Supreme Court Hands Victory To Transgender Students In Locker Room Case

I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

Hopefully, your daughter will be one of the first to be subjected to naked men looking at her naked body in the locker-room. You can spend the rest of your life paying for the psychological counseling telling your daughter that you was all for it.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

What is to stop a seemingly male person walk into a women’s locker room or women’s restroom? He can’t be arrested. If questioned, he can simply say that he identifies as a transgender. If he/she is asked their sexual preference, he/she can sue.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

And people who aren't transgender will take advantage of this. *shrugs*

I know you are too stupid to understand this.
Only if the line you are in is long and the other sexes terlit has no line it is a given.....
I always thought that Women's Bathrooms were of Sanctity. To Freshen Up!
Being in club and bar security for thirty years I can tell you that men dressed as women have been using the women's terlit for thirty years...and no one was the wiser.
As a woman, I can tell you that we noticed but that we usually let it slide when it is a real tranny--------its the guys that aren't trannies which I would think would lack the skill set to dress convincingly as women claiming tranny rights that allows them into the bathroom that creates the real danger for women and young girls.
I noticed that you did not post any stories about how any cross-dressers harmed yer fecal matter.

When I first moved out on my own as a teenager---my mother pushed me into moving into a small apartment complex in Vegas--------It had one straight couple, one other single woman and the rest were all gay guys. Baby I got lots of Tranny and gay stories-----its how I know that they are all nuts. You don't want to get me started.
I was a theater major in jr. high through college, the day I turned eighteen I became a stripper in 1979 and there were no shortages of ghey people in the theater and strip joints where men and women danced. Or you could go up to 50 Penn Place in OKC and go to the transvestites' clubs or hang around the cruise spot fer gay guys at the hotel...
These people are not nuts they are frustrated individuals like the biker members I knew they all lacked something humans crave, acceptance and love....
Trust me they are nuts. Absolutely nuts and getting "love" as you call it wasn't the issue--they got plenty of "love" from one another. They just wanted a lot more from all the wrong places.

Las Vegas was always crazy even way back when I was a single teen/ 20 year old. And living in a mostly gay very very cheap downtown complex was really crazy even by Vegas standards.. It was like walking a gauntlet for all my boyfriends and regular male friends even accompanied by their own girl friends/wives. It was the one place in the world where women had to protect their man from other males.

There was maybe around 20 apartments----most on the ground floor----with my apartment being one of the few on the second level in a upper secluded corner of the complex. My neighbors had no shame checking out other guys asses as they walk through---and they were blatant as hell about it. They wanted it known they were also looking for a boyfriend and that they all loved guys in uniform more than even I did. I used to have to go stand outside and wait for my boyfriends trying to shame my neighbors to stop making my boyfriends feel like a pieces of meat. Gay guys do not care how much clothes they have on when they want to run out and stare at someone btw------You get the overly frilly dress ups to the almost completely nude tiny thin shorts that really show their excitement as they make faces and expressions to voice their ratings of my dates. My now husband says that he is still traumatized by the experience.

And oh my gawd--we all had these tiny studio apartments with thin walls --------they were so obsessed with my boyfriends that they would gravitate upstairs and out to in front of my thin single pane window when any of my boyfriends were over over trying to hear my boyfriend and I having sex. Even worse they would sit there and talk about trying to listen in, not realizing that not only could they hear us but we could hear them talking about us. So I would have to sit there and tell my b/f's not to kill my neighbors because several of them had aids and he might catch it from punching them.
In the opportunist case of coercion we’ve mentioned, suing was not an option. The sign appeared and claimed the preemptive political moment as sexual preference, the flipside, for example, of the absence of wedding-ring-as-sign. The bathroom scenario means a captive audience, like the kitchen scene mentioned, a situation where opportunism can flourish.

For a man to say that he is a lesbian trapped in a man’s body states a sexual preference, usually taken casually, though we know of one female who likely took it as sexual harrassment. This
persona was choosing the “final solution.” Woman is subject par excellence (Lacan), so at least we chose an interesting subject that time.
‘We have here the problem of a woman, having once become a subject of desire, no longer finding the other she could desire as such (part of the more general problem of our age of achieving subjecthood in a world which, in the interim, the object has disappeared). For the secret never lies in the equivalent exchange of desires, under the sign of egalitarian difference; it lies in inventing the other who will be able to play on —and make sport of — my own desire, defer it, suspend it, and thus arouse it indefinitely. Is the female gender capable today of producing — since it no longer withes to personify it — this same seductive otherness? Is the female gender still hysterical enough to invent the other?

It seems, unfortunately, that we are coming close to the opposite extreme — that is to say, to the exacerbated form of difference or, in other words, the final solution: sexual harassment. The ultimate development of female hysteria — pornography being the ultimate and caricatural development of male hysteria. These are, basically, the two sides of the same hysterical indifference.’
(Baudrillard, The Surgical Removal of Otherness)
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

And people who aren't transgender will take advantage of this. *shrugs*

I know you are too stupid to understand this.
Only if the line you are in is long and the other sexes terlit has no line it is a given.....
I always thought that Women's Bathrooms were of Sanctity. To Freshen Up!
Being in club and bar security for thirty years I can tell you that men dressed as women have been using the women's terlit for thirty years...and no one was the wiser.
As a woman, I can tell you that we noticed but that we usually let it slide when it is a real tranny--------its the guys that aren't trannies which I would think would lack the skill set to dress convincingly as women claiming tranny rights that allows them into the bathroom that creates the real danger for women and young girls.
I noticed that you did not post any stories about how any cross-dressers harmed yer fecal matter.

When I first moved out on my own as a teenager---my mother pushed me into moving into a small apartment complex in Vegas--------It had one straight couple, one other single woman and the rest were all gay guys. Baby I got lots of Tranny and gay stories-----its how I know that they are all nuts. You don't want to get me started.
I was a theater major in jr. high through college, the day I turned eighteen I became a stripper in 1979 and there were no shortages of ghey people in the theater and strip joints where men and women danced. Or you could go up to 50 Penn Place in OKC and go to the transvestites' clubs or hang around the cruise spot fer gay guys at the hotel...
These people are not nuts they are frustrated individuals like the biker members I knew they all lacked something humans crave, acceptance and love....
Trust me they are nuts. Absolutely nuts and getting "love" as you call it wasn't the issue--they got plenty of "love" from one another. They just wanted a lot more from all the wrong places.

Las Vegas was always crazy even way back when I was a single teen/ 20 year old. And living in a mostly gay very very cheap downtown complex was really crazy even by Vegas standards.. It was like walking a gauntlet for all my boyfriends and regular male friends even accompanied by their own girl friends/wives. It was the one place in the world where women had to protect their man from other males.

There was maybe around 20 apartments----most on the ground floor----with my apartment being one of the few on the second level in a upper secluded corner of the complex. My neighbors had no shame checking out other guys asses as they walk through---and they were blatant as hell about it. They wanted it known they were also looking for a boyfriend and that they all loved guys in uniform more than even I did. I used to have to go stand outside and wait for my boyfriends trying to shame my neighbors to stop making my boyfriends feel like a pieces of meat. Gay guys do not care how much clothes they have on when they want to run out and stare at someone btw------You get the overly frilly dress ups to the almost completely nude tiny thin shorts that really show their excitement as they make faces and expressions to voice their ratings of my dates. My now husband says that he is still traumatized by the experience.

And oh my gawd--we all had these tiny studio apartments with thin walls --------they were so obsessed with my boyfriends that they would gravitate upstairs and out to in front of my thin single pane window when any of my boyfriends were over over trying to hear my boyfriend and I having sex. Even worse they would sit there and talk about trying to listen in, not realizing that not only could they hear us but we could hear them talking about us. So I would have to sit there and tell my b/f's not to kill my neighbors because several of them had aids and he might catch it from punching them.
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

What is to stop a seemingly male person walk into a women’s locker room or women’s restroom? He can’t be arrested. If questioned, he can simply say that he identifies as a transgender. If he/she is asked their sexual preference, he/she can sue.

Nothing, normal people just have to allow those that are mentally incapable of accepting their sex to invade their space.
The same rights as me? I am a male and cant walk into the female bathroom. Why can you if you are mentally ill? Thats called SPECIAL rights.

Um, no, you can use the bathroom you identify with... so should they.

Using your logic, you are obsessed and jerk off to trump. Thats fucking gross dude.

Naw, Trump's incompetence has an actual effect on my life. That's a valid concern.

A tranny using the bathroom of her choice doesn't change your failed and useless life one iota.

I need to ask all the libturd men, women, and depends on what day, to answer me this.

How would you feel if your real female daughter was about to finish 1st in the state track meet. At the end, some curly haired freak with bouncing testes runs past her AND SNATCHES IT RIGHT FROM HER.

I can imagine what you libturds would say YOU BUNCHA PHONY HYPOCRITES.

I would say, "It was just a plastic trophy, kid!" The thing here is that because of Title X, we have a bunch of set-asides for girl athletics no one would care about, otherwise. And most people don't.

If your whole life is built around winning a track meet, you probably don't have very lofty goals.

Don't push your luck JOE...these were just the easiest and quickest to grab--------but I have heard of many many cases over the years where adult males use bathrooms as their hunting TERROR-Itories to rape and kill victims especially where children are concerned. You really don't want me googling for these cases and posting them. You are a big boy, you should be able to do this on your own.

Why waste my time? Rapists are going to find victims no matter what the law is. If you guys were REALLY concerned about this, you'd maybe work on improving on the 3% conviction rate for sexual offenders. The idea of punishing a group who haven't broken a law because someone might...

Oooohkay... so when are you guys getting behind a total gun ban.

Real men have a duty and a responsibility to protect women from your kind of degenerates.

Guy, my sex life is about as vanilla as you can get.

But you have a point, the people of Carthage, IL did have a right to protect their women folks from a DEGENERATE named Joseph Smith.


Never gets old.
It's only money, only property, right? Don't you always say something similar, in defense of every thieving subhuman piece of shit that you defend for engaging in theft and destruction of other people's property?

Why should anyone care what property losses you now claim to have suffered?

Nobody should care... That wasn't my point.

My point was - Trump's incompetence has cost me money. I mean, don't get me wrong, the people who DIED because of his incompetence have had it far worse.

I went into this realizing at some point Trump was going to fuck it up, so I spent the last four years getting ready for the recession I knew he was inevitably going to cause. That meant paying down all my debts and putting aside a large enough nest egg to give me some cushion.

My point about insurance was that you should go around murdering people over property that can be replaced. I'm sorry the point is lost on you, Cult-Boy, but rational thought from someone who really believes his underwear is magic is expecting too much.
Earlier this year you claim your resume writing was going great guns and a record setting year because of the high unemployment, now you claim otherwise? Tough to keep your lies straight isn’t it? I find it tough to keep up with your BS as well.

Well, Reading Comprehension would help.

You don't seem to do that very well.

No doubt, you have all my posts catogorized so you can take them out of context.

Yes, I'm doing kind of okay on my resume business, but my other business interests... they've taken quite a hit from Trump's incompetence...
Hopefully, your daughter will be one of the first to be subjected to naked men looking at her naked body in the locker-room. You can spend the rest of your life paying for the psychological counseling telling your daughter that you was all for it.

I should report you for an attack on family, but I'll try to treat this seriously.

If you are so psychologically damaged because someone saw you naked, you are probably a pretty fragile creature.
Earlier this year you claim your resume writing was going great guns and a record setting year because of the high unemployment, now you claim otherwise? Tough to keep your lies straight isn’t it? I find it tough to keep up with your BS as well.

Well, Reading Comprehension would help.

You don't seem to do that very well.

No doubt, you have all my posts catogorized so you can take them out of context.

Yes, I'm doing kind of okay on my resume business, but my other business interests... they've taken quite a hit from Trump's incompetence...

I’m sorry I called you out on your lies.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

Utterly repulsive and revolting !!
Transgender is a severe mental illness
The same rights as me? I am a male and cant walk into the female bathroom. Why can you if you are mentally ill? Thats called SPECIAL rights.

Um, no, you can use the bathroom you identify with... so should they.

Using your logic, you are obsessed and jerk off to trump. Thats fucking gross dude.

Naw, Trump's incompetence has an actual effect on my life. That's a valid concern.

A tranny using the bathroom of her choice doesn't change your failed and useless life one iota.

I need to ask all the libturd men, women, and depends on what day, to answer me this.

How would you feel if your real female daughter was about to finish 1st in the state track meet. At the end, some curly haired freak with bouncing testes runs past her AND SNATCHES IT RIGHT FROM HER.

I can imagine what you libturds would say YOU BUNCHA PHONY HYPOCRITES.

I would say, "It was just a plastic trophy, kid!" The thing here is that because of Title X, we have a bunch of set-asides for girl athletics no one would care about, otherwise. And most people don't.

If your whole life is built around winning a track meet, you probably don't have very lofty goals.

Don't push your luck JOE...these were just the easiest and quickest to grab--------but I have heard of many many cases over the years where adult males use bathrooms as their hunting TERROR-Itories to rape and kill victims especially where children are concerned. You really don't want me googling for these cases and posting them. You are a big boy, you should be able to do this on your own.

Why waste my time? Rapists are going to find victims no matter what the law is. If you guys were REALLY concerned about this, you'd maybe work on improving on the 3% conviction rate for sexual offenders. The idea of punishing a group who haven't broken a law because someone might...

Oooohkay... so when are you guys getting behind a total gun ban.

Real men have a duty and a responsibility to protect women from your kind of degenerates.

Guy, my sex life is about as vanilla as you can get.

But you have a point, the people of Carthage, IL did have a right to protect their women folks from a DEGENERATE named Joseph Smith.

View attachment 426789
Never gets old.
Bathrooms are based on BIOLOGY. Not what you "identify" with
I’m sorry I called you out on your lies.

I'm sorry you are a weird stalker with no life... or that you can't comprehend simple English.

I hope you get a better imaginary life, living in the prison you put yourself in is disturbing. Now, it’s time for you to make another really retarded response because you have a need to respond because you are like a puppy needing attention.
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Man becomes woman to have sex with man when he can do it as man having sex with man. It makes no sense.
There is more to transgender than having sex. It's having long hair in an updo to show off dangly earrings. It's high stripper heels and pretty dresses. For female to male its big biceps and a 5o'clock shadow.
And another conservative chimes in to confirm the bigotry and hate common to most on the right.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

Utterly repulsive and revolting !!
Transgender is a severe mental illness
...and still more ignorance, bigotry, and hate from the right.

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