Supreme Court gun decision

Either way EVERY law restricting who can own/buy a weapon and what kind of weapons we can own is illegal and unconstitutional I don't need some tyrants in robes thinking they are above us telling me what the 2nd amendment says. The ONLY part they need to comprehend is SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
If you wanna rely solely on the letter of the law, only a 'well-regulated militia'man may own a weapon. So should be thankful for the people in robes since it's because of their ruling on that part that it doesn't mean only actual militiamen may own firearms.
EVERY able bodied man is apart of the militia. Only morons who hate guns try and use that.
If you wanna rely solely on the letter of the law, only a 'well-regulated militia'man may own a weapon. So should be thankful for the people in robes since it's because of their ruling on that part that it doesn't mean only actual militiamen may own firearms.

oh bullshit. In colonial times a wealthy person could buy their way out of militia service, and yet they still retained the right to bear arms.

Your failure to comprehend the written word from that era doesn't change that fact.
I used to watch the TV Show, Cops. There were several instances where folks were arrested for domestic violence when one party or the other (or both) had nothing more than a red spot on their arm. The system is literally forcing freedom-loving Americans into subservience/slavery. Buy your guns while you can and don't keep all of your eggs in one basket!!
Anyone can be arrested for domestic violence, but if the spouse refuses to sign a complaint the chance of conviction is about zero. Even then, many domestic violence cases are never prosecuted unless there are multiple arrests. If you lose your right to firearms because of a domestic violence conviction, you probably deserve it.

Some arrests turn to convictions even though no real "violence" took place. These days a stubbed toe is considered "violent" by a society of pussies.

I know a guy (coworker) who has been "sick" 16 days already and it's only the first quarter of the year. He was sick 6 times in January (kidney stones for a couple of days and a sprained ankle for the other 4). He was sick 3 times in February (he basically had a cough and some sniffles). He's been sick 7 days so far this month (kidney stones again for 6 days and he was off today because he had diarrhea). He's a fat, lazy good-for-nothing waste of human flesh who has bought into our society's notion that little "owies" are monumental illnesses.

That's how the courts view spats between spouses. They've turned molehills into mountains. Unfortunately, a lot of really good, honest, hard-working, taxpaying, freedom-loving American men have been branded with "domestic violence" when they simply lost their temper once. I don't know a single person on earth who hasn't gotten angry at least once. Today's liberal courts and progressive legislatures have a hatred for men in general and consider them "guilty" for having testosterone.
The Supreme Court this week clarified which crimes of “physical force” would bar misdemeanor convicts from possessing a firearm. Just being convicted of domestic violence does not mean you lose your right to possess firearms.
Fact-Based, In-Depth News | Al Jazeera America
If you wanna rely solely on the letter of the law, only a 'well-regulated militia'man may own a weapon. So should be thankful for the people in robes since it's because of their ruling on that part that it doesn't mean only actual militiamen may own firearms.

oh bullshit. In colonial times a wealthy person could buy their way out of militia service, and yet they still retained the right to bear arms.

Your failure to comprehend the written word from that era doesn't change that fact.
In theory, state militias could conscript men for service but in reality this was rarely done because there was a sufficient number of volunteers. The continental army was made up of volunteers and militias. One didn't need to buy their way out of service because the selective service system did not exist. There were many people in the colonies that were still loyal to England but remained in colonies and did not serve in the military. Washington proposed a draft and it was discussed in Congress but no law was passed.
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There are simply far too many people that own guns that are unfit to be within ten feet of one. Someone convicted of a violent crime, particularly to someone close to them, should not have access to a gun at all.

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