Supreme Court Fast Tracks OSHA/Mandate Case: Jan 7th

None of that is remotely an intellectual point you’d hear anywhere but on a middle school playground. You ok?

Everything you think you’ve achieved by yourself someone sacrificed for you. Obama was right when he said you didn’t build it. Other people built shit that you use everyday including the medium in which we are using to call each other names. Fuckface. :)

It is not my responsibility to caretake YOUR health beyond basic and simple public health measures like not operating cars while intoxicated. It CERTAINLY does not extend to me injecting myself with experimental vaccines with no long term studies so YOU feel safer.

That's a non-starter.
None of that is remotely an intellectual point you’d hear anywhere but on a middle school playground. You ok?

Everything you think you’ve achieved by yourself someone sacrificed for you. Obama was right when he said you didn’t build it. Other people built shit that you use everyday including the medium in which we are using to call each other names. Fuckface. :)
Really. I asked you what have you done. You are an office clown ......What have you built......Did you get a paper cut today.........hmmmm

I did 10 years bitch. Persian Gulf Twice. Somalia......Legal Ops South America and plane guard for Operation Team spirit Korea.

I work construction ......We BUILD SHIT BRO.........What did Obama do.......Oh a community organizer....lmao

You are full of it.
Have you sacrificed for public health though? Have you thought about all the food allergic people in public places when you eat nuts, wheat, soy, egg, dairy, shellfish, berries, gluten, etc? No? Yes?

Or is it THEIR health and therefore THEIR responsibility to take care of it?
My kid went peanut free in middle school and sat at a peanut free table all high school with his allergic buddy. I never heard of a peanut allergy in the 80’s/90’s when I was in school. Those others you listed you have to eat. But not sure what your point is. I guess it’s that my kid sacrifices eating peanuts at school. That did piss some parents off who, like me, remember it not being a problem before. But whatever. It’s no big deal.
Sorry, but I am not wrong. I happen to sleep with an ICU nurse every night, she disagrees with you and I trust her medical knowledge over yours or mine.

And then there is this...

he baseline assumptions for the model were that peak infectiousness occurred at the median of symptom onset and that 30% of individuals with infection never develop symptoms and are 75% as infectious as those who do develop symptoms. Combined, these baseline assumptions imply that persons with infection who never develop symptoms may account for approximately 24% of all transmission. In this base case, 59% of all transmission came from asymptomatic transmission, comprising 35% from presymptomatic individuals and 24% from individuals who never develop symptoms. Under a broad range of values for each of these assumptions, at least 50% of new SARS-CoV-2 infections was estimated to have originated from exposure to individuals with infection but without symptoms.

In the first mathematical model to incorporate data on daily changes in testing capacity, the research team found that only 14% to 20% of COVID-19 individuals showed symptoms of the disease and that more than 50% of community transmission was from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases.

That your wife/partner is an ICU nurse is called an appeal to authority. That you sleep with her does not make the model you presented any more compelling.
It's a model, not really a study. We know how great these "models" have been in the covid era.
He posted data from the time of when they were rolling out vaccines. Those vaccinated can have the same viral load as the unvaccinated.........They also COMPLETELY IGNORE NATURAL IMMUNITY. Which is BS.

They also haven't allowed known cheap drugs that would have ended this crap.
It is not my responsibility to caretake YOUR health beyond basic and simple public health measures like not operating cars while intoxicated. It CERTAINLY does not extend to me injecting myself with experimental vaccines with no long term studies so YOU feel safer.

That's a non-starter.
The only people calling it experimental are whack jobs. You can find people saying MMR gives you autism. You listen to them too?
My kid went peanut free in middle school and sat at a peanut free table all high school with his allergic buddy. I never heard of a peanut allergy in the 80’s/90’s when I was in school. Those others you listed you have to eat. But not sure what your point is. I guess it’s that my kid sacrifices eating peanuts at school. That did piss some parents off who, like me, remember it not being a problem before. But whatever. It’s no big deal.

My son has a severe nut allergy and went into anaphylactic shock twice, one time having broke through the epipen on the way to the hospital. I assure you, these allergies are very real, and some of them are airborne. So, are you taking precautions when you eat in public?

Should you?

We never thought so. Although he went into shock, we knew he would have to live in a world with peanuts/nuts. We had to teach him to deal with that. It wasn't other people's responsibility to do that.

BTW, these severe allergies are but one manifestation of all the autoimmune stuff exploding. I just read a paper that the vaccines cause systemic inflammation. So, great. More autoimmune stuff on the way. So glad I did not get the shots.
Fuck off bitch..........Your side wants all to show fucking papers and make me get the jab. Why don't you bring the vaccine and try it personally bitch.

Fuck all of you..........This is clear BS to the constitution. And you don't scare anyone....neither does this virus..........Survival Rate is very high and you are still pissing yourself over it.
LOL.. Total Frightened Bitches
That your wife/partner is an ICU nurse is called an appeal to authority. That you sleep with her does not make the model you presented any more compelling.

As I said, I am going to trust her over a school teacher. I am sure you understand.
The only people calling it experimental are whack jobs. You can find people saying MMR gives you autism. You listen to them too?

No, never before. Now? Yes, maybe. After seeing the absolute shifty way the Pharma companies operate, with their no liability? Yeah. Maybe.
The only people calling it experimental are whack jobs. You can find people saying MMR gives you autism. You listen to them too?
Show me the vast human tests of this crap before this plannedemic. Good luck.

You are the LAB RAT........and it doesn't provide long term memory. And then explain why we are taking the jab for the Alpha variant when we are on the letter O. That is like taking the Flu jab from 3 years ago wondering why it doesn't work now.
As I said, I am going to trust her over a school teacher. I am sure you understand.

I don't, actually. That she is an ICU nurse does nothing to the information I presented to you. Being that I am a teacher, I understand this. Unless your wife/partner pretends to be an expert in virology, that is.
Actual studies are better than statistical modeling, esp when you can see that the model is such a pathetic failure in real life.

So you have no background in statistical modeling. As a data analyst with a Masters in such things, I have more faith in them than you do.
So you have no background in statistical modeling. As a data analyst with a Masters in such things, I have more faith in them than you do.

Great. So which is better: "this is how the models show it might work" or "we studied real world cases, and this is how it worked"
I don't, actually. That she is an ICU nurse does nothing to the information I presented to you. Being that I am a teacher, I understand this. Unless your wife/partner pretends to be an expert in virology, that is.

She is not an expert in virology, but that is whom she works with. She has spent the past almost two years treating COVID patients and spent every winter for the 10 before that treating flu patients.

So if you think I am going to take the word of a school teacher over her, you are just nuts.
So you have no background in statistical modeling. As a data analyst with a Masters in such things, I have more faith in them than you do.
So you went from Jar Head to a math Super Star..........Guess you used ratios to doing all that integral math and differential equations...........hmmm...........

Tell me why then.........Mr. Math.......that areas that have a lot of vaccines given.......Almost always have a higher rate of positive tests................hmmm........Sounds statistical.
Really. I asked you what have you done. You are an office clown ......What have you built......Did you get a paper cut today.........hmmmm

I did 10 years bitch. Persian Gulf Twice. Somalia......Legal Ops South America and plane guard for Operation Team spirit Korea.

I work construction ......We BUILD SHIT BRO.........What did Obama do.......Oh a community organizer....lmao

You are full of it.
Build away. But here is the reality. You work hard and live month to month with benefits paid for by me if you are on a government plan. If you aren’t on a federal plan then your benefits suck. Either way you are either benefiting from a social safety net office workers fund through our taxes or you are shit out of luck. The ones who are SOL the republicans don’t care.

The alliance of working men with the Republican Party is only sustained by keeping them on the edge about faux culture wars so they vote against their self interest. It’d be comical if it weren’t so sad.
Great. So which is better: "this is how the models show it might work" or "we studied real world cases, and this is how it worked"

Depends on the size of the "real world" study and if the real world study has been replicated by anyone else. I gave you two separate models that came to the same results.

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