Supreme Court Fast Tracks OSHA/Mandate Case: Jan 7th

Two of those are in the "danger range" due to their age and have a pre-existing condition yet they only had mild cases of COVID due to the vaccine.

I agree with you on the mandates, but not on your contention the vaccines do not help at all.

Her contention is that the unvaccinated want the pandemic to "keep going". If you contract the virus, you can spread it. These three CAN spread it because they have viral load. I do not. So though unvaccinated, I am not one spreading it.
Here we go. Oral arguments Jan. 7th. For the Supreme Court, this is known as "Rocket Docket"--they acted well ahead of the Dec. 30th deadline.

They will hear arguments on the OSHA mandate and the health care worker mandate.

I pray for them ALL..
(please do the Right thing)
If you say we have to show papers to go eat like Europe is doing now over a BS vaccine when you refuse to show it to vote............yeah this county is about to end........

Pussy. You’d have ran like a coward from serving with your fellow men to fight Japanese and Germans because, ya know, freedom. Enemy requires sacrifice. Big fucking deal. A scary mask, social distance and another vaccination like you got for school. Big hero.
Pussy. You’d have ran like a coward from serving with your fellow men to fight Japanese and Germans because, ya know, freedom. Enemy requires sacrifice. Big fucking deal. A scary mask, social distance and another vaccination like you got for school. Big hero.
Fuck off bitch..........Your side wants all to show fucking papers and make me get the jab. Why don't you bring the vaccine and try it personally bitch.

Fuck all of you..........This is clear BS to the constitution. And you don't scare anyone....neither does this virus..........Survival Rate is very high and you are still pissing yourself over it.
No, really it is not, in fact it is a rather common even with viruses. Asymptomatic spread of the flu is known thing, this is not new to COVID

I'm sorry but this is just wrong. You have a very, very short window of PRE symptomatic spread--about 6 hours. But even then the transmission is low. This is just one study, and confirms why most Covid cases are passed between household members and not casual contacts.

In the studied population, the risk of pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 was low, with transmission risks of 1.12% and 0.06% respectively. Pre-symptomatic infection becomes very rare in contacts made longer than 6 h before onset of symptoms. The infection transmission is traced as long as about 9 h before the appearance of clear symptoms in the patients, but the incidence rate was as low as about 0.02% of the total contacts in that period.

Pussy. You’d have ran like a coward from serving with your fellow men to fight Japanese and Germans because, ya know, freedom. Enemy requires sacrifice. Big fucking deal. A scary mask, social distance and another vaccination like you got for school. Big hero.

The virus is not my enemy. If it's your enemy, than you do what you must do to fight it. Like take the vaccines. If your vaccine doesn't work, that's the pharma company's problem. It's not mine.
Fuck off bitch..........Your side wants all to show fucking papers and make me get the jab. Why don't you bring the vaccine and try it personally bitch.

Fuck all of you..........This is clear BS to the constitution. And you don't scare anyone....neither does this virus..........Survival Rate is very high and you are still pissing yourself over it.
I’m at a bagel shop now on the way to my in office job. Everyone in the office is vaxed. No big deal. No one cried. No one pretended like we were gonna die from a shot that statistically keeps people from dying. We all make a shit ton of money so not dying and not raising the risk level for others seems like a good idea. I also wore my seat belt, left my house wearing pants, carried my drivers license, kept my license plate on my car, scanned my badge to get in, am mostly gonna follow the speed limit. All sacrifices I make for others cuz who wouldn’t like to go into work not wearing pants?
The virus is not my enemy. If it's your enemy, than you do what you must do to fight it. Like take the vaccines. If your vaccine doesn't work, that's the pharma company's problem. It's not mine.
We’re not gonna solve this argument. My point is the right wing nuts are fine living off others’ sacrifices but ask them to compromise for the environment, children, or public health and suddenly they wrap themselves in a don’t read on me flag of hypocrisy.
I’m at a bagel shop now on the way to my in office job. Everyone in the office is vaxed. No big deal. No one cried. No one pretended like we were gonna die from a shot that statistically keeps people from dying. We all make a shit ton of money so not dying and not raising the risk level for others seems like a good idea. I also wore my seat belt, left my house wearing pants, carried my drivers license, kept my license plate on my car, scanned my badge to get in, am mostly gonna follow the speed limit. All sacrifices I make for others cuz who wouldn’t like to go into work not wearing pants?
Good for you. I don't give a fuck. Get 10 jabs. Water Board yourself.........Have fun. Don't try to enforce it on me. You don't have that right and if we go the path of Europe and Austrailia this WILL NOT END WELL.

Showing a passport is fucking BS........And OSHA has no right to enforce this BS.
I'm sorry but this is just wrong

Sorry, but I am not wrong. I happen to sleep with an ICU nurse every night, she disagrees with you and I trust her medical knowledge over yours or mine.

And then there is this...

he baseline assumptions for the model were that peak infectiousness occurred at the median of symptom onset and that 30% of individuals with infection never develop symptoms and are 75% as infectious as those who do develop symptoms. Combined, these baseline assumptions imply that persons with infection who never develop symptoms may account for approximately 24% of all transmission. In this base case, 59% of all transmission came from asymptomatic transmission, comprising 35% from presymptomatic individuals and 24% from individuals who never develop symptoms. Under a broad range of values for each of these assumptions, at least 50% of new SARS-CoV-2 infections was estimated to have originated from exposure to individuals with infection but without symptoms.

In the first mathematical model to incorporate data on daily changes in testing capacity, the research team found that only 14% to 20% of COVID-19 individuals showed symptoms of the disease and that more than 50% of community transmission was from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases.
We’re not gonna solve this argument. My point is the right wing nuts are fine living off others’ sacrifices but ask them to compromise for the environment, children, or public health and suddenly they wrap themselves in a don’t read on me flag of hypocrisy.
What fucking sacrifices at that office do you make........Did you hide at home ...working from home most of the plannedemic while we were out there working every day.......hmmm.......poor thing....Does Covid Scare you.........Do unvaccinated SCARE YOU..........BOO.......
We’re not gonna solve this argument. My point is the right wing nuts are fine living off others’ sacrifices but ask them to compromise for the environment, children, or public health and suddenly they wrap themselves in a don’t read on me flag of hypocrisy.

Have you sacrificed for public health though? Have you thought about all the food allergic people in public places when you eat nuts, wheat, soy, egg, dairy, shellfish, berries, gluten, etc? No? Yes?

Or is it THEIR health and therefore THEIR responsibility to take care of it?
Sorry, but I am not wrong. I happen to sleep with an ICU nurse every night, she disagrees with you and I trust her medical knowledge over yours or mine.

And then there is this...

he baseline assumptions for the model were that peak infectiousness occurred at the median of symptom onset and that 30% of individuals with infection never develop symptoms and are 75% as infectious as those who do develop symptoms. Combined, these baseline assumptions imply that persons with infection who never develop symptoms may account for approximately 24% of all transmission. In this base case, 59% of all transmission came from asymptomatic transmission, comprising 35% from presymptomatic individuals and 24% from individuals who never develop symptoms. Under a broad range of values for each of these assumptions, at least 50% of new SARS-CoV-2 infections was estimated to have originated from exposure to individuals with infection but without symptoms.

In the first mathematical model to incorporate data on daily changes in testing capacity, the research team found that only 14% to 20% of COVID-19 individuals showed symptoms of the disease and that more than 50% of community transmission was from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases.
Your study is before the big roll out of the vaccines. Look at the date.

What fucking sacrifices at that office do you make........Did you hide at home ...working from home most of the plannedemic while we were out there working every day.......hmmm.......poor thing....Does Covid Scare you.........Do unvaccinated SCARE YOU..........BOO.......
None of that is remotely an intellectual point you’d hear anywhere but on a middle school playground. You ok?

Everything you think you’ve achieved by yourself someone sacrificed for you. Obama was right when he said you didn’t build it. Other people built shit that you use everyday including the medium in which we are using to call each other names. Fuckface. :)
Sorry, but I am not wrong. I happen to sleep with an ICU nurse every night, she disagrees with you and I trust her medical knowledge over yours or mine.

And then there is this...

he baseline assumptions for the model were that peak infectiousness occurred at the median of symptom onset and that 30% of individuals with infection never develop symptoms and are 75% as infectious as those who do develop symptoms. Combined, these baseline assumptions imply that persons with infection who never develop symptoms may account for approximately 24% of all transmission. In this base case, 59% of all transmission came from asymptomatic transmission, comprising 35% from presymptomatic individuals and 24% from individuals who never develop symptoms. Under a broad range of values for each of these assumptions, at least 50% of new SARS-CoV-2 infections was estimated to have originated from exposure to individuals with infection but without symptoms.

In the first mathematical model to incorporate data on daily changes in testing capacity, the research team found that only 14% to 20% of COVID-19 individuals showed symptoms of the disease and that more than 50% of community transmission was from asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases.

This is a model and I would say a really terrible one. Just schools alone would tell you that 50% of cases DO NOT come from pre-and asymptomatic cases. Mine was an actual study with real world data.

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