Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has cancerous growths removed from lung

Tick Tock....any day now

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has cancerous growths removed from lung

Trump's last choice of Kavanaugh turns out NOT to be the Conservative victory many on the Right had hoped for.

Already he has turned his back on the 2nd Amendment AND....indirectly supported Planned parenthood. I posted back when he was first under consideration for the position that his past was dubious at best and he showed an inclination to support the NWO agendas.

Turns out I was correct now that his votes and abstinence are reflecting this.

So, when Ginsburg goes, will Trump pick yet another Globalist? Does he not listen to his base?


Or should we just be happy he doesn't place a 100% hard core Leftist / Stalinist on the SCOTUS?

Is it that Kavanaugh is not conservative? Or is it that he voted as he should based on the legal aspects and the US Constitution, and you don't like that?

I recall one poster here looking forward to seeing Kavanaugh overturning Roe v. Wade. As if a single judge could do it all.
Didn’t they just do criminal justice reform with the republicans? Didn’t Obama sign the Republican tax cuts into law? Didn’t the gang of 8 propose a by partisan reform to immigration? The problem isn’t teamwork it’s the wing nuts
I'll give you the criminal justice reform bill, but the Gang of 8 immigration bill was just a few liberal Republicans working with the Democrats like they usually do. In fact, most "bi-partisan" legislation is Republicans working with Democrats, not the other way around. The last time I can remember Democrats working with a Republican was right after 9/11 when they pretty much had to or risk ending their political careers. And even then, it only took a few days for the Dems to start undermining his war efforts.
Well I can’t say I’m surprised that you’d give all the credit to republicans for bipartisan efforts.
I'm not surprised you would give credit to Democrats for bi-partisan efforts when squishy Republicans go along with their left wing agenda.
I give credit to both the republicans and Dems that work together. Wish there was more of that going on
Depends on what they're "working together" to achieve. The left embraces the socialist ideology, the same ideology as Stalin, Mao, Castro, and many more tyrants throughout history and any Republican who works together with them to advance their leftist agenda is one of them and should not be considered a Republican.
The majority of efforts are progressive that’s the nature of the ideology while conservatism is about keeping the status quo or going back in time. Many good things have come from progressive initiatives through the course of American history. Abolition of slavery, women’s rights, civil rights, social security, Medicare. Sometimes changing the status quo is a good thing. Sometimes there is over reach. This is why a healthy balance between the two ideologies is crucial
I'll give you the criminal justice reform bill, but the Gang of 8 immigration bill was just a few liberal Republicans working with the Democrats like they usually do. In fact, most "bi-partisan" legislation is Republicans working with Democrats, not the other way around. The last time I can remember Democrats working with a Republican was right after 9/11 when they pretty much had to or risk ending their political careers. And even then, it only took a few days for the Dems to start undermining his war efforts.
Well I can’t say I’m surprised that you’d give all the credit to republicans for bipartisan efforts.
I'm not surprised you would give credit to Democrats for bi-partisan efforts when squishy Republicans go along with their left wing agenda.
I give credit to both the republicans and Dems that work together. Wish there was more of that going on
Depends on what they're "working together" to achieve. The left embraces the socialist ideology, the same ideology as Stalin, Mao, Castro, and many more tyrants throughout history and any Republican who works together with them to advance their leftist agenda is one of them and should not be considered a Republican.
The majority of efforts are progressive that’s the nature of the ideology while conservatism is about keeping the status quo or going back in time. Many good things have come from progressive initiatives through the course of American history. Abolition of slavery, women’s rights, civil rights, social security, Medicare. Sometimes changing the status quo is a good thing. Sometimes there is over reach. This is why a healthy balance between the two ideologies is crucial
So much misinformation there. Nothing progressive about the left. Marxism is not progressive. The abolition of slavery was opposed by the Democratic Party (the same people who created the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and pole taxes). They led the Civil Rights Act filibuster (broken by a Republican), and Social Security was a scam forced on us by communist loving FDR. That house of cards is only kept alive by borrowed money. Has been since LBJ moved it into the general fund so he could use it to create other leftist programs. Everything that has undermined the U.S. has been a direct result of the socialist agenda. It's not a harmless ideology, it's a destructive force that should be squelched as soon as it rears it's ugly head. There is no healthy balance of socialism and anything. Study it's history and read about the millions of innocent people who have died under it's banner. Learn what it really is, then compare it to the policies advocated by the Democratic Party and you'll see there is no difference. That should scare the hell out of you.
Otherwise good health and early detection seem to be the lesson here.

Cancer the latest health woe for resilient Justice Ginsburg

WASHINGTON — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is resting in a New York hospital following surgery to remove two malignant growths in her left lung, the third time the Supreme Court's oldest justice has been treated for cancer and her second stay in a hospital in two months.

Ginsburg will remain in the hospital for a few days, the court said. She has never missed arguments in more than 25 years as a justice. The court next meets on Jan. 7.

"This is just luck" that the growths were found through those rib X-rays because accidentally discovered lung tumors tend to be early-stage when surgery works best, said Dr. Giuseppe Giaccone, an oncologist at Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Republicans poisoned the well to steal a Supreme Court Seat

They will never be able to work with the Dems until they make it right
When have Dems ever worked with Republicans?
Didn’t they just do criminal justice reform with the republicans? Didn’t Obama sign the Republican tax cuts into law? Didn’t the gang of 8 propose a by partisan reform to immigration? The problem isn’t teamwork it’s the wing nuts
I'll give you the criminal justice reform bill, but the Gang of 8 immigration bill was just a few liberal Republicans working with the Democrats like they usually do. In fact, most "bi-partisan" legislation is Republicans working with Democrats, not the other way around. The last time I can remember Democrats working with a Republican was right after 9/11 when they pretty much had to or risk ending their political careers. And even then, it only took a few days for the Dems to start undermining his war efforts.
Well I can’t say I’m surprised that you’d give all the credit to republicans for bipartisan efforts.
I'm not surprised you would give credit to Democrats for bi-partisan efforts when squishy Republicans go along with their left wing agenda.
The concept of bipartisanship really doesn’t register with you does it?
When have Dems ever worked with Republicans?
Didn’t they just do criminal justice reform with the republicans? Didn’t Obama sign the Republican tax cuts into law? Didn’t the gang of 8 propose a by partisan reform to immigration? The problem isn’t teamwork it’s the wing nuts
I'll give you the criminal justice reform bill, but the Gang of 8 immigration bill was just a few liberal Republicans working with the Democrats like they usually do. In fact, most "bi-partisan" legislation is Republicans working with Democrats, not the other way around. The last time I can remember Democrats working with a Republican was right after 9/11 when they pretty much had to or risk ending their political careers. And even then, it only took a few days for the Dems to start undermining his war efforts.
Well I can’t say I’m surprised that you’d give all the credit to republicans for bipartisan efforts.
I'm not surprised you would give credit to Democrats for bi-partisan efforts when squishy Republicans go along with their left wing agenda.
The concept of bipartisanship really doesn’t register with you does it?
The concept of real bipartisanship doesn't exist with the left. They've proven over and over they're not interested in doing anything other than pushing their socialist agenda. There's nothing in their agenda that represents anything that's made the U.S. the strongest, freest, and wealthiest country in the world and I'm not interested in cooperating with them in undermining my own country. Neither should you be, yet there you are.
Still...she will be the next one Trump replaces. If not now...,
Heaven’s door? This women fully enables the mass murder of millions of unborn. She’ll be down there with Hitler. %1$s&ampshare=

It's getting to be very obvious that Ruthie
Is knock... Knock.... Knocking on heaven's door to quote Bobby Dylan. But not to worry......Jean luc Picard has been summoned in from the future with mitigating technology.

Ruthie will be on the bench for another
200 years!

It's not easy to hope someone dies.
Heaven’s door? This women fully enables the mass murder of millions of unborn. She’ll be down there with Hitler.
------------------------------------------------ yeah , she has caused lots of death, i wonder if that ever enters her mind as she ages and the inevitable gets closer and closer .
It's sad really. Given her recent health issues Ginsberg really should retire and spend her remaining years (or whatever time is left) with her family. Instead she stubbornly remains (whether her decision or pressure from Democrat leaders). Falling asleep during hearings, making decisions from a hospital bed, it's just not a good visual. Her family obviously knows more than anybody, it would be interesting to hear their concerns.
Is it that Kavanaugh is not conservative? Or is it that he voted as he should based on the legal aspects and the US Constitution, and you don't like that?

I recall one poster here looking forward to seeing Kavanaugh overturning Roe v. Wade. As if a single judge could do it all.

I researched Kavanaugh when he was first being considered by Trump.
His record is that of a Globalist. I never felt he was a good choice for the Constitution.

My DESIRE was that he followed the Constitution but he is not doing that. Instead he is clearly following his past and supporting the often UnConstitutional position of the Globalists as I pointed out.

I do not want the left destroyed, opposing points of view are good for everyone, but I want the Constitution followed EQUALLY FOR ALL. To you Leftists, that makes me a Bigot. %1$s&ampshare=

It's getting to be very obvious that Ruthie
Is knock... Knock.... Knocking on heaven's door to quote Bobby Dylan. But not to worry......Jean luc Picard has been summoned in from the future with mitigating technology.

Ruthie will be on the bench for another
200 years!

It's not easy to hope someone dies.

They need to tell her it's ok to go home...
But no they don't give a shit about her. This is a very good look at the real ugliness of the left.

Secret cancer surgery? It's been headline news for the past 24 hours.

Yes, it has been in the news for the past 24 hours.

Justice Ginsburg cracked her ribs November 8, 2018. She had fallen at work the day before and had gone home. She had discomfort that night and was admitted to the hospital.

When an elderly Supreme Court Justice was admitted to the hospital, having fallen and having pain in her chest, the hospital skipped the x-ray's of her chest and said, yep, fall, pain in the chest, no question, cracked ribs. Some rest will fix her right up, naaaa, we don't need to waste money on x-rays!

They'd have x-rayed her every which way and when they popped up on the computer seconds later, someone would have said...yeaaaah...she has a couple of cracked ribs but look at that on her lungs.

It was November 8 that they knew she had cancer. and NOT mid-December.

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