better and ask about their contacts prior to feeling sick and then talking to those people. Time consuming and expensive and relies on people having a good memory of something 3 to 6 months ago.

Could you name everyone you came into contact with for the last 48 hours? How about a 48 hour period in September?
OMFG.........Back to contact tracing again. lmao

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