Supreme Court Hands Victory To Transgender Students In Locker Room Case

I'm going to have to go with it being ok on one condition. The trans has to be FULLY trans. Like, the man now a girl can use the girls room ONLY if his pecker is gone and a fake vagina is in place. He/it has no desire for girls. He/it want another no danger to the females.
If its a girl that changed to a man...same thing. Fake pecker sewn on, boobs removed. If they are still transistioning...NO.

Not going to happen. THe Conventional Wisdom in our society is, that if a man states he is a woman, BAM, right then, he is magically a woman and we all have to play along.

That he has a beard and a fully functioning penis? IRRELEVANT YOU PHOBE.

Clayton rated this as funny.

I would like to know why.
Because it's ignorant, bigoted, ridiculous, and wrong.

Once again we see the authoritarian right seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, where conservatives fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

Your "liberties" doesn't include staring at naked girls, creep. What about their rights to privacy?

Goddamn loon

For libs, the more intersectional you are, the more your "rights" count.

Thus, women can get over on straight men, but women lose out to transgendered.
Homosexuals are the same as transgenders?
When you really think about it, how different are they really when a transgender person will still be going with what they were born as? Whatever life it is that they live now will never erase the way that they came into this world. My questions are why do homosexual people only go after what they themselves already have? What I have to ask those of the transgender community would be this? Do you remember the Coca-Cola commericial catch phrase from back in the day? I never forgot it: "You can't be the real thing."

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, genuine is the only way to be anyway. Take buying a engagement/wedding ring for example. How many times have we seen it shown on TV the way that a person feels when they find out that the ring that they have been given isn't a real one? Yeah, the fake rings are bought so that more for a person's money can be acquired, but in my opinion, the only thing that should ever matter is the authenticity.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

normally you try and help people with mental problems not validate the illness,,,

and you certainly dont use it as a political tool,,,
More rightwing ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Being transgender is not mental illness.

Yes it is. Loony as a fckn toon
I'm going to have to go with it being ok on one condition. The trans has to be FULLY trans. Like, the man now a girl can use the girls room ONLY if his pecker is gone and a fake vagina is in place. He/it has no desire for girls. He/it want another no danger to the females.
If its a girl that changed to a man...same thing. Fake pecker sewn on, boobs removed. If they are still transistioning...NO.

Not going to happen. THe Conventional Wisdom in our society is, that if a man states he is a woman, BAM, right then, he is magically a woman and we all have to play along.

That he has a beard and a fully functioning penis? IRRELEVANT YOU PHOBE.

Clayton rated this as funny.

I would like to know why.
Because it's ignorant, bigoted, ridiculous, and wrong.

Once again we see the authoritarian right seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, where conservatives fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.
You're one sick MFer.
Next will be to replace all the 'real women's' sport records with 'fake women's' records.
It seems that the left was so hell bent to get equality for the women and now just have them cancelled by
men who think they are women. And the left is good with that.
I asked Rye the other day if he felt that was fair to women? Of course, not knowing what answer
to give, he gave the, "I never thought about it".

Oh, noes, the WNBA is going to have the dykes all replaced by Trannies... not that anyone would notice, they are both equally unfeminine and no one was watching them anyway.

The funny thing is we create women's sports because women can't compete anywhere near the level of men... and then they bitch because they MIGHT encounter a tranny who might be slightly better in a sport that was artificially created for them to excel at.


Don't care.
Joe you never miss an opportunity to show your ignorance. Thank you for your post, it really shows what you're about. :clap:

Man becomes woman to have sex with man when he can do it as man having sex with man. It makes no sense.
There is more to transgender than having sex. It's having long hair in an updo to show off dangly earrings. It's high stripper heels and pretty dresses. For female to male its big biceps and a 5o'clock shadow.
It's mental illness.
More rightwing ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Being transgender is not mental illness.

More left wing delusion and pretend world.
Being transgender is exceedingly rare, and no it isn't a mental illness.
But pretending that effeminate gay men who dress as women are the same as transgendered - is a mental illness.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

And people who aren't transgender will take advantage of this. *shrugs*

I know you are too stupid to understand this.
Only if the line you are in is long and the other sexes terlit has no line it is a given.....
I always thought that Women's Bathrooms were of Sanctity. To Freshen Up!
Being in club and bar security for thirty years I can tell you that men dressed as women have been using the women's terlit for thirty years...and no one was the wiser.
As a woman, I can tell you that we noticed but that we usually let it slide when it is a real tranny--------its the guys that aren't trannies which I would think would lack the skill set to dress convincingly as women claiming tranny rights that allows them into the bathroom that creates the real danger for women and young girls.

It would be hard for him to pull anything off, because women go to the bathroom in 2s and 3s.
The SCOTUS will weigh in some transgender bathroom rights case but doesn't think our Presidential election integrity is worth hearing. :dunno:

How did this happen with a right-wing Supreme Court?

Most conservatives refuse to face up to the fact that the Left has radicalized and is not playing by the old rules.

So, things like Medical recommendations or lower court rulings, done by liberals, are taken at face value and treated as legitimate, when in fact they should be discounted as politically tainted garbage.

So, really insane ideas, work there way into law and policy, even when the radicals who started them, might not be in charge at that moment.

So why isn't the conservative, right wing Supreme Court on board with the right?

I just explained it. That was the point of my post. YOu posed the question and I answered it.

Do you want me to cut and paste it so you can read it again?

So was the SC correct in their ruling? If not y?
The SCOTUS will weigh in some transgender bathroom rights case but doesn't think our Presidential election integrity is worth hearing. :dunno:

How did this happen with a right-wing Supreme Court?

Most conservatives refuse to face up to the fact that the Left has radicalized and is not playing by the old rules.

So, things like Medical recommendations or lower court rulings, done by liberals, are taken at face value and treated as legitimate, when in fact they should be discounted as politically tainted garbage.

So, really insane ideas, work there way into law and policy, even when the radicals who started them, might not be in charge at that moment.

So why isn't the conservative, right wing Supreme Court on board with the right?

I just explained it. That was the point of my post. YOu posed the question and I answered it.

Do you want me to cut and paste it so you can read it again?

So was the SC correct in their ruling? If not y?

No, it was not.
This school situation reifies the context for LGBTQ, though in other contexts, their arrogance to claim recognition falters seriously. During the first few days into a new place, the rental agent placed and “LGBTQ” purse on the kitchen counter. This kitchen was already a shared, communist kitchen, and could not be considered private space. This is where the agent decided to test the priority of her job as rental agent and/or the priority of herself as an LGBTQ advocate, whereas before this gesture, badger had no need to care about personal choices. The boycott of this real estate agent and the company she works for has been ongoing for the last nine months, which is very satisfying for a Homo sapiens who will not cater to such coercions.
And you're from Chitcago. The most crooked city anywhere. How fitting you're the OP.

Obama. The Chicago Bath house homosexual escort page.

Wow, you guys have some weird fantasies about our last legitimate president.

Come to think of it, most homophobic/transphobic posts seem to have some pretty lurid fantasies with them.

Only you guys seem to think bathrooms are sexual.
Are you a spitter or swallower?

You believed a 5yr Russian hoax too. Boy you got fooled.LOLOL
Your bringing your gay fantasies to USMB again? Do what you want but we don`t need to hear about it.
Look. Libturd men have a thing for tranies. Most of you fantasize and wish you were women deep deep down that brain. Then Penis Envy follows.
I wasn`t attacking your gayness. This isn`t the place for it, that`s all.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

And people who aren't transgender will take advantage of this. *shrugs*

I know you are too stupid to understand this.
Only if the line you are in is long and the other sexes terlit has no line it is a given.....
I always thought that Women's Bathrooms were of Sanctity. To Freshen Up!
Being in club and bar security for thirty years I can tell you that men dressed as women have been using the women's terlit for thirty years...and no one was the wiser.
As a woman, I can tell you that we noticed but that we usually let it slide when it is a real tranny--------its the guys that aren't trannies which I would think would lack the skill set to dress convincingly as women claiming tranny rights that allows them into the bathroom that creates the real danger for women and young girls.
I noticed that you did not post any stories about how any cross-dressers harmed yer fecal matter.

When I first moved out on my own as a teenager---my mother pushed me into moving into a small apartment complex in Vegas--------It had one straight couple, one other single woman and the rest were all gay guys. Baby I got lots of Tranny and gay stories-----its how I know that they are all nuts. You don't want to get me started.
I was a theater major in jr. high through college, the day I turned eighteen I became a stripper in 1979 and there were no shortages of ghey people in the theater and strip joints where men and women danced. Or you could go up to 50 Penn Place in OKC and go to the transvestites' clubs or hang around the cruise spot fer gay guys at the hotel...
These people are not nuts they are frustrated individuals like the biker members I knew they all lacked something humans crave, acceptance and love....

Yes they are frustrated but they are also nuts. You are born a male or female and science is what it is so you cannot change your sex. I can accept that they want to be someone else or believe they are someone else, but there is a mental issue that is the underlying problem. Not genetics, not heredity, it is a mental issue that they have. It’s all science and all very basic science at that.
Next will be to replace all the 'real women's' sport records with 'fake women's' records.
It seems that the left was so hell bent to get equality for the women and now just have them cancelled by
men who think they are women. And the left is good with that.
I asked Rye the other day if he felt that was fair to women? Of course, not knowing what answer
to give, he gave the, "I never thought about it".

Oh, noes, the WNBA is going to have the dykes all replaced by Trannies... not that anyone would notice, they are both equally unfeminine and no one was watching them anyway.

The funny thing is we create women's sports because women can't compete anywhere near the level of men... and then they bitch because they MIGHT encounter a tranny who might be slightly better in a sport that was artificially created for them to excel at.


Don't care.
Joe you never miss an opportunity to show your ignorance. Thank you for your post, it really shows what you're about. :clap:

When these boys have milked transgender for all they could they can go back to being men.
I'm sure the far right homophobes on this board will go nuts with this but that's just icing on the cake to me.

Transgender people won't be discriminated.

Thank you Supreme Court.

normally you try and help people with mental problems not validate the illness,,,

and you certainly dont use it as a political tool,,,
More rightwing ignorance, bigotry, and hate.

Being transgender is not mental illness.

It’s a lifestyle choice? Tell us what exactly it is. It is not hereditary, genetics or anything else. It is a feeling, an emotion based on?
I'm going to have to go with it being ok on one condition. The trans has to be FULLY trans. Like, the man now a girl can use the girls room ONLY if his pecker is gone and a fake vagina is in place. He/it has no desire for girls. He/it want another no danger to the females.
If its a girl that changed to a man...same thing. Fake pecker sewn on, boobs removed. If they are still transistioning...NO.

Not going to happen. THe Conventional Wisdom in our society is, that if a man states he is a woman, BAM, right then, he is magically a woman and we all have to play along.

That he has a beard and a fully functioning penis? IRRELEVANT YOU PHOBE.

Clayton rated this as funny.

I would like to know why.
Because it's ignorant, bigoted, ridiculous, and wrong.

Once again we see the authoritarian right seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, where conservatives fear diversity and expressions of individual liberty.

You can think of yourself as a man or a woman but science is what determines your sex. I have no problem in letting you think you are a man or women because you emotionally feel that way. However it is a mental illness. It is emotion and feelings, which you are free to be, but it is not based on any science whatsoever.

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