Supreme Court justices RIP ruling forcing states to recognize same-sex marriages - 'Threat To Religious Freedom!'

Kim Davis.

Look it up.

This has nothing to do with discrimination and everything to do with the Constitution.

If they want to deny Americans their 1st Amendment Rights then let Congress propose an Amendment to the Constitution.

There is an avenue for that.

What they can't do is use a ruling like in the Obergefell case to deny Americans their Constitutional Rights.

That is exactly what they have done here and when Obergefell comes up again it will be repealed base on exactly that.
Yes I know and I responed . See post 324 Deal with it
Freedom of religion means that you can express your beliefs, worship openly and live accordance with the tenants of your faith without fear. It does not mean that you can dictate how others live or what they believe.
Correct. Religious views can neither be forced against an individual, nor can an individual force their religious views on others.

Basically it means do your job, and leave your religion at the front door.

If your religion conflicts with your job, why did you ever take the job. It's like a christian scientist wanting to become a doctor. And then claiming his religion prevents him from practicing medicine.
And you have the nerve to call me fucked in the head while you are publicly endorsing the sexual, and emotional abuse of children.The year is 2021, not 1400

Do something about the beam in your eye before you fuss about the mote that you imagine in mine.

Of all those who infest this forum, you have been one of the loudest supporters of the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, and the stronger supporter of the very most degenerated of sexual perverts.

I was talking about actual history of where adulthood is defined, around or past adolescence, while you have openly supported the sexual exploitation of children well below that age.

Who was it that wrote the following, about a three-year-old child?

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child, and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he most likely is transsexual. That is not taught nor can it be. It just happens.

What kind of sick freak thinks of, or speaks of, children that young, in terms of such disgusting, degenerate sexual perversions?
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The SCOTUS Justices disagree.

The state firing Kim Davis was prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Thus a violation of the 1st Amendment.
The supreme court refused to hear her case. They agreed with the lower court ruling forcing her to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.
Actually they got rid of her, because she refused to do her job.
It doesn't surprise me that you lack the intelligence to follow along here.
She refused to do her job, and interfered with the other clerks issuing marriages licences in her place. The court ordered her to not interfere with the other clerks doing her job in her place.
The science tells me that homosexuality is a flaw in the human genome. Yes, it is genetic. It does not change the fact that homosexuality is a counterproductive mechanism to the proliferation of our species. It does not abide our evolution. Homosexuality is a defect. Heterosexual reproduction is the norm. Homosexual is not. Any means of reproduction in a heterosexual species such as ours requires heterosexual methods. If two moms want a child, one of them must be inseminated with male sperm. If two fathers want a child, they inseminate a surrogate mother. You cannot further the evolution of our species via homosexuality. You cannot deny the heterosexual nature of humanity. Never.

I understand that the minority should be treated no differently from the majority, but the minority should not have more rights than the majority. What liberals want is special treatment for us, we just want to be left alone. We do not want to conquer society with our version of morality. Equality, not submission. Coexistence, not subversion.

Are you claiming the minority has MORE rights?
Horseshit Bobby. Freedom of assebly is generally considered to mean that a group can gather for any purpose without being harassed. It has nothing to do with workplace or any other form of discrimination

Very strongly implied in that is the freedom to choose—for whatever reason one will, or even watthour any obligation to state a reason—with whom one will or will not assemble, or otherwise associate. The Ninth Amendment certainly gives additional backing to this and any right that is so strongly implied.

Freedom of religion means that you can express your beliefs, worship openly and live accordance with the tenants of your faith without fear. It does not mean that you can dictate how others live or what they believe.

Nor does it mean that Godless filth such as yourself are allowed license to dictate to us how we must live or believe; especially when you wish to do so in manners that violate all standards of decency and morality.
The supreme court refused to hear her case. They agreed with the lower court ruling forcing her to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

Try reading up on why they didn't hear her case genius.

They will eventually hear it.

Supreme Court rejects appeal from county clerk who wouldn't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

the court was apparently unanimous in refusing to hear her appeal,
Yes, forcing it down our throats. When we voted on it in our state, it was overwhelmingly defeated. Forcing us to accept gay marriage is forcing it down our throats.

Until recently, marriage was the union between man and woman as the Bible outlines, and that's the way it should have stayed.

"Legal" marriage is a secular contract between two partners having NOTHING to do with religion. It therefore doesn't matter what your religious self thinks about gay marriage. Marriage sets out the rights and responsibilities of the partners to one another, and the manner in which joint assets will be split on the dissolution of the marriage, as well as spousal support in that event.

Furthermore, unless the State is forcing or requiring you to marry a same sex partner, same sex marriage isn't being "forced" on you or "shoved down your throat". The bald fact is that unless you're a gay person who wants to get married, the legalization of gay marriage will have absolutely no impact on your life at all. You're simply a miserable old man who keeps trying to inflict his idea of morality on other people.

I think it's wrong and immoral for people to choose to remain single and childless. God told people to be fruitful and multiply and you have ignored that command. You don't even replace yourself, and you use all kinds of resources in your final years, you've contributed nothing to create. I believe being single and childless is an affront to God's plan for us.

YOU should have been required to marry and raise a family. You have been socially irresponsible and gone against God's will and natural order of things.

If you found this argument to be stupid and an affront to your rights as a citizen, that is how I feel about your stance against gay marriage. Jesus spoke not one word against homosexuality, or "immorality". He preached love and acceptance.

So take you "religious ideals" and stuff them. They have no business in other people's lives other than your own.
She refused to do her job, and interfered with the other clerks issuing marriages licences in her place. The court ordered her to not interfere with the other clerks doing her job in her place.
The state violated her 1st Amendment Right.

This is the very reason Obergefell will eventually be overturned.
I could care less.

But, Obergefell is unConstitutional and when it comes up, without RBG, it will be overturned.

As previously stated, what would they do as far as the 700K gay marriages, and their legal standing, in everything from inheritance to adoption.

Supreme Court rejects appeal from county clerk who wouldn't issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

the court was apparently unanimous in refusing to hear her appeal,
They want have to hear her case.

All they have to do is overturn Obergefell.
Are you claiming the minority has MORE rights?

A very important part of the rationale of founding this country, as it was, as a constitutional republic rather than as a democracy, was to insure that the rights of the minorities would be protected against the tyranny of the majority. The Constitution was crafted to establish certain rules and rights that could not be violated, even of the majority wanted to do so; and to set up the processes of government in the hands of those who were to bear the responsibility, above all else, of making sure that the Constitution was upheld and obeyed.
As previously stated, what would they do as far as the 700K gay marriages, and their legal standing, in everything from inheritance to adoption.
Again, I don't know and I don't care.

I'm sure they will figure something out.

But, whatever it is it will have to be within the parameters of the Constitutional

And, Obergefell is NOT !!!!

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