supreme court Jackson urges the nations racism to be taught

Justice Jackson should realize that the fact of slavery is taught throughout the U.S. or should be. And no child should be taught that there is ANY moral justification for slavery and it was a tragic circumstance in U.S. history.

But honest history must also include:
1. The fact that it wasn't Americans who went into the jungles to capture slaves but it was other Africans.
2. It wasn't Americans who bought those captives and transported them all over the the world to be resold as slaves.

3. There are few if any countries in the world that do not have some form of slavery in their distant history and a few countries still do. And there were black slave owners in America too.

4. It was mostly white people of European descent who would come to reject slavery as a concept and fought, many at the risk of their reputations, fortunes, and/or their very lives, to end the practice of slavery both in other countries and here in the USA.

5. The USA has evolved in its thinking, customs, culture as most countries do, and it has done everything it can do to end slavery, to end segregation, to enforce full citizenship and all human rights to the descendants of slaves and make it illegal to hinder their exercise of those rights in any way.

It is now time to work toward making the color of skin of no more importance than hair or eye color so that all citizens are equal under the law and none are privileged by the law or hindered by the law because of their former nationality, ethnicity, race or creed.
true if blacks would quit being so narrow minded and racist there would not be problem. they are the ones seeing people as either black , brown and white like crayons . ignoring the beauty that is in world and many other cultures as well.
What about the killing of 3 kids and 3 adults in a transgender attack on a Christian school in Tennessee? Does that matter to Justice Jackson?
true if blacks would quit being so narrow minded and racist there would not be problem. they are the ones seeing people as either black , brown and white like crayons . ignoring the beauty that is in world and many other cultures as well.
I don't accept that. There are black racist and opportunistic and dishonest blacks using the race card for personal gain, yes. But there are far more white people pushing that agenda than there are black ones and they're all reprehensible. But they do not define either those with white skins or black skins.

I look at it as a disgusting person who happens to be white or black or polka dot or whatever. And regardless of the color of one's sin, any person may choose to be sinner or saint.
I don't accept that. There are black racist and opportunistic and dishonest blacks using the race card for personal gain, yes. But there are far more white people pushing that agenda than there are black ones and they're all reprehensible. But they do not define either those with white skins or black skins.

I look at it as a disgusting person who happens to be white or black or polka dot or whatever. And regardless of the color of one's sin, any person may choose to be sinner or saint.
its totaly black these days they love to play victim. the dems are using them for votes.
its totaly black these days they love to play victim. the dems are using them for votes.
Yes the Democrats exploit black people by playing the race card for their own advantage. But we will just have to disagree that such defines who people are who happen to be black.

does that include blacks racism towards other races. like burning down and destroying our country,. looting , rioting and murdering. The way gangs of blacks gang up murder one white person or try too. lets tell it all.
What the fuck are you whining about white boi?

You feelings? Someone find your pills?
Yes the Democrats exploit black people by playing the race card for their own advantage. But we will just have to disagree that such defines who people are who happen to be black.
blacks have a victim mentam mintality and lok for reasonsx to be offended. they got nothing better to do.
The only thing about racism people like her teach me is that I should hate blacks.

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